TrackIt™ 10 bp DNA Ladder is pre-mixed with sample buffer for ready-to-load convenience and room temperature storage.
TrackIt™ 10 bp DNA Ladder is pre-mixed with sample buffer for ready-to-load convenience and room temperature storage. The ladder consists of 33 10 bp repeats and is suitable for sizing DNA from 10 bp to 330 bp. The 100 bp band is two- to three- times brighter than the other bands in the ladder, and can be used for orientation. This ladder can be stained with SYBR® Safe, ethidium bromide (and other nucleic acid stains) or radiolabeled using T4 polynucleotide kinase. TrackIt™ sample buffers are formulated for easy tracking of DNA migration with minimal masking of DNA bands. 规格
Gel Compatibility:
Agarose Gels, E-Gel®
Ready to Load:
Size Range:
10 to 200 bp
Product Size:
20 applications
0.5 µg⁄µl
Number of Reactions:
20 Applications
Shipping Condition:
Approved for shipment at Room Temperature or on Wet or Dry Ice
TrackIt™ 10 bp DNA Ladder is supplied at 0.5 µg/µl in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0), 0.06% XCFF, 0.4% Orange G, and 5% glycerol. Store at room temperature.
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