壁挂式机是理想的地区有限的地面和空间对抗。机器可以连接到一个e-cylinder,h-tank,或内部的天然气供应。铝框架有烘烤瓷漆,抗磨损和染色。CO2模型的CO2吸收器,它允许气体从机循环通过吸收材料去除CO2,然后返回到病人的麻醉气体。安装支架宽度:表现(16 ";)。Wall-mounted machines are ideal for areas with limited floor and counter space. Machines can be connected to an E-cylinder, H-tank, or in-house gas supply. The aluminum frame has a baked enamel finish that resists scratching and staining. The CO2 models have a CO2 absorber, which allows gas from the machine to circulate through absorbent material to remove CO2, then returns the anesthetic gas back to the patient. Mounting bracket width: 40.6cm (16").
Ordering Information: The anesthesia machines are supplied with a manufacturer’s one-year money-back guarantee and seven-year replacement warranty, 0–4L/min. O2 flowmeter; O2 flush valve; vaporizer inlet and outlet; holes to mount most vaporizers; and 3m (10') O2 hose with female DISS fittings. Vaporizer, regulator, breathing circuits, and chambers must be purchased separately.