The ND Protein Precipitation Kit is mild on samples and easy to use. It casts the finest net of any procedure, allowing the high yield collection of all proteins in solution, precipitating even the most dilute proteins. The ND Protein Precipitation Kit allows collection of proteins that would be missed by other methods.
Ideal for both routine and difficult work, the ND Protein Precipitation Kit stands alone among all methods. It offers the best combination of mildness, simplicity and effectiveness in protein precipitation.
High Yield Recovery

10ug BSA in 1ml vol and 50 ng of BSA in 200ul were prepared from stock and precipitated following kit instructions. 10ug and 50ng of BSA in 5 ul were prepared as controls. After running on a 12% gel, lanes 2 and 3 show control and recovered 10ug BSA. Lanes 5 and 6 show control and recovered 50ng BSA. Densitometry of 10ug BSA showed 91.9% recovery.
Simplicity of Method

Reagent A and Reagent B form a coprecipitate with the protein.

After a simple wash, the protein pellet is ready to be redissolved in desired buffer.