基本介绍 产品名称: 模拟无线测试仪 型 号: CMC50 产 地: 德国 详细资料 特点 0.4M~1000MHz AM,FM,ΦM及SSB 模拟及数字信号 大、高对比度LCD 通过软键操作 清晰的菜单结构 同步的、易读的设置和结果显示 手动和自动测量 频踪发生器 电缆故障测量 频谱监测 高灵敏度RF频率计数器 瞬态记录仪 相关领域测量扩展选择 技术指标 Timebase Standard Temperature effect 0 to 35℃ ≤1×10-6 Aging ≤2×10-6/year Options CMS-B1 and CMS-B2 Temperature effect 0to 50℃ ≤1×10-7 Aging ≤2×10-7/year(CMS-B2:≤1×10-7) Receiver measurements Sigmalgenerator Freqrency range 0.4 MHz to 1000MHz Frequency resolution 10 Hz (50Hz) Level FMфM,CW -134 dBm to 0 dBm AM -134 dBm to -3 dBm Level resolution 0.1 dB Accuracy ±2dB Harmonics ≤-25 dBc(≤-20 dBc) Nonharmonics ≤-50 dBc Phasenoise ≤-110 dBc(20 kHz from carrier, referred to 1 Hz test bandwidth) Modulation Frequemcy range 0.4to 1000 MHz(2 to 500 MHz) AM depth 0 to 99% Mod.frequency range DC to 20 kHz FM deviation 0 to 100 kHz(50 Hz to 50 kHz) Resolution 1 Hz Mod.frequency rang 20 Hzto 20 kHz Mod. distortion ≤1% фM deviation(internal)/resolution 0 to 10 rad/1 mrad Mod.frequency range 100 Hz to 6 kHz Mod.distortion ≤1% AF voltmeter Frequemcy range 50 Hz to 20 kHz Measurement range/resolution 0.1 mV to 30V/100μV ImputImpedance approx. 1 MΩ Transmitterneasurements RF power meter Frequency range 1.5 to 1000 MHz(2 to 1000 MHz) Measurementrange 5 mW to 50W(100W optional) Accuracy(P>20mW,AM=0%) 0.4dB+resolution Selective level measurement level range in frequency range 1to 1000MHz -60 to +47 dBm without weighting filter, -80to +47 dBm with 2 kHz reso-nance filter RFfrequency counter Frequency range 0.5 to 1000MHz Frequency deviation meter Operating modes +PK,-PK,±PK/2,PK HOLD,PMS,RMS√2 Measurement range 0 Hz to 100 kHz(0 Hz to 50 kHz) AFfrequency range 20 Hz to 20 kHz(20 Hz to 15 kHz)(DC-coupled at demldulatorlutput) Resolution 1 Hz Phase deviation meter Operatingmodes +PK,-PK,±PK/2,PKS RMS√2 Measurement range/resolution 0.001to 5 rad/0.001 rad AF frequency range 300Hz to 6 kHz AM depth meter Operating modes +PK,-PK,±PK/2,PKS RMS√2 Measurementrange/resolution 0.01 to 99%/0.01% AFfrequency range 50 Hz to 20 kHz(50 Hz to 10kHz) RFspectrum monitor 1 to 1000 MHz Displaydynamic range >60 dB Span 0(zerospan)to 50 MHz Filter (3 dB bandwidth) 150 Hz,6/16/50/300 kHz, 1/3 MHz(coupled to span) Trackinggenerator (with CMS-B59/-B9) Frequency range 400kHz to 1000 MHz Reference level -67 to -27 dBm Display dynamic range 50 dB Span 0 to 50 MHz(full span for CMS52, CMS54 and CMS57) Output level -128 to 0 dBm Frequencyoffset 0 to -999 MHz (depending on span and center frequency) Transmitter meaxurements an 2nd RF input Meawurement of RF frequecy,modulation(AM,FM,фM),modulationfre-quency andRF spectrum (level)of small RF signals ,eg in off-air or modulemeasurements,for input levels from approximately RF frequency counter 30μV(selective frequency counter with presetting) Modulation meter 5μV(IF narrow 1μV(IF narrow,xelectivemeas.) Selective level measurement -75 to -35 dBm without weighting fioter, -100 to -35 dBm with 2 kHzreso-nance filter Transmitter and receivermeasurements Modulation generator l and ll Frequency range 0.1 Hz Outputvoltage range 10μV to 5 V Output impedance ≤4Ω Distortion meter Frequency 100Hz to 5 kHz(100 Hz to 3 kHz) Measurementrange 0.1 to 50% SINAD meter Frequency 100 Hz to 5 kHz(1 kHz±10Hz) Measurementrange 1 to 46 dB AF frequency counter Operating modes demldulation,AF,deat(frequency offset) Frequency range 20Hz to 500 kHz(20 Hz to 20kHz)(superimposed RF) Resolution 1 Hz/0.1 Hz Oscilloscope Bandwidth DC DC to 20 kHz AC 10Hz to 20 kHz Horizontal deflection 20to 0.1 ms/div Vertical deflection scaled in kHz(FM)rad(фM), %(AM),mV/V(AF) Input voltage range 0 to 40 V(V) Input impedance approx.1 MΩ AF filters Highpass fcutoff=300Hz Lowpass fcutoff=3.4Hz Bandpass broadband highpass+lowpass narrowband 50 Hz to 5 kHz(100 Hz to 3 kHz) Notch filter 100 Hz to 5 kHz(100 Hz to 3 kHz) CCITTfilter see option CMS-B5 or CMS-B20 Selective-callcoder/decoder Tone sequences ZVE11/ZVE12/CCIR/EIA/EEA/EURO/ NATEL/CCITT/VDEW/DTMF/VDEW direct dialling/user-defined sequences (DTMF decoding seeCon-trol lnterfaces CMS-B5 and CMS-B55);CDCSS decoder and ATIS see option CMS-B27 CDCSS coder entry of 3-digit code number of mobile rqdio,setting times for rurn-lrr code and RF level drop,setting the datdaeviation Audio monitor (loudspeaker) demodulated signal,AFsignal,beat (frequemcy offset) |