Extension and compensating wire and cable used in thermocouple
Extension and compensating wire and cable used in thermocouple
for explosion-proof circuit in intrinsically safe system.
1 产品用途 Application
在一定温度范围内, 补偿导线和补偿电缆具有与所配热电偶相同的热电动势标称值,用以连接热电偶与测量装置,可以补偿它们与热电偶连接处的温度变化所产生的误差,从而构成普通级或精密级温度测量和控制系统。
2 执行标准 Executive standards
O/RFDL 15--2007 等效采用Equivalent adopt GB/T 4989—94及IEC 584-3 (1989)
3 热电偶分度号及名称,所用补偿导线型号及名称,正负极合金丝名称
热电偶 分度号Graduated No.of thermocouple | 热电偶名称 Name of thermocouple | 补偿导 线型号 Type of wire | 补偿导线名称 Name of wire | 正负极合金丝名称 Name of alloy wire |
正极 Anode | 负极 Cathod |
S | 铂铑10 - 铂热电偶 Pt,Rh10-Pt | SC | 铜-铜镍0.6补偿型导线 Cu -Cu,Ni0.6 | 铜 Cu | 铜镍0.6 Cu,Ni0.6 |
R | 铂铑13 - 铂热电偶 Pt,Rh13-Pt | RC | 铜-铜镍0.6补偿型导线 Cu -Cu,Ni0.6 | 铜 Cu | 铜镍0.6 Cu,Ni0.6 |
K | 镍铬–镍硅热电偶 Ni,Cr-Ni,Si | KCA | 铁-铜镍22补偿型导线 Fe- Cu,Ni22 | 铁 Fe | 铜镍22 Cu,Ni22 |
KCB | 铜-铜镍40补偿型导线 Cu -Cu,Ni40 | 铜 Cu | 铜镍40 Cu,Ni40 |
KX | 镍铬10-镍硅3延长型导线 Ni,Cr10-Ni,Si3 | 镍铬10 Ni,Cr10 | 镍硅3 Ni,Si3 |
N | 镍铬硅–镍硅热电偶 Ni,Cr,Si-Ni,Si | NC | 铁-铜镍18补偿型导线 Fe- Cu,Ni18 | 铁 Fe | 铜镍18 Cu,Ni18 |
NX | 镍铬14硅-镍硅4延长型导线 Ni,Cr14,Si-Ni,Si4 | 镍铬14硅 Ni,Cr14,Si | 镍硅4 Ni,Si4 |
E | 镍铬–铜镍热电偶 Ni,Cr-Cu,Ni | EX | 镍铬10-铜镍45延长型导线 Ni,Cr10-Cu,Ni45 | 镍铬10 Ni,Cr10 | 铜镍45 Cu,Ni45 |
J | 铁–铜镍热电偶 Fe- Cu,Ni | JX | 铁-铜镍45延长型导线 Fe- Cu,Ni45 | 铁 Fe | 铜镍45 Cu,Ni45 |
T | 铜–铜镍热电偶 Cu -Cu,Ni | TX | 铜-铜镍45延长型导线 Cu -Cu,Ni45 | 铜 Cu | 铜镍45 Cu,Ni45 |
注 Note :C--补偿型补偿导线compensating wire;X--延长型补偿导线Extension wire。 |
4 产品使用特性 Operation cha racteristic
绝缘及护套材料 Insulation and sheath material | 使用环境温度 Used environment temperature ℃ | 敷设温度 the lowest laying temperature ℃ | 允许Z小弯曲半径 permitted minimum bending radius,mm |
70℃聚氯乙烯、阻燃聚氯乙烯 PVC,FR-PVC | -30~+70 | 0 | 无铠装和非铜带屏蔽为线缆外径的6倍; Non-armor and non-copper tape shield: 6 times of cable O.D 有铠装和铜带屏蔽为线缆外径的12倍 Armor and copper tape shield:12 times of cable O.D |
105℃聚氯乙烯、阻燃聚氯乙烯 PVC,FR-PVC | -25~+105 | 0 |
70℃聚乙烯或无卤低烟阻燃聚烯烃 PE or HFLS-FR-PO | -40~+70 | -25 |
105℃交联聚乙烯或无卤低烟阻燃交联聚烯烃 XLPE or HFLS-FR-XLPO | -30~+105 | -15 |
聚全氟乙丙烯 FEP | -60~+200 | -35 |
Heat-resistant class (the use of class), allowance error class and working temperature for extension and compensating wires and cables.
热电偶 分度号graduated No.of thermocou-ple | 补偿导线型号Type of wire | 耐热等级和允差等级Heat-resistant class and allowance error class |
一般用General use | 耐热用Heat-resistant use |
普通级General class | 精密级Precision class | 普通级General class | 精密级Precision class |
代号Code | 工作温度Working temperat-ure℃ | 代号 Code | 工作温度Working temperat-ure℃ | 代号Code | 工作温度Working temperat- ure℃ | 代号Code | 工作温度Working temperat-ure℃ |
S或R S or R | SC或 RC | G G(100) | 0~70 0~100 | GS GS(100) | 0~70 0~100 | H | 0~200 | - | - |
K | KCA | G G(100) | 0~70 0~100 | GS GS(100) | 0~70 0~100 | H | 0~200 | HS | 0~200 |
KCB | G G(100) | 0~70 0~100 | GS GS(100) | 0~70 0~100 | - | - | - | - |
KX | G G(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | GS GS(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | H | -25~200 | HS | -25~200 |
N | NC | G G(100) | 0~70 0~100 | GS GS(100) | 0~70 0~100 | H | 0~200 | HS | 0~200 |
NX | G G(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | GS GS(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | H | -25~200 | HS | -25~200 |
E | EX | G G(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | GS GS(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | H | -25~200 | HS | -25~200 |
J | JX | G G(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | GS GS(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | H | -25~200 | HS | -25~200 |
T | TX | G G(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | GS GS(100) | -20~70 -20~100 | H | -25~200 | HS | -25~200 |