Description :SF600Plus is high speed "in System Programming" programmer to update the SPI Flash soldered on board (In Circuit Programming) or in the socket adaptor (Off line programming). The programmer is easily controlled by the computer DediProg Software through the USB bus offering friendly interface and powerful features to users.
SF600Plus combines the advantages of SF100 with additional improvements:- High speed USB - Higher SPI performances - Support Single, Dual and Quad IO (ISP mode only).
SF600Plus is an upgrade version of SF600. The main difference is that SF600Plus embeds a 4Gb memory which allows standalone programming.
Features :
USB High speed and high SPI performance, support up to 1Gb SPI Flash
- In circuit Programming: Program on board SPI Flash
- Off line Programming: Program SPI Flash in the socket
- Start button feature: Can do Batch function in USB mode
- Standalone mode :Embedded 4Gb memory can update the Serial Flash without computer
- Support Single, Dual and Quad IO serial communication (new serial Flash protocol)
- Program two Serial Flash memories
- Signal conflict protections
- Multi-Programmers Capability through USB
- Support 1.8V low voltage IC
- Support Windows 2003 and above
- Support both 32 and 64 bit OS