长沙福滋堂仪器在湖南总代理光华CEC(H)系列核安全级电容式差压/压力变送器,CEC 3052系列小型化智能电容式差压/压力变送器,CEC系列差压/压力变送器,CEC S系列智能电容式变送器,LDY- S一体型电磁流量计。
长沙福滋堂仪器技术开发有限公司是一家极富创新性的科技型企业,由硕士、博士、博士后团队组建,技术力量湖南省,专业为您提供的实验室建设系统解决方案;公司致力于的品Pai建设、提供的全方位服务,经过了市场Z严酷的考验,成长为湖南Z的仪器供应商。作为上海光华公司重要的授权经销(代理)商,主要产品总括cec(h)系列核安全级电容式差压/压力变送器,cec 3052系列小型化智能电容式差压/压力变送器,cec系列差压/压力变送器,cec s系列智能电容式变送器,ldy- s一体型电磁流量计。
ldy- s一体型电磁流量计
changsha fuzitang biotechnology development, ltd. is a highly innovative and technology-oriented enterprises, the masters and ph.d., postdoctoral team formation, the strongest technical strength in hunan province, to provide the best for your professional laboratory building system solutions; the company is committed to first-class brand building, providing a first-rate the full-service, after the most severe test of the market, up to the hunan best equipment suppliers.
shanghai guanghua important as the authorized distribution companies (acting), the main products whole cec (h) series of nuclear safety at capacitive differential pressure / pressure transmitter, cec 3052 series of smart small capacitive differential pressure / pressure transmitter, cec series of differential pressure / pressure transmitter, cec s series intelligent capacitive transmitter, ldy an s-shape electromagnetic flowmeter.
ldy an s-shape electromagnetic flowmeter
ktlde intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is my firm uses the latest domestic and foreign advanced technology research and development of the whole intelligent flowmeter, and other manufacturers of traditional analog or non-intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter has great distinction, especially in the measurement accuracy reliability, stability, functionality, and life respect.
we believe that the electromagnetic flowmeter is high-precision, high reliability and long life of the flow meter, in the design of products, material se-lection, process development, production and assembly and test factory in every part of a very delicate and we pay attention to, in addition we also designed a custom domestic the most advanced dedicated to the electromagnetic flowmeter production equipment, software and hardware can effectively guaranteeing long-term, high-quality products.
ktlde intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter especially designed with the chinese backlit lcd wide temperature range, fully functional and practical, that intuitive, easy operation, we can reduce other electromagnetic flowmeter english menu by the unnecessary trouble and mistakes. in addition, we designed 4-6 exclusive multi-electrode structure, further guarantee the accuracy at any time and without grounding ring, reducing the size of instrument maintenance and installation of trouble