Product introduction:
Product introduction:
Soil WZ-2 expansion instrument is Hebei PENGYUAN building instrument factorydeveloped a new generation of products.
Product characteristics: practical soil dilatometer, soil shrinkage tester, soilpermeability tester, soil expansion instrument
Soil WZ-2 expansion instrument is introduced in detail:
Soil permeability tester, soil dilatometer, soil shrinkage tester type TST-55 and type WS-55 soil permeability tester permeability tester uses exactly the sameprinciple, into the middle screw spinning in pressing mode, and the same typeinstrument deficiencies is also improved, the operation is more simple andapplicable. The instrument is mainly composed of an upper cover, a base, a sleeve seat, circular knives, porous stone, screw etc.. The instrument is designed and manufactured to meet the (GB9357-88) standards, comply with "code for soil test" (SL237-1999), "road soil test procedures" (T0130-93) clayey soil in variablewater head permeability test. WZ-2 expansion instrument for the determination ofcohesive soil moisture expansion volume increased and stable after theexpansion in the soaking process. The instrument is based on the soil test method and test methods of soils for highway engineering, for no load expansion quantity determination of undisturbed soil and compaction of soil samples, the reference for the evaluation of clayey soil during the expansion of potential. You can meet the soil testing and can meet the need of road test. The water container bottom surface is regulated at the level of the adjusting screw two, a guide ring with the anti side expansion. The equipment in line with "code for soil test" (SL237-025-1999), "road soil test procedures" (JTJ051-93, T0125-93)
Soil WZ-2 expansion instrument technical parameters:
1、多孔板面积与孔隙面积比:2:12、测微块直径: Φ10×4mm3、切土环刀直径: Φ61.8×20mm(土样面积为30cm2、高2cm)4、样品面积: 30cm2×2cm5、外形尺寸: 110×105×125mm6、仪器重量: 1kg
1, the porous plate area and pore area ratio: 2:12, diameter micrometer block:Phi 10 * 4mm3, circular soil cutter diameter: Phi 61.8 * 20MM (soil area is 30cm2,high 2cm) 4, the sample area: 30cm2 * 2cm5, size: 110 * 105 * 125mm6, the weight of the instrument: 1kg
北京WZ-2土壤膨胀仪厂家批发 土壤膨胀仪详细介绍:
北京WZ-2土壤膨胀仪厂家批发 土壤膨胀仪技术参数:
1、多孔板面积与孔隙面积比:2:12、测微块直径: Φ10×4mm3、切土环刀直径: Φ61.8×20mm(土样面积为30cm2、高2cm)4、样品面积: 30cm2×2cm5、外形尺寸: 110×105×125mm6、仪器重量: 1kg