在泵的两个对称工作腔中,各装有一块有弹性的隔膜,联杆将两块隔膜结成一体,压缩空气从泵的进气头进入配气阀 后,推动两个工作腔内的隔膜,驱使联杆联接的两块隔膜同步运动。与此同时,另一工作腔中的气体则从隔膜的背后排出泵外。一旦到达行程终点。配气机构则自动地将压缩空气引入另一个工作腔,推动隔膜朝相反方向运动,这样就形成了两个隔膜的同步往复运动。每个工作腔中设置有两个单向球阀,隔膜的往复运动,造成工作腔内容积的改变,迫使两个单向球阀交替地开启和关闭,从而将液体连续地吸入和排出。
-- 可靠性首先来自于强大的实力,在产品研发阶段就反复验算,认真求证,提升可靠性。
-- 其次,必须依靠强大的敏捷制造能力,也就是以设备硬件为根基,通过精益管理,综合而成的敏捷制造能力。
-- 第三,质量保障体系的建设,产品落在实处。
2. 便利:便利是巴赫产品的第二价值主张
-- 产品覆盖范围宽广,产品线齐全完备,可供选择的产品类型丰富,为客户提供“一站式”解决方案,节约时间和精力。
-- 为客户提供特殊需求定制,专门产品定制,相关产品集成等系列服务,满足客户个性化需求或有效解决具体的施工难题。
-- 选型软件完善,提供技术细节完整详细,配件丰富,非常贴合施工和使用实际,节省大量的沟通澄清时间。
-- 提供敏捷的供货期,充分满足那些直到ZH一刻才得以决定下来的客户。
-- 结构更简单、合理;
-- 安装使用更方便;
-- 维修的负担少,综合拥有成本(TOC)低;
-- 更为敏捷务实的方法快速解决售后服务问题。
Brief Introduction to Bach
Bach, your reliable partner
Welcome to Bach. We integrate R&D, production, matching customization and professional services to provide you with complete and high quality matching, process and control system solutions.
The value proposition of Bach's products is reliable, convenient and novel.
Bach's long-term adherence to R&D capability innovation, manufacturing strength building, quality system building, and customer service improvement, focusing on improving the reliability of products and services, are all reliable and necessary conditions.
Reliability comes first of all from strong strength. In the stage of product research and development, it is checked repeatedly and verified carefully to improve reliability.
Secondly, we must rely on the powerful agile manufacturing capability, which is based on equipment hardware and integrated by lean management.
Third, the construction of quality assurance system and the implementation of products.
Finally, self-management alone is not enough. A large number of third-party certification of the arduous process, so that Bach products have experienced painful transformation repeatedly, and gradually become mature and reliable.
2. Convenience: Convenience is the second value proposition of Bach's products
Customer convenience is an important goal of Bach. The facilities provided include:
The products cover a wide range, complete product line and abundant product types are available, providing customers with "one-stop" solutions, saving time and energy.
- Providing customers with special needs customization, special product customization, related product integration and other series of services to meet customer personalized needs or effectively solve specific construction problems.
- Perfect selection software, complete and detailed technical details, rich accessories, very suitable for construction and practical use, saving a lot of communication and clarification time.
Provide an agile delivery date to fully satisfy customers who have not been able to decide until the last minute.
3. It is not a simple pursuit of "distinctiveness", but the pursuit of "innovation to create value for customers".
- Simpler and more reasonable structure;
- Easier installation and use;
- Low maintenance burden and low TOC;
- A more agile and pragmatic way to quickly solve the problem of after-sales service.