我司同时有bzo - bar - coc - thc met - - opi - oxy - mdma - cfp - amp - xtc – bat多联检测卡(胶体金法)
我司还提供:登革热,黄热病,基肯孔热,西尼罗河,立次克体,无形体,蜱虫,恙虫,锥虫,利什曼原虫,RK39, 汉坦病毒,乙脑,森林脑炎,寨卡病毒 ,H7N9 ,流感,霍乱,军团菌,结核,诺如病毒,轮状病毒,炭疽,O157,葡萄球菌 ,流行性出血热,伤寒杆菌,志贺氏菌检测试剂,!
mob: 杨 :
名称 | 英文名 | 尿检为阳性的时间段(用药后),仅供参考 | 备注 |
mop | morphine, the main component of heroin | 2小时-4天 | a variety of drugs can be detected in time will be positive individual differences, the metabolic rate and detection results and taking individual, route of administration (suction, oral, injection) and each dosage has a great relationship. in general, the metabolism of injection speed, quickly urine can be positive, other treatment methods is relatively slow. a large amount of urine test lasted for a long time |
mamp | morphine / methamphetamine | 1小时-3天 |
mdma | two, two methoxy amphetamine, commonly known as "ecstasy"" | 1小时-5小时 |
ket | ketamine (k) | 2小时-4小时 |
amp | amphetamine, also called benzene acetone | 2小时-1天 |
coc | cocaine, also called cocaine | 4小时-1天 |
bzo | benzene, two nitrogen zhuo (diazepam, three lun lun, etc.) | 2小时-3天 |
thc | hemp | 2小时-56小时 |
bar | barbiturates | 4小时-4天 |
mtd | methadone | 2小时-2天 |
| benzene ring piperidine, commonly known as "angel powder. | 2小时-12小时 |
tca | tricyclic antidepressants | 4小时-5天 |
bup | buprenorphine | 1小时-5天 |
产品名称 | 英文缩写 | 检测样品 | 检测种类 | 检测阈值 |
morphine test reagent | mor | 测尿液 | heroin / opium / tramadol hydrochloride | 300ng/ml |
ecstasy detection reagent | mdma | 测尿液 | ecstasy | 500ng/ml |
amphetamine test reagent | amp | 测尿液 | amphetamine | 1000ng/ml |
methamphetamine testing agent | mamp | 测尿液 | methamphetamine / ma | 1000ng/ml |
cannabis test reagent | thc | 测尿液 | hemp | 50ng/ml |
cocaine detection reagent | coc | 测尿液 | cocaine | 300ng/ml |
piperidine reagent |
| 测尿液 | piperidine | 25ng/ml |
barbiturate test reagent | bar | 测尿液 | barbiturate test | 300ng/ml |
methadone testing agent | mtd | 测尿液 | methadone | 300ng/ml |
reagent for detecting benzene two nitrogen | bzo | 测尿液 | benzene two nitrogen zhuo | 300ng/ml |
tricyclic antidepressant drug testing agent | tca | 测尿液 | tricyclic antidepressant | 1000ng/ml |
reagent for the detection of hydroxyl two | oxy | 测尿液 | oxycodone | 100ng/ml |
ketamine test reagent | ket | 测尿液 | | 1000ng/ml |
morphine / methamphetamine testing agent | mormamp | 测尿液 | corresponding categories | |
morphine / class a amphetamine / ketamine test kit | mormampket | 测尿液 | corresponding categories | |
multiple in one detection reagent | n in 1 | 测尿液 | corresponding categories | |
产品名称 | 规格 | 检测违禁品类型 |
产品名称 | 英文缩写 | 检测阀值 |
检测试剂盒 | MOP(OPI) | 300ng/ml |
mamp检测试剂盒 | MAMP(MET) | 1000ng/ml |
K检测试剂盒 | KET | 1000ng/ml |
Ecstasy检测试剂盒 | MDMA | 500ng/ml |
cocaine检测试剂盒 | COC | 300ng/ml |
hemp检测试剂盒 | THC | 50ng/ml |
Amphetamine检测试剂盒 | AMP | 1000ng/ml |
Benzene two nitrogen Zhuo检测试剂盒 | BZO | 300ng/ml |
检测试剂盒 | BAR | 300ng/ml |
Methadone检测试剂盒 | MTD | 300ng/ml |
w the test device, urine specimen, and/or controls to reach room temperature (15-30oC) prior to te
Before carrying out the test, you must read the instruction manual thoroughly before using this product and urine samples to return to room temperature (20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃). as the picture shows:

【test result】
Positive (+): A purplish band appears in the control zone (C) only, and no purplish band appears in the test zone (T). Positive results indicate a caffeine concentration in urine above the threshold (3000 ng / mL).
Negative (-): Two purplish bands appear. One is in the test zone (T) and the other is in the control zone (C). Negative results indicate that the concentration of caffeine in the urine is below the threshold (3000 ng / mL).

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【 市场部 】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州市清华科技园健新基地番禺石楼镇健启路63号二期2幢101-103室

Ebola virus disease treatment
Seriously ill patients need to receive medical support. Patients often dehydrate, need fluids containing electrolytes for oral rehydration or intravenous fluids.
Treatment is first of all ancillary, including minimizing viral invasion, balancing electrolytes, repairing damaged plaets to prevent bleeding, maintaining blood oxygen levels, and treating complications.
Excluding individual cases, the Ebola recovered sera had no effect in treating the disease.
Interferons are also ineffective for Ebola. In monkey trials, coagulation of interferon seemed to play a role in keeping 33% of the original mortal infected monkeys alive. USAMRIID scientists claim that 3 of 4 rhesus monkeys infected with Ebola virus recovered.
Currently there is no effective treatment for Ebola virus disease. Some anti-contraindications such as interferon and ribavirin are not effective. They are mainly supportive and symptomatic treatment, including attention to water and electrolyte balance, and control of bleeding; dialysis on kidney failure Treatment and so on.
Treatment of Ebola virus patients with plasma from convalescent patients remains controversial.