●简介: 本产品依据GB/T8929-88国家标准研制生产,控温部分采用防爆微电脑控制器和隔爆型电控箱,整台仪器具备了防爆功能,并经国家防爆电气产品质量监督检验ZX检验合格,合格证号:CNEx07.1756CNEx07.1678 适用于1区、2区含有ⅡA、ⅡB类及T1-T4组爆炸性气体混合物场所使用。主要用于原油中含水测定。 所用玻璃仪器已经ZG计量院检验合格,每套均有ZG计量院检验证书。●Introduction:This product is researched and manufactured in accordance with national standard GB/T8929-88. The temperature control part is composed of an explosion-proof microcomputercontroller and a flame-proof electric cabinet. The whole instrument is explosion-proof and has been certified by the China National Quality Supervision and Test Centre for Explosion Protected Electrical Products. No. of certificate: CNEx07.1756, CNEx071678. It is applicable in Zone 1 and Zone 2 of explosive atmosphere containing mixed gases of Type IIA, IIB and Group T1-T4. It is mainly used for testing the water content in crude oil. The glass instrument used has been certified by the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), with corresponding certificate enclosed in each unit.公司名称:北京厚惠实验仪器科技有限公司地址:北京市海淀区清河安宁庄路4号3号办公楼305室邮编:100085邮箱;;;移动::路畸