062887 | PROD,COL,IP,AG19,4X50MM | |
062888 | IonPac AG19 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm) | |
072064 | PROD,COL,IP,AS19,CAP,0.4X250MM | |
072065 | PROD,COL,IP,AG19,CAP,0.4X50MM | |
083217 | IonPac AS19-4µm (4 x 250 mm) | |
083221 | Dionex IonPac AG19-4µm (4 x 50 mm) | |
083223 | AS19-4µm (2 x 250 mm) | |
083225 | Dionex IonPac AG19-4µm (2 x 50 mm) | |
083230 | AS19-4µm(0.4x250) | |
083233 | Dionex™ IonPac™ AS19-4µm(0.4x50) | |
076010 | IonPac AS24A Analytical Column, 4x250mm | |
076011 | IonPac AG24A Guard Column, 4x50mm | |
078112 | PROD,COL, IP,AS24A,2X250MM | |
078115 | PROD,COL,IP,AG24A,CAP,0.4X50MM | |
082535 | Dionex IonPac AG24A Guard Column (2 x 50 mm) | |
082536 | AS24A Capillary Column (0.4 x 250 mm) | |
076012 | PROD,COL,IP,AS25,CAP,0.4X250MM | |
076013 | PROD,COL,IP,AG25,CAP,0.4X50MM | |
076014 | PROD,COL,IP,AS25,4X250MM | |
076015 | PROD,COL,IP,AG25,4X50MM | |
076016 | PROD,COL,IP,AS25,2X250MM | |
076017 | PROD,COL,IP,AG25,2X50MM | |
076018 | PROD,COL,IP,AS26,CAP,0.4X250MM | |
076019 | PROD,COL,IP,AG26,CAP,0.4X50MM | |
076020 | PROD,COL,IP,AS26,4X250MM | |
076021 | PROD,COL,IP,AG26,4X50MM | |
076022 | PROD,COL,IP,AS26,2X250MM | |
076023 | PROD,COL,IP,AG26,2X50MM | |
088437 | IonPac AS27 Analyt. Column, 4 x 250mm | |
088438 | IonPac AG27 Guard Column, 4 x 50mm | |
088439 | AS27 Analytical and Guard Columns 2x250mm | |
088440 | Dionex™ IonPac™ AS27 Analytical and Guard Columns 2x50mm | |
088441 | IonPac™ AS27 Analytical and Guard Columns 0.4x50mm | |
088442 | Dionex™ IonPac™ AS27 Analytical and Guard Columns 0.4x50mm | |
044066 | CarboPac MA1 Analytical Column, 4x250mm | |
044067 | CarboPac MA1 Guard Column, 4 x 50 mm | |
035391 | CarboPac PA1 Analytical Column, 4x250mm | |
057178 | CarboPac PA1 Analytical Column, 2x250mm | |
057179 | CarboPac PA1 Guard Column, 2 x 50mm | |
043096 | CarboPac PA1 Guard Column, 4 x 50mm | |
039686 | PROD,COL,CP,PA1,9X250MM | |
063501 | PROD,COL,CP,PA1,9X50MM | |
SP2866 | SP PROD,COL,CP,PA1,22X250MM | |
046110 | CarboPac PA10 Analytical Column, 4x250mm | |
046115 | CarboPac PA10 Guard Column, 4 x 50mm | |
057180 | CarboPac PA10 Analytical Column, 2x250mm | |
057181 | CarboPac PA10 Guard Column, 2 x 50mm | |
SP4216 | SP PROD,COL,CP,PA10,9X250MM | |
082320 | PROD,COL,CARBOPAC,PA10,CAP,0.4X250MM | |
060142 | CarboPac PA20 Analytical Column, 3x150mm | |
060144 | CarboPac PA20 Guard Column, 3x30mm | |
072072 | CarboPac PA20 Capillary Column 0.4x150mm | |
072073 | CarboPac PA20 Cap. Guard Column 0.4x35mm | |
076381 | CarboPac PA20 Fast Sialic Column, 3x30mm | |
SP6767 | SP PROD,COL,CP,PA20,9X250MM | |
SP6768 | SP PROD,COL,CP,PA20G,9X50MM | |
074641 | CarboPac SA10 Analytical Column, 4x250mm | |
074902 | CarboPac SA10 Guard Column, 4 x 50mm | |
082322 | CarboPac SA10 Analytical Column, 2x250mm | |
082323 | CarboPac SA10 Guard Column, 2 x 50mm | |
088233 | CarboPac SA10, 4µm, 4x250mm | |
088234 | Dionex CarboPac SA10-4µm (4 x 50 mm) | |
088235 | Dionex CarboPac SA10-4µm (2 x 250 mm) | |
088236 | Dionex CarboPac SA10-4µm (2 x 50 mm) | |
043054 | CarboPac PA100 Guard Column, 4x50mm | |
043055 | CarboPac PA100 Analytical Col., 4x250mm | |
057182 | CarboPac PA100 Analytical Col., 2x250mm | |
057183 | CarboPac PA100 Guard Column, 2x50mm | |
SP2089 | SP PROD,COL,CP,PA-100,9X250MM | |
SP2667 | SP PROD,COL,CP,PA-100,22X250MM | |
062895 | CarboPac PA200 Guard IC Columns, 3x50mm | |
062896 | CarboPac PA200 IC Columns Trennsäule, 3x250mm | |
SP6723 | SP PROD,CP,PA200,9X250MM | |
037022 | PROD,COL,AP,PA1,4X250MM | |
037023 | PROD,COL,AP,PA1G,4X50MM | |
055406 | PROD,COL,AP,PA10,2X250MM | |
055407 | PROD,COL,AP,PA10G,2X50MM | |
SP5488 | AminoPac PA10 (22 x 250 mm) | |
SP5490 | AminoPac PA10 (9 x 250 mm) | |
SP5678 | SP PROD,COL,AP,PA10,4X250MM | |
SP5680 | SP PROD,COL,AP,PA10G,4X50MM | |
046073 | PROD,COL,IP,CS12A,4X250MM | |
046074 | PROD,COL,IP,CG12A,4X50MM | |
046075 | IonPac CS12A Analytical Column, 2x250mm | |
046076 | IonPac CG12A Guard Column, 2x50mm | |
057184 | PROD,COL,IP,CG12A,5UM,3X30MM | |
057185 | PROD,COL,IP,CS12A,5UM,3X150MM | |
059960 | PROD,COL,IP,CS12A-MS,2X100MM | |
072067 | PROD,COL,IP,CG12A,CAP,0.4X50MM | |
072068 | PROD,COL,IP,CS12A,5UM,CAP,0.4X150MM | |
072069 | PROD,COL,IP,CG12A,5um,CAP,0.4X35MM | |
079914 | PROD,COL,IP,CS12A,CAP,0.4X250MM | |
SP4670 | SP PROD,COL,IP,CS12A,3X250MM | |
SP4672 | SP PROD,COL,IP,CG12A,3X50MM | |
SP4206 | SP PROD,COL,IP,CS12A,9X250MM | |
057574 | PROD,COL,IP,CG16,5X50MM | |
059596 | PROD,COL,IP,CS16,3X250MM | |
075401 | PROD,COL,IP,CS16,CAP,0.5X250MM | |
075402 | PROD,COL,IP,CG16,CAP,0.5X50MM | |
079805 | PROD,COL,IP,CS16,5X250MM | |
079931 | PROD,COL,IP,CG16,3X50MM | |
088582 | CS16-4μm (2 x 250 mm) Analytical Column | |
088583 | Dionex IonPac CG16-4μm (2 x 50 mm) Guard Column | |
088584 | CS16-4μm (4 x 250 mm) Analytical Column | |
088585 | Dionex IonPac CG16-4μm (4 x 50 mm) Guard Column | |
088599 | CS16-Fast-4μm (4 x 150 mm) Analytical Column | |
088600 | Dionex IonPac CG16-Fast-4μm (4 x 30 mm) Guard Column | |
088601 | CS16-Fast-4μm (2 x 150 mm) Analytical Column | |
088602 | Dionex IonPac CG16-Fast-4μm (2 x 30 mm) Guard Column | |
088615 | CS16-4μm (0.4 x 250 mm) Capillary Column | |
088616 | Dionex IonPac CG16-4μm (0.4 x 50 mm) Capillary Guard Column | |
088641 | CS16-Fast-4μm (0.4 x 150 mm) Capillary Column | |
088642 | Dionex IonPac CG16-Fast-4μm (0.4 x 35 mm) Capillary Guard Column 062887热电AS19分析柱现货特价,戴安离子色谱仪分析柱授权代理 | |
060557 | PROD,COL,IP,CS17,4X250MM | |
060560 | PROD,COL,IP,CG17,4X50MM | |
060561 | PROD,COL,IP,CS17,2X250MM | |
060563 | PROD,COL,IP,CG17,2X50MM | |
075774 | PROD,COL,IP,CS17,CAP,0.4X250MM | |
075775 | PROD,COL,IP,CG17,CAP,0.4X50MM | |
062878 | PROD,COL,IP,CS18,2X250MM | |
062880 | PROD,COL,IP,CG18,2X50MM | |
076024 | PROD,COL,IP,CS19,CAP,0.4X250MM | |
076025 | PROD,COL,IP,CG19,CAP,0.4X50MM | |
076026 | IonPac CS19 Analytical Column, 4x250mm | |
076027 | IonPac CG19, Guard Column, 4x50mm | |
076028 | PROD,COL,IP,CS19,2X250MM | |
076029 | PROD,COL,IP,CG19,2X50MM | |
078835 | IonPac CS19 4µm, Cap, 0,4x250mm | |
078836 | IonPac CS19 4µm, 2 x 250mm | |
078837 | PROD COL IP CS19-4UM 4X250MM | |
078838 | IonPac CG19 4µm, Cap, 0.4 x 50mm | |
078839 | IonPac CG19 4µm, 2 x 50mm | |
078840 | IonPac CG19 4µm, 4 x 50mm | |
079808 | PROD,COL,IP,SCS1,2X250MM | |
079809 | PROD,COL,IP,SCS1,4X250MM | |
079810 | PROD,COL,IP,SCG1,2X50MM | |
079933 | PROD,COL,IP,SCG1,4X50MM | |
064198 | PROD,COL,IP,ICE-AS1,4X250MM | |
067842 | PROD,COL,IP,ICE-AS1,4X50MM | |
043197 | PROD,COL,IP,ICE-AS1,9*250MM | |
SP4664 | SP PROD,COL,IP,ICE-AS1,9X150MM | |
079798 | PROD,COL,IP,ICE-AS6 | |
046100 | PROD,COL,IP,CS,4X250MM | |
046104 | PROD,COL,IP,CG,4X50MM | |
052576 | PROD,COL,IP,CS,2X250MM | |
052836 | PROD,COL,IP,CG,2X50MM | |
SP5038 | SP PROD,COL,IP,CS,9X250MM | |
035393 | PROD,COL,IP,AS7,4X250MM | |
035394 | PROD,COL,IP,AG7,4X50MM | |
063097 | IonPac AS7, Analytical Column, 2x250mm | |
063099 | IonPac AG7, Guard Column, 2x50mm | |
063009 | PROD,COL,IP,AS21 IC Columns,2X250MM | |
063071 | PROD,COL,IP,AS21 IC Columns,2X50MM | |
064151 | PROD,COL,IP,AG24,2X50MM | |
064153 | PROD,COL,IP,AS24,2X250MM | |
038008 | PolyVials, 5 mL, Pkg. of 250 ea. | |
038009 | Filter Caps, 5 mL, Pkg. of 250 ea. | |
039528 | Plain Caps, 5 mL, Pkg. of 250 ea. | |
038141 | PolyVials+Filter Caps, 250 each, 5mL | |
039532 | PolyVials + Plain Caps, 5 mL, 250each | |
038010 | PolyVials, 0.5 mL, Pkg. of 250 ea. | |
038011 | Filter Caps, 0.5 mL, Pkg. of 250 ea. | |
079797 | Plain Caps, 0.5 mL, Pkg. of 250 ea. | |
038142 | PolyVials+Filter Caps, 250 each, 0,5mL | |
042014 | PolyVials & Plain Caps, 0.5 mL, Pkg. of 250 ea. | |
055058 | Vial Kt 10mL Polystyrene-CapsSepta 100ea | |
074228 | Vial Kit 10mL 100ea,Dionex™ AS-AP | |
079812 | VIAL,KIT,1.5ML,PPE,+CAPS +SEPTA,PKG/100 | |
074927 | PTFE Single Injection Septa, 100 each,Dionex™ AS-AP | |
064232 | 250 mL Nalgene Poly Bottles with Caps and Septa - Pkg of 72 | |
064235 | 250 mL Tissue Culture Flasks with Caps and Septa - Pkg of 50 062887热电AS19分析柱现货特价,戴安离子色谱仪分析柱授权代理 | |
071901 | KIT,VIAL ADP,0.5 ML (50 PC) | |
071902 | Adaptors for 0.5 mL Vials, Pkg of 1 | |
068947 | Vial Holder for 5.0 mL Vials | |
068948 | Vial Holder for 0.5 mL Vials | |
068925 | Cap Removal Tool |