品Pai | 杰曼_重量控制/变送器 GM-WEIGHING TRANSMITTER | 型号 | GM8802E |
量程 | ——(kg) | | |

适用于所有电阻应变桥式称重传感器。Suitable for meeting an emergency in resistance to weigh the sensor in bridge type.全面板数字标定。Board-characteristic adjusting.多重数字滤波功能。Function that multilevel digital filter.自动零位跟踪,上电自动清零功能。Have functions of automatic zero follow and automatic zero clearing when power up.模拟量(4-20mA)隔离输出功能。Function that analog quantity (4-20mA) isolates output.模拟量输出、测试及校正功能。Function that analog quantity outputs , tests and corrects.技术指标 Specification仪表电源Main Supply:AC220V -15% +10% 50Hz工作温度Operating Temperature: -10~50℃物理尺寸Dimensions:98×49×151mm传感器电源Load Cell Exciting Voltage:DC12V 350mA(MAX)Z高显示精度Display Resolution:1/10000A/D分辨率 A/D Resolving Power: 1/500000(Max)A/D转换率 A/D Conversion Speed:200次/秒200times/sec