1.Neslab CFT-25 chiller, 2.Dell PC workstation, 3.manuals, 4.MassLynx software disks, 5.3 key disks for BioLynx, 6.ProteinLynx,7.MassEnt.Instrument is upgraded to EPCAS control and acquisition system.
standard water chiller. OPTIONAL: APCI probe. Transmission up to m/z 20,000 for MS analysis, parent ion selection u pto m/z 4,000 MS/MS analysis. Hexapole Collision Cell with up to +/- 205 eV Collision Energy. Orthogonal Acceleration TOFMS-2 Analyzer with Mass resolving power of 10,000 (FWHM) 5ppm RMS mass accuracy from m/z 150-900.
The Micromass Q-ToF 2 mass spectrometer is an LC-MSMS system, incorporating the simplicity of a quadrupole (MS-1) with the ultra-high efficiency of an orthogonal time-of-flight analyzer (MS-2). The Q-Tof 2 instrument utilizes the orthgonal time-of-flight analyzer to achieve simultaneous detection of ions across the full mass range. This is in contrast to conventional instruments (e.g tandem quadrupoles) that must scan over one mass at a time. The Q-Tof 2 instrument offers up to 100 times more sensitivity than tandem quadrupole instruments when acquiring full product ion (MS/MS) mass spectra.
The Q-Tof 2 has a mass-to-charge ratio (upper) limit in excess of m/z 20,000, in both MS and MS/MS modes, enabling the analysis of very large molecules as multiply charged ions. The high resolving power (10,000 FWHM) enables improved mass measurement accuracy for charge state identification of multiply charged ions and greater differentiation of isobaric species. The inherent stability of the reflectron TOF analyzer routinely delivers excellent mass measurement accuracy (~5ppm at 1000 Da). The Q-Tof 2 provides the ultimate in performance for high sensitivity de novo sequencing of sub femtomole quantities of peptides. 'PepSeq' Micromass multi-layered peptide sequencing tool is designed to take full advantage of the high resolution MS/MS data from the Q-Tof 2 (QTOF 2). Initially full product ion (MS/MS) spectra are automatically pre-processed with Micromass charge state de-encryption algorithm (MaxEnt-3). Sequence tags are then established to provide the "cornerstone" from which the complete amino acid sequence is extended to cover the C and N termini.