品Pai | ABB | 型号 | TB82PH,TB84PH |
类型 | 便携式PH计 | 显示方式 | 见下列参数表 |
探头型式 | 见下列参数表 | 测量范围 | 见下列参数表 |
精度 | 见下列参数表 | 温度补偿范围 | 见下列参数表(℃) |
电源电压 | 见下列参数表(V) | 工作温度 | 见下列参数表(℃) |
pH / ORP / pION Transmitter TB84PHThe pH / ORP / pION Transmitter TB84PH is a four-wire advanced microprocessor-based instrument. Smart keys on the front panel provide for local programming of all analyzer functions. Easy-to-follow instructions appear above each smart key. A unique secondary display clearly defines each menu option during programming.Simple menu guided programmingOnline continuous sensor diagnosticsFully programmable outputs: 2 isolated, 3 relayIP 65 / NEMA 4X housing – wall or pipe mountableBacklit display

pH / ORP / pION Transmitter TB82PHThe pH / ORP / pION Transmitter TB82PH: a new generation of pH transmitters designed for the most demanding installations. The series is available with traditional programmable outputs or with advanced digital communications utilizing HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus or PROFIBUS PA.Advanced digital communicationsIndustrialITcertified to Level 1Simple menu guided programmingIP 65 / NEMA 4X housing – wall or pipe mountableWide variety of sensor compatibility