品Pai:FIMA | 型号:MGS8 | 类型:不锈钢压力表 |
测量范围:0……100000(kPa) | 精度等级:1.0 EN837-1 | 联接型式:径向和轴向 |
公称直径:250(mm) | 环境温度:-25 到 65(℃) | |
These instruments are designed for use in food,beverage,pharmaceutical,cryogenic,chemical and etrochemical processing industries,and in conventional and nuclear power plants,built to resist the most severe operating conditions,to measure gaseous or liquid media which do not have high viscosity or do not crystallize.我公司总代理意大利NUOVA FIMA的各式充油防震压力表,压力传感器,液位传感器,防暴防水压力开关,压力继电器,膜片压力表,电接点压力表,温度仪表以及石油化工,海上平台用防腐蚀及防爆型压力开关压力传感器等等.