凯士比KSB美标法兰截止阀广泛应用于,电站,工艺工程,炼油厂,石油和海洋工程,水,蒸汽,天然气,石油和其他液体。KSB ECOLINE GL ANSI flanged globe valves are widely used, power plants, process engineering, refineries, oil and marine engineering, water, steam, gas, oil and other liquids.

KSB ECOLINE GL美标法兰截止阀结构简单,制造和维修比较方便;工作行程小,启闭时间短;密封性好,密封面间磨擦力小,寿命较长;适合作为介质的切断或调节及节流使用;阀杆开启或关闭行程相对较短,并具有非常可靠的切断动作;阀座和阀瓣比较容易修理或更换密封元件时无需把整个阀门从管线上拆下来。KSB ECOLINE GL ANSI flanged globe valve structure is simple, relatively easy to manufacture and maintenance; small working stroke, closing time is short; tightness between the sealing surface friction force is small, longer life; suitable for medium cut or regulation and throttling; stem to open or close the relatively short trip, and have very reliable cutting action; and valve seat is easier to repair or replace the entire valve sealing components without removed from the pipeline.
设计制造按:ASME B16.34、BS 1873
结构长度按:ASME B16.10
连接尺寸按:ASME B16.5、ASME B16.25
检验和测试按:ISO 5208、API 598、BS 6755
截止阀ANSI/ ASME设计。铸钢A 216 WCB,修剪8(stellite/13%Cr)的150/300/600类,装饰5(司太立/司太立)600级。压力/温度等级ASME B16.34。法兰尺寸ASME B 16.5。面对面的长度ASME B 16.10。测试API 598。螺栓连接。外螺纹和支架。非旋转干。楔式弹性。石墨盘根。不锈钢/石墨复合垫片。
注意事项:本文中所有文字、数据、图片均只适用于参考,KSB ECOLINE GL美标法兰截止阀性能参数、结构尺寸参数、价格等详情,请联系我们的销售、技术工程师,电话:/64966685。