l 采用了磁性和涡流两种测厚方法,即可测量磁性金属基体上非磁性覆盖层的厚度又可测量非磁性金属基体上非导电覆盖层的厚度;
l 具有两种测量方式:连续测量方式(CONTINUE)和单次测量方式(SINGLE);
l 具有两种工作方式:直接方式(DIRECT)和成组方式(Appl);
l 设有五个统计量:平均值(MEAN)、值(MAX)、Z小值(MIN)、测试次数(NO.)、标准偏差(S.DEV);
l 可采用两种方法对仪器进行校准,并可用基本校准法对测头的系统误差进行修正;
l 具有存贮功能:可存贮500 个测量值;
l 具有删除功能:对测量中出现的单个可疑数据进行删除,也可删除存贮区内的所有数据,以便进行新的测量;
l 可设置限界:对限界外的测量值能自动报警;
l 能实时显示电量;
l 操作过程有蜂鸣声提示,并可选择关闭蜂鸣器;
l 待机时间可调,超过待机时间自动关闭;
l 屏幕亮度可调;
l 屏幕的分辨率可调;
l 具有错误提示功能,通过屏显或蜂鸣器声进行错误提示;
l 设有两种关机模式:手动关机和自动关机。
l 主要功能参数
l 采用了磁性和涡流两种测厚方法,即可测量磁性金属基体上非磁性覆盖层的厚度又可测量非磁性金属基体上非导电覆盖层的厚度;
l 具有探头零点校准、两点校准功能, 可对系统误差进行自动修正;
l 可预先设置厚度值上、下限,超出范围自动报警;
l 具有耦合状态提示功能;
l 有LED背光显示,方便在光线昏暗环境中使用
测头类型 | F | N |
工作原理 | 磁感应 | 涡流 |
测量范围(µm) | 0~1250 | 0~1250其中:铜上 镀铬(0~40) |
低限分辨力(µm) | 0.1 | 0.1 |
示值 误差 | 一点校准(um) | ±(3%H+1) | ±(3%H+1.5) |
二点校准(µm) | ±[(1~3)%H+1] | ±[(1~3)%H+1.5] |
测试 条件 | Z小曲率半径(mm) | 凸 1.5 | 凸3 |
Z小面积的直径(mm) | Φ7 | Φ5 |
基体临界厚度(mm) | 0.5 | 0.3 |
PD-CT1 Coating Thickness Gauge
High Cost Performance
●Two kinds of hardness measurement principle, magnetic thickness principle and eddy-current thickness meter principle, making it available to measure thickness of the non-magnetic layer covering on magnetic metal and thickness of the non-conductive layer covering on non magnetic metal.
●Two patterns of measurement: pattern of continue and pattern of single.
●Two patterns of working: pattern of direct and pattern of group.
●Five statistical data:Mean Value,Maximum Value,Minimum Value,Measurment Times and Standard Error.
●Two optional methods available to calibrate the gauge and you can calibrate system error of the gaging head using method of standard calibration.
●Memory function:Be capacitable of 500 sets of measurment value.
●Remove function:You can delete one of the doubtful data and you can also delete all of data in the memory to make new measurement.
●Limit setting:It will alarm itself if one of the measurement data is beyond of the limit.
●Show battery information in real time.
●The buzzer will give prompt when making measurement and you can also turn off the buzzer.
●Variable standby time,it will turn off itself if the time is up.
●Adjustable brightness of the LCD screen.
●Adjustable resolution of the LCD screen.
●Error message function:Error message will show on the LCD screen or the buzzer gives error message.
●Two methods of power off: You can manually power it off or it can power it off itself.
Technical Specification: Type of sensor | F | N | Principle | magnetic induction | eddy current | Measuring range (µm) | 0~1250 | 0~1250 Copper coverd with chromeplate (0~40) | Minimum resolution(µm) | 0.1 | 0.1 | 示值 误差 | One point calibration (um) | ±(3%H+1) | ±(3%H+1.5) | Two points calibration (µm) | ±[(1~3)%H+1] | ±[(1~3)%H+1.5] | 测试 条件 | Minimum radius of curvature (mm) | Bulge1.5 | Bulge3 | Minimum diameter(mm) | Φ7 | Φ5 | Critical thickness of the base (mm) | 0.5 | 0.3 | | |
Main function parameters:
◆Two kinds of hardness measurement principle, magnetic thickness principle and eddy-current thickness meter principle, making it available to measure thickness of the non-magnetic layer covering on magnetic metal and thickness of the non-conductive layer covering on non magnetic metal.
◆Functions of zero calibration and two points calibration,it can calibrate system error automatically.
◆You can in set upper-limit and lower limit in advance,it will alarm automatically if the value is beyond of the limits.
◆Function of displaying the Coupling Condition.
◆Function of LED Backlighting, it is effective even when the light is dim.