1.PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive高性能陶瓷胶粘剂 16026
2.PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive高强度陶瓷粘合剂16026-现货3.PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive高性能陶瓷胶 16026-现货4.PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive原装进口陶瓷胶 16026-桑戈生物5.PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive电镜载物台陶瓷胶16026-桑戈生物 货号:16026包装:1瓶/箱价格:电议该产品有现货,期货平均到货时间2周,另有特快加急服务(7天到货)产品描述:一种新的改进型黏胶贴,为一层薄的粘性强而不导电的直径为1/2" (12.7mm)的黏胶薄膜构成。主要具有以下一些性质:1.适合1/2"尺寸的透射电镜载物台2.更加平滑的粘接面3.高强度粘合剂4.更好的粒子检测5.粘胶层仅厚25um6.易于粘平7.更长的保质期The PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive has been especially developed for bonding and sealing ceramics, metals, quartz and glass for high vacuum, high temperature and cryo applications. It is a dispersion of alumina in an inorganic silicate aqueous solution. Comes in the form of a paste and can be easily applied with a brush or a spatula. Good mechanical strength is achieved within minutes at room temperature. Curing schedule is 2 hours at 93°C (200°F). Full properties are reached after curing. It provides both low electrical and thermal conductivity. Sold in 2 sizes: a container containing 1 pint (473ml) or a container containing 50 grams (approx. 22ml).Advantages:•One component, easy to use system•Inorganic system without VOC’s or hydrocarbons – high vacuum compatible•Wide temperature range – Cryogenic to 1650°C (3000°F)•High electrical and thermal resistance•Good mechanical strength•High chemical resistanceProd #DescriptionUnit16026PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive, 1 pinteach16026-10PELCO High Performance Ceramic Adhesive, 50 gramseach桑戈生物(Sanger Biotech.)---你科研的需要,我奋斗的目标拥有ZGZ全的国外波片产品目录 产品全:代理电镜业内品PaiPELCO,Omniprobe,tedpella,EMS的全部高中低几万种电镜产品。品质高:国外产品全部原装进口,决不贴Pai分装!美国直递货期短,常用产品现货多。服务好:不管您需要的电镜产品有特殊的材质,尺寸和品质,桑格生物都能为您找到。桑戈生物(Sanger Biotech.)---专业的品质,科学的精神 桑戈生物是国内知名电镜产品的供应商,为了不但满足客户目前的科研需要,也满足客户将来研究发展的需要,桑戈生物将其研究发展主要精力集中于电镜产品系列,其主要产品如下:1.电镜载网系列-方孔载网 2.电镜载网系列-圆孔载网 3.电镜载网系列-环形载网 4.电镜载网系列-特型载网 5.电镜支持膜系列-碳膜产品 6.电镜支持膜系列-纯碳膜产品 7.电镜支持膜系列-孔膜产品 8.电镜支持膜系列-特殊膜产品 9.电镜校正标准样品 10.基底材料 11.样品存取工具 12.电镜专用镊子及工具 13.电镜导电粘接用品 14.电镜生物制样用品 15.电镜材料制样用品 16.电镜暗室处理用品 17.真空溅射蒸镀用品 18.电镜清洁保养用品 19.电镜灯丝及其它零配件 20.电镜图像处理系统 21.样品制备仪器及设备系列