PropertiesThe solid is diamagnetic. In terms of their coordination spheres, copper centres are 2-coordinated and the oxides are tetrahedral. The structure thus resembles in some sense the main polymorphs of SiO2, and both structures feature interpenetrated lattices.Copper(I) oxide dissolves in concentrated ammonia solution to form the colourless complex [Cu(NH3
)2]+, which is easily oxidized in air to the blue [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid to give solutions of CuCl2?. Dilute sulfuric acid and nitric acid produce copper(II) sulfate and copper(II) nitrate, respectively.[4]Cu2O degrades to copper(II) oxide in moist air.美国加联QQ:2850452319
Leco Part No.Description
603-710Quartz Crucibles 石英坩埚
619-895Graphite Crucible, RHN600 1000 pcs. 石墨坩埚
619-895-100Graphite Crucible, RHN600 100 pcs. 石墨坩埚
760-034Graphite Crucibles 石墨坩埚
760-414Graphite Crucibles 1000 pcs. 石墨坩埚
763-213Graphite Crucible for RH-1E 石墨坩埚
764-330Graphite Crucibles 1000 pcs. 石墨坩埚
767-277Graphite Crucibles 石墨坩埚
769-520Hi Purity Graphite Crucible 石墨坩埚
769-761High Graphite Crucibles 10 pcs. 高石墨坩埚
775-431Inner Graphite Crucible 1000 pcs. 石墨内坩埚
775-433Outer Graphite Crucible 50 pcs. 石墨外坩埚
775-892 Inner Graphite Crucible 100 pcs. 高纯石墨内坩埚
776-247Graphite Crucibles 1000 pcs. 石墨坩埚
780-890Large Graphite Crucible 1000 pcs. 大石墨坩埚
782-703Hi Purity Outer Graphite Crucible 1000 pcs. 高纯石墨外坩埚
782-719Hi Temp Graphite Crucible 200 pcs. 高温石墨坩埚
782-720Graphite Crucibles, Hig Temp 1000 pcs. 高温石墨坩埚
782-720SHDGraphite Hi-Density Hi-Temp Crucible 1000pcs. 高密度高温石墨坩埚
782-795Inner Graphite Crucible 1000 pcs. 石墨内坩埚