表面活性剂S9,Trade name, Tetronic(tm) 1307, Class M, HLB >24, MW 18600, Function: Non-hemolytic. solvent compatible, antistatic: good defoamer, disperser. S9是胶体金产品样本垫中必不可少的表面活性剂之一,可提升产品性能,节约物料,可减少尿液或血液样本间基质效应。
Tetronic 1307 is a tetrafunctional block copolymer surfactant terminating in primary hydroxyl groups. A nonionic surfactant that is active and relatively nontoxic. Shelf Life: Tetronic is a registered trademark of BASF Corporation For More Information: Order Placement To place orders for delivery in the United States please call our toll free number (800) 443-6460. To place orders for delivery in Canada please call BASF Canada at (800) 267-2955. For Other Information Including product literature and Material Safety Data Sheets please call (734) 324-6101. Or Visit Our Website At: www.performance.basf-corp.com Important: While the information and data contained in this bulletin are presented in good faith and believed to be reliable, they do not constitute a part of our terms and conditions of sales unless specifically incorporated in our Order Acknowledgment. NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, THAT SAID INFORMATION OR DATA ARE CORRECT OR THAT THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED ARE MERCHANTABLE OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT SAID INFORMATION, DATA OR PRODUCTS CAN BE USED WITHOUT INFRINGING PATENTS OF THIRD PARTIES. 2004 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved. BASF Corporation 100 Campus Drive Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 800-443-6460 Performance Chemicals BASF will endorse the results on the certificate of analysis for a period of up to two years from the date of manufacture for material in original, unopened, properly stored containers. Beyond two years, we recommend the quality of the material be confirmed prior to use, by retesting the certificate of analysis parameters.