Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) is a powerful genetic analysis technique that can be used for detecting single base changes and polymorphisms in genomic (1,2), cloned, and PCR† amplified DNA (3,4). Two of the most valuable uses in human genetics are in directly detecting single base changes that cause disease and in detecting polymorphisms with DNA probes for genetic-linkage analysis. Clinical applications include a rapid and effective method for screening samples for genetic mutations and variants. Also, DNA fragment melting points can be determined using perpendicular DGGE.
Each system is designed for a gel size of 17.7Wx22Lcm (7x85/8"). System includes plexiglass gel cassette/upper resevoir with platinum electrodes and cathode power leads, reinforced buffer tank/lower resevoir with platinum electrodes and attached anode power lead, and drain valve. Also included are: heater/stirrer/buffer cycler, gradient maker (20mL/side), glass safety cover with electrical interlock, gel tape, and thermometer.