华为TP48600B开关电源柜华为TP48600B开关电源柜华为TP48600B开关电源柜华为TP48600B开关电源柜华为TP48600B开关电源柜华为TP48600B开关电源柜华为TP48600B开关电源柜华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜华为TP48600B开关电源机柜48v通信电源 华为TP48600B-N16A2
华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜, 华为TP48600B开关电源机柜48v通信电源 (CPMU01 )华为TP48600B-N16A2
设备类型 开关电源
设备厂家 华为
宽mm 深mm 高mm
650毫米 450毫米 1600号
设备型号 CPMU01
接口类型 DB9 公头,232 接口
接线说明 2 接 TX,3 接 RX,5 接 GND
协议名称 CPMU01华为TP48600B开关电源机柜,48v通信电源 (CPMU01 )华为TP48600B-N16A2
串口参数 地址 1,数据位 8,停止位 1,无校验,波特率 9600
注:旧版本 FSU 需配 RS232/RS485 转换器。新版本 FSU 自带 RS232(串口 7、8 为 232 接口)
可直接接入(2 接 TX,3 接 RX,5 接 GND)。需要将地址改为 1,通信方式改为 Modem,开关
7) TP48600B-N16B2 (CPMU01 )
设备类型 开关电源
设备厂家 华为
设备型号 CPMU01
接口类型 RJ45 水晶头,232 接口
接线说明 水晶头 3 接 TX,7 接 RX,6 接 GND
协议名称 CPMU01
串口参数 地址 1,数据位 8,停止位 1,无校验,波特率 9600
注:旧版本 FSU 需配 RS232/RS485 转换器。新版本 FSU 自带 RS232(串口 7、8 为 232 接口)
可直接接入(3 接 TX,7 接 RX,6 接 GND)。
液晶显示器华为TP48600B开关电源机柜,48v通信电源 (CPMU01 )华为TP48600B-N16A2
监控模块通过LCD LCD接口实时显示电力系统的AC、DC、模块和电池。
通过调整所安装的整流模块的数量,可以灵活地将产品和应用场景的TP48 600 B电力系统应用到室内基站、室内ZY机房、BSC等。TP4606B电力系统安装安装在机房内,支撑墙(距墙100mm以上),通过调整安装整流模块的数量,可灵活应用于-48伏直流、34.8kW的负载场景。例如:BTS39 00 BTS3012室内基站BSC室内ZX室。
图3-1 TP426B电力系统应用示意图
3产品和应用场景TP466B产品概述TP48 6600电力系统和交流电源、ATS、电池等设备的典型应用,以形成现场能源解决方案,其在典型的现场解决方案中的应用如图3-2所示。图3-2 TP4266B电力系统应用在典型的现场解决方案TP466B产品概述4产品的运行和维护中采用多个优化的维护设计,使维护简单方便。操作和维护支持上、下线路。支持预维护。整流模块和监控模块都支持热插拔。监控模块的维护不会影响正常供电。内部模块可以独立拆卸和维护。华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜, 华为TP48600B开关电源机柜48v通信电源
LCD_VIN是3.6~5V,经过DC/DC burst升压得到LCD_AVDD,LCD_AVDD为LCD需要的模拟电压,根据LCD实际情况调整FB脚电压确定,这里假设是10V。
LCD boost back pressure drive circuit
In embedded systems, LCD interface is needed in many occasions. The following LCD drive circuit is analyzed.
LCD_VIN is 3.6~5V, after DC/DC burst is boosted to LCD_AVDD, LCD_AVDD is the analog voltage required by LCD, and the FB foot voltage is adjusted according to the actual condition of LCD, and it is assumed to be 10V.
VGH is the opening voltage of the switch tube of LCD. Assuming that 15V is needed here, VGL is the closing voltage of the LCD switch tube, assuming that -6.8V is needed here.
What is more interesting here is the generation of VGH and VGL.
The following three waveforms of green, red and blue are given.
The green point is the switching waveform of the switching power supply, the red dot shifts 10V upward to the green point, and the blue point shifts 10V downward for the green dot.
The voltage of the green point is not analyzed, the switch waveform.
Red point waveform generation process:
When the green dot is "low level", LCD_AVDD charges C165 through diode 1-3. After a number of cycles, the voltage at both ends of the C165 is about LCD_AVDD, and the red point is "low level".
When the green point is "high level", the voltage can not be changed according to the voltage at both ends of the capacitor. It can be known that the red point appears "high level". At this time the red point voltage is higher than the LCD_AVDD, the diode 1-3 is broken, the diode 3-2 is on, and the C165 discharge.
Blue point waveform generation process:
When the green point is "high level", the C171 is charged by diode 3-2 at this time. After several cycles, the voltage at both ends of the C171 is about the Green Point "high level", that is, the high level of the blue point.
When the green point is "low level", according to the capacitor at both ends of the voltage can not be mutated, it can be known that the blue point appears "low level", at this time the blue point voltage is lower than GND, diode 3-2 is disconnected, diode 1-3 conduction, and C171 discharge.
Under the condition of VGH and VGL light load, the red dot and blue dot can be maintained at 20V and -10V through RC rectification, and the target voltage can be pressed through the regulator clamp. This boost and back voltage circuit can only be operated under clear load conditions.
关于电磁干扰,国际上通用的标准有FCC-A(工业标准)、FCC-B(民用标准),电源应符合民用标准。 开关电源是把工频交流整流为直流后,再通过开关变为高频交流,其后再整流为稳定直流的一种电源,这样就有工频电源的整流波形畸变产生的噪声与开关波形产生的噪声,在输入侧泄漏出去就表现为传导噪声与辐射噪声,在输出侧泄漏出去就表现为纹波。
误区三:与Pentium Ⅲ配套。这根本就是一个性的误导,其实电源和电脑主板配套,与CPU没有关系,而Pentium Ⅲ的主板与Pentium Ⅱ的主板在技术上并没有什么区别,只要升级BIOS就行了。可以说,任何一台符合ATX 2.01的ATX电源都可和Pentium Ⅲ配套。
误区四:版本越新越好。有商家宣传自己的电源符合的Intel ATX 2.03标准,似乎要比别人优越许多。其实从ATX 2.01到ATX 2.03,只是些无关痛痒的修改,就目前来说,满足ATX 2.01标准的电源使用起来不会有问题。
误区五:功率越大越好。有些商家向用户吹嘘自己的电源功率能达到300W甚至400W。其实普通的一台多媒体电脑实际功率不足100W,而Intel新推出的Micro ATX标准也只有145W。对于普通用户,2华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜00W的电源绰绰有余了。所以说在选购电源的时候没有必要刻意追求电源的功率大小,只要是质量合格的市售电源都可以满足多数用户的需要。
Safety authentication of power supply
The power supply is the heart of the computer. The poor quality of the power supply will not only damage the motherboard, hard disk and other components, but also shorten the normal service life of the computer. Of course, a good quality power supply will not be cheap, so some businesses often use cheap power to deceive consumers, and some users do not know it very well, but the differential of dozens of yuan may incur a loss of thousands of yuan, which is really not worth it, so we should pay special attention to the power supply when choosing. Whether the quality is good.
Safety standards are the starting point for ensuring the safety of users' lives and property, and strict regulations are made on the insulation and flame retardancy of raw materials. Products that meet safety standards require not only the product itself to meet safety standards, but also a more comprehensive safety production system for manufacturers. Among these criteria, the VDE-0806 standard based on 1EC-380 standard is the most stringent in Germany. The national standard of our country is GB4943-1995 "information technology equipment (including electrical equipment) safety". The power meets the above standards, and its security is guaranteed. The power supply conforms to the safety standard of a country and gets the certificate issued by its statutory department, such as the certificate issued by the UL agency, which is called UL certification. China's security certification body is CCEE. No matter which country's safety certification, strict regulation has been made on creepage distance, electric strength, leakage current, temperature and so on.
Requirements for creepage distance
Creepage distance refers to the shortest distance between two conductive devices along the insulation surface or between the conductive device and the device interface. The safety standards of UL, CSA and VDE emphasize the safety requirements of creepage distance, which is to prevent fire between devices and devices and thus threaten personal safety.
Demand for resistance to electricity
When zero voltage is added to AC 1500V or DC 2200V between AC input lines or between AC input and chassis, no breakdown or arcing is acceptable.
Leakage current requirements
Both UL and CSA require that exposed and uncharged metal parts should be connected to the earth. The leakage current is measured by a 1 thousand and 500 ohm resistor between these parts and the earth, and the leakage current is measured. The leakage current of switching power supply should not exceed 3.5mA under 260V AC input.
The requirement of temperature
Safety standards attach great importance to the temperature requirements of electrical appliances, while requiring flame retardancy of materials. For switching mode power supplies, the internal temperature rise should not exceed 65 degrees. If the ambient temperature is 25 degrees, the temperature of the components of the power supply should be less than 90 degrees.
The power supply that does not meet the safety standard has no direct adverse effects on the user at the beginning of use, but after a long time, the influence of wet air and dust may lead to short circuit in high pressure area, which not only causes the damage of the power supply itself, but also seriously affects the power grid, thus causing adverse effects on other electrical appliances.
As for electromagnetic interference, the international standard is FCC-A (industrial standard) and FCC-B (civil standard), and the power supply should meet the civil standard. The switching power supply is a kind of power supply that turns the power frequency AC to DC, then turns into high frequency communication through the switch, and then rectify to a stable DC power, so that the noise generated by the distortion of the power frequency power supply and the noise produced by the switch waveform is shown as the conduction and radiation noise on the input side. The output side leaks out as a ripple.
Electromagnetic interference can be divided into conducted interference and radiation interference. Conducted interference is transmitted through the power line, less than 30MHz, mainly interfering with the audio frequency band. Because the power supply of the computer is shielded by metal shell, it is mainly conducted by interference. The size of the conduction interference is an important standard to measure the power quality of the computer. It includes two aspects: one is to prevent electromagnetic interferen华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜ce from the power grid to enter the power grid by the electromagnetic interference produced by the power source itself, and to affect the normal work of the host system; and the two is to prevent the electromagnetic interference from the host itself into the power grid and affect other electricity. Apparatus. We may have such experience in our daily work. When the computer is opened, the electric appliances in the vicinity, such as TV and sound, can not be used normally. This is the effect of the conduction interference.
Misunderstanding of power supply
Due to the increasing popularity of ATX motherboards, the ATX power supply has replaced the traditional AT power supply as the mainstream of the market, and the price has dropped from the previous more than 200 yuan to more than 100 yuan. As the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, some merchants have adopted some low quality power supplies to pursue higher profits, and give out misleading remarks by themselves, forming a misunderstanding of buying and buying, so that consumers feel at a loss when they buy.
Myth 1: the quality of the certified power supply is the same as that of the power without authentication. Some people tell consumers that the same brand is certified and non certified power quality is the same. The authentication and non - certified power sources are from the same line in the same factory, and they think both of them are of the same quality, and even "pertinent" point out that the authentication of the power is more expensive because of the cost of authentication. In short, buying a non certified power source can cost a lot of money. But with the above knowledge of power supply, we can see that the two are very different.
Myth two: the greater the output current of auxiliary 5V, the better. Some businesses are bragging about their power supply to users, helping 5V reach 1A. At that time, some华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜 motherboards even have enough 0.01A. But one thing is clear: auxiliary 5V can provide 0.72A to ensure that nothing will happen. Auxiliary 5V is always in work.
为什么要学习电源电路的设计? ?
我们电子产品的电源电路主要有线性电源和高频开关电源。从理论上讲,线性电源是用户需要多少电流,输入端就要提供多少电流;开关电源是用户需要多少功率,输入端就提供多少功率。 线性电源电路原理图举例 线性电源功率器件工作在线性状态,如我们常用的稳压芯片LM7805、LM317、SPX1117等。下图1是LM7805稳压电源电路原理图。 图1. 线性电源原理图 从图上可知,线性电源有整流、滤波、稳压、储能等功能元件组成,同时,一般用的线性电源为串联稳压电源,输出电流等于输入电流,I1=I2+I3,I3是参考端,电流很小,因此I1≈I3。我们为什么要讲电流,是因为PCB设计时,每条线的宽度不是随便设的,是要根据原理图里元件节点间的电流大小来确定的(请查《PCB设计铜铂厚度、线宽和电流关系表》)。电流大小、电流流向要搞清楚,做板才恰到好处。
Power circuit is an important part of an electronic product. The design of the power circuit directly affects the performance of the product. And the most important power module is the PCB design of the power circuit. This article explains two power module circuits and their PCB layout. It is not separated from the power module. As long as these two circuits and the PCB layout are worked out, the others are also clear.
Why do you want to learn the design of the power circuit??
The power circuit is an important part of an electronic product. The design of the power circuit directly affects the performance of the product.
The classification of power circuit
The power circuit of our electronic products is mainly composed of linear power supply and high frequency switching power supply. In theory, a linear power supply is how much current the user needs and how much current the input will provide; the switching power is how much power the user needs and how much power the input will provide. Linear power circuit schematic diagram, for example, linear power supply devices work in linear state, such as our commonly used regulator chip LM7805, LM317, SPX1117 华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜and so on. Figure 1 below is the schematic diagram of the LM7805 voltage regulated power supply circuit. Figure 1. the principle diagram of linear power supply shows that linear power is composed of functional components such as rectification, filtering, stabilizing, energy storage and so on. At the same time, the linear power supply is generally used as a series regulated power supply, the output current is equal to the input current, I1=I2+I3, I3 is the reference end, and the current is very small, so I1 I3. Why we want to speak the current is because PCB design, the width of each line is not casual, it is determined by the size of the current between the element nodes in the principle diagram (please check the PCB design of copper platinum thickness, line width and current relation table). The size of the current and the direction of the current must be clear.
Cuk斩波电路也称Cuk变换器。美国加州理工学院Slobodan Cuk提出的对Buck/Boost改进的单管不隔离直流变换器,在输入输出段均有电感,可以显著减小输入和输出电流的脉动,输出电压的极性和输入电压相反,输出电压既可以低于也可以高于输入电压。Cuk变换器可看做是Boost变换器和Buck变换器串联而成,合并了开关管。
开关管Q为PWM控制方式。Cuk变换器有CCM和DCM两种工作方式,但不是指电感电流,而是指流过二极管的电流连续或断续。在一个开关周期中开关管Q的截止时间(1-Dy)Ts内,若二极管电流总是大于零,则为电流连续;若二极管电流在一段时间内为零,则为电流断续工作;若二极管电流 Cuk变换器中有两个电感,这两个电感之间可以没有耦合,也可以由耦合,耦合电感可进一步减少电流脉动量。
当V通时,E-L1-V回路和R-L2-C-V回路分别流过电流 当V断时,E-L1-C-VD回路和R-L2-VD回路分别流过电流 输出电压极性与源电压极性相反
稳态时电容C的电流在一周期内的平均值应为零,也就是其对时间的积分为零,即:∫icdt = 0
在图中的等效电路中,开关S合向B点时间即V处于通态的时间Ton,则电容电流和时间的乘积为i2*Ton.开关S合向A点的时间为V处于断态的时间Toff,则电容电流和时间的乘积为i1*Toff。 由此可得:i2*Ton=i1*Toff
从而可得:i2/i1=Toff/Ton=(T-Ton)/Ton =(1-α)/α 同理可得出输出电压U0与电源电压E的关系:
SPEIC(single ended primary inductor converter) 是一种允许输出电压大于、小于或者等于输入电压的DCDC变换器。输出电压由主控开关(三极管或MOS管)的占空比控制。
1. Zeta和Sepic电路相比,具有相同的输入输出关系。Sepic电路中,电源电流和负载电流均连续,有利于输入、输出滤波,反之,Zeta电路的输入、输出电流均是断续的。
2. 两种电路输出电压为正极性的。
Brief introduction of Cuk circuit
The Cuk chopper circuit is also called the Cuk converter. The Slobodan Cuk, California Institute of Technology, proposed a single tube non isolated DC converter for Buck/Boost, which has inductance in the input and output section. It can significantly reduce the pulse of input and output current, the polarity of the output voltage is opposite to the input voltage, and the output voltage can be lower than the input voltage. The Cuk converter can be regarded as a series of Boost converter and Buck converter, and the sw华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜itch tube is merged.
The switch tube Q is the PWM control mode. The Cuk converter has two working modes, CCM and DCM, but it does not refer to the inductance current, but refers to the continuous or intermittent current flowing through the diode. In a switching period, the switch tube Q's cut-off time (1-Dy) Ts, if the diode current is always greater than zero, is continuous for the current; if the diode current is zero for a period of time, the current is interrupted, and if there are two inductors in the diode current Cuk converter, there is no coupling between the two inductors. The coupling current and coupling inductance can further reduce the current ripple.
Cuk chopper circuit topology
When the V passes, the E-L1-V circuit and the R-L2-C-V loop flow through the current respectively when the V is broken, the E-L1-C-VD circuit and the R-L2-VD loop flow through the current output voltage polarity opposite to the source voltage polarity, respectively.
Equivalent circuit, as shown in figure, is equivalent to switch S switching between A and B alternately.
In steady state, the average value of the current of capacitor C in a cycle should be zero, that is, the integral of time to zero is zero, i.e., ICDT = 0.
In the equivalent circuit of the graph, the switch S is at B point time, that is, V is in the pass state time Ton, then the product of the capacitance current and time is the time of the i2*Ton. switch S to the A point, which is the time Toff of the V in the broken state, and the product of the capacitance current and time is i1*Toff. It can be obtained from this: i2*Ton=i1*Toff
Thus it can be obtained: i2/i1=Toff/Ton= (T-Ton) /Ton = (1- alpha) / alpha is able to get the relationship between output voltage U0 and supply voltage E:
Advantages of Cuk chopper circuit
The input current and output load current are continuous, and the pulsation is very small, which helps to filter the input and output.
Sepic chopper circuit
SPEIC (single ended primary inductor converter) is a DCDC converter that allows output voltage greater than, less than or equal to the input voltage. The output voltage is controlled by the duty ratio of the main switch (transistor or MOS tube).
Sepic chopper circuit is one of the six basic DC/DC transform topologies of switching power supply.
The basic working principle of Sepic chopper circuit:
When V is in a state, the E - L1 - V loop and the C1 - V - L2 loop are conductive at the same time, L1 and L2 store energy.
When the V is in the broken state, the E - L1 - C1 - VD - load (C2 and R) circuits and the L2 VD - load circuit simultaneously conduct electricity. This stage E and L1 both supply the load to the load, but also charge it to the C1.
The input output relationship of the Sepic chopper circuit is given in the following way:
Zeta circuit
Zeta circuit is one of the six basic DC/DC transform topologies of switching power supply.
The Zeta chopper circuit is also known as the dual Sepic chopper circuit. Its basic working principle is that when the V is in a state, the power E can store energy through the switch V to the inductive L1. After V is shut off, L1 is constituted by VD and C1, and its storage circuit is 华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜stored.
The energy is transferred to C1, and the current is zero across the oscillation circuit. When the energy on the L1 is transferred to C1, VD is turned off and C1 is fed to the load via L2.
The input and output relation of the Zeta chopper circuit is as follows:
1. Zeta and Sepic circuits have the same input output relationship. In the Sepic circuit, both the supply current and the load current are continuous, which is good for input and output filtering. Conversely, the input and output currents of the Zeta circuit are interrupted.华为TP48600B高频开关电源机柜
2. the output voltage of two kinds 1. classifications:
A) DC ground: DC circuit "ground", zero potential reference point;
B) AC: the zero line of the alternating current. It should be distinguished from the ground wire, but sometimes the ground wire and the zero line will be connected before pulling the electricity into the home.
C) power point: zero potential reference point of large current network device and power amplifier.
D) analog ground: zero potential reference point of amplifier, sample and hold, A/D converter and comparator.
E) digital ground: also called logic, it is the zero potential reference point of digital circuit.
F) "hot": the switching power supply does not need to use the power frequency transformer. The "ground" of the switching circuit is related to the power grid of the city, that is, the so-called "hot", and the TA is charged.
G) "cold": because the high frequency transformer of the switching power supply is isolated from the input and output terminals, and because its feedback circuit is often used as a photoelectric coupler, it can not only transmit the feedback signal, but also separate the "ground". The output of the "ground" is "cold", not charged D.
2. signal grounding
A) single point grounding: only one physical point in the whole circuit system is defined as the grounding reference point, and all other points needing grounding are received. A single point grounding is usually used in the frequency <1MHz.
The single point grounding is divided into series and parallel.
The advantage of the series grounding is that the grounding mode and the structure are simple. If the grounding wire is short, the impedance will be relatively small. The disadvantage is that if the power of a certain road is larger, the larger circuit current will be generated, and a larger pressure drop will be formed, which leads to the difference of the potential reference value between the circuit and the base area, which affects the normal work of the system.
Parallel single point grounding, the advantage is that the ground potential of each circuit is not affected by other circuits, and low impedance can effectively avoid low impedance interference between the circuit units. Disadvantages: multiple grounding lines are needed, the length of ground wire is increased, thus increasing the earth impedance, and the coupling of the ground wires will also be caused.
B) multi point grounding: all the grounding points are directly connected to the nearest ground plane (i.e. the metal bottom plate) of the TA, which is usually >10MHz.
C) floats: there is no conductor connection between the earth and the earth. [virtual ground: no earth, but equal potential.
D) mixed grounding
Figure 5 and Figure 6 provide two kinds of mixed grounding methods. For capacitive coupled circuits, the single point grounding structure appears at low frequencies, and the multi point grounding state occurs at high frequencies. This is because the capacitor diverts the high frequency current to the ground. The key to the success of this method lies in the frequency of clear use and the expected direction of ground current. The use of capacitance and inductance in the grounding topology enables us to control RF current in an optimized way. The wiring of PCB can be controlled by determining the path to be passed by RF current.
3. equipment grounding purpose
A) good electrical connection between metal shell and grounding device in protected area.
B) prevent static electricity from grounding, release the accumulated charges on the chassis, avoid accumulation of charges and raise the potential.
C) shields the device from the external electromagnetic environment, so that the potential of the equipment changes to the earth.of circuits is positive.
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