VWR高真空润滑脂High Vacuum GreaseHigh vacuum grease is ideal for sealing and lubricating vacuum and pressure systems. It can also be used to maintain laboratory equipment
VWR高真空润滑脂High Vacuum Grease
High vacuum grease is ideal for sealing and lubricating vacuum and pressure systems. It can also be used to maintain laboratory equipment. This silicone product has a low volatility to hold deep vacuums; it resists oxidation, is nonmelting and nongumming, and has good thermal stability. Grease is translucent white with a heavy consistency. Temperature range: –40 to 204°C (–40 to 400°F).
cuum grease is ideal for sealing and lubricating vacuum and pressure systems. It can also be used to maintain laboratory equipment. This silicone product has a low volatility to hold deep vacuums; it resists oxidation, is nonmelting and nongumming, and has good thermal stability. Grease is translucent white with a heavy consistency. Temperature range: –40 to 204°C (–40 to 400°F).
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