盐酸左旋咪唑/(S)-6-苯基-2,3,5,6-四氢-咪唑(2,1-B)噻唑单盐酸盐/左旋咪唑/L-2,3,5,6-四氢-6-苯基(2,1-B)噻唑盐酸盐/左咪唑/左旋四唑/驱虫速/(S)-(-)-6-苯基-2,3,5,6-四氢咪唑并[2,1-b]噻唑盐酸盐/左旋四咪唑/Levamisole hydrochlorideCas号:16595-80-5分子式:C11H12N2S·HCl分子量:240.75
介绍: | 易溶于氯仿,难溶于丙酮。无臭,味苦。 |
包装: | L114327-250mgglass btl |
熔点: | 230℃ |
特定比重: | 0.9999 |
比旋光度: | -126 ° (C=1, H2O) |
贮存: | 储存温度2-8℃ |
生化和生理学机理: | Shows both immunostimulant and immunosuppressant effects, depending on several controllable factors.Very effective in treatment of ascariasis (hookworm infestation). Useful in chemotherapy of colorectal cancers, possibly due to its stimulation of IL-1 production and direct activation of macrophages |