美国UCL和BIOSIS公司 及其他知名公司的酶联免疫吸附方法ELISA试剂 盒和免疫组化IH试剂盒石蜡切片P 冰冻切片F 免疫印迹WB 流式细胞检测FC方法,以及单克隆抗体,和多克隆抗体,0.1毫升,0.2毫升及1毫升到货周期7-10个工作日96T48T中英文双版说明书 服务与高校及免疫学科研单位博士研究生导师,各种种属mouse小鼠rat大鼠rabbit兔human人豚鼠 猪,牛等等种属标本课题.
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g5405l-脯氨酸 l-proline 99.5% biotech grade日本 500g ¥500/瓶 q3350 l-天冬氨酸镁 usp grade 国产 250g ¥110/瓶 q3300 l-胱氨酸 l-cystine 99% high grade 国产 100g ¥170/瓶 q3335 l-异亮氨酸 l-isoleucine 99.8% biotech grade 国产 50g ¥220/瓶 q33360 l-赖氨酸 l-lysine 99% biotech grade 国产 100g ¥90/瓶 q3337 l-甲硫氨酸l-methionine 99%l-蛋氨酸 aji grsde 国产 100g ¥135/瓶 q3338 l-苏氨酸l-threonine 99% usp grade 美国 100g ¥65/瓶 q3339 l-缬氨酸 l-valine 99% usp grade 国产 100g ¥125/瓶 q3340 l-色氨酸 l-tryptophan 99% biotech grade 日本 100g ¥210/瓶 b0056 l-丙氨酸(l-alanine)99.9% biotech grade 美国 1kg ¥180/kg b0057 l-天门冬氨酸l-aspartic acid 99.8% biotech grade 美国 5kg ¥160/kg g5420 4-氨基安替比林 4-ampyrone 99% high grade 国产 100g ¥160/瓶 g5405 对氨基苯磺酸钠 biotech grade 国产 1kg ¥170/kg
t2450 l-焦谷氨酸 l-pyroglutamic acid biotech grade 美国 100g ¥190/瓶 b7225 l-谷氨酰胺 l-glutamine 99% high grade 日本 100g ¥180/瓶 q3275 l-精氨酸 l-arginine 99% high grade 日本 100g ¥170/瓶 g5390 l-精氨酸盐酸盐 usp grade 国产 500g ¥380/瓶 q3280 n-乙酰甘氨酸 99% high grade 国产 250g ¥180/瓶 q3285 l-天冬氨酸 l-aspartic acid 99.9% biotech grade 日本 1kg ¥180/瓶 q3290 l-半胱氨酸 l-cysteine 99.9% biotech grade 日本 100g ¥195/瓶 q3295 l-半胱氨酸盐酸盐 l-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate 99% high grade 日本 100g ¥245/瓶 q3305 n-乙酰-l-半胱氨酸 99% high grade 日本 100g ¥335/瓶 q3310 l-谷氨酸 l-glutamic acid 99% high grade 国产 100g ¥175/瓶 q3320 l-笨丙氨酸 l-phenylalanine 99.5% biotech grade 日本 100g ¥175/瓶 q3340 l-组氨酸 biotech grade 日本 100g ¥200/瓶 g5395 l-天冬酰氨(天冬素)一水 l-asparagine biotech grade 日本 100g ¥200/瓶 g7525 l-天冬酰氨(天冬素)无水 l-asparagine biotech grade 日本 100g ¥360/瓶 g5400 dl-精氨酸 99% biotech grade 美国 10g ¥180/瓶 q3345 l-酪氨酸 99% aji grsde 国产 100g ¥175/瓶
b7265 酵母提取粉 yeast extract biotech grade oxide 500g ¥140/瓶 b7270 胰蛋白胨 tryptone biotech grade oxid 500g ¥280/瓶 g7035 鱼蛋白胨 特级 国产 500g ¥172/kg g7040 植物蛋白胨 特级 国产 500g ¥158/kg g5265 卵磷脂(大豆) biotech grade 国产 50g ¥150/瓶 g5270 卵磷脂(蛋黄) biotech grade 国产 50g ¥180/瓶 p0015 丙酮酸钠 pyruvic acid,sodium 99% high pure 美国 1kg ¥380/kg k2260 牛肉膏 usp grade 国产 500g ¥240/瓶 b7430 甘酪素 biotech grade 国产 1kg ¥220/kg k5257 酸水解酪蛋白 casein,acid hydrolysate biotech grade 国产 100g ¥140/瓶 q3390 山梨酸钾 potassium sorbate 食品级 国产 1kg ¥100/kg g5370 胆固醇 cholesterol 99.7% usp grade 国产 100g ¥165/瓶 k5256 蛋白胨肉 peptone biotech grade sanland 500g ¥80/kg g7040 营养琼脂 biotech grade 国产 500g¥180/瓶 b7435 胰酪胨 peptome casein dried 酶水解甘酪素 biotech grade 国产 500g ¥350/kg g5325 果胶 reagentgrade 国产 500g ¥190/瓶 k1335 明胶 biotech grade 国产 1kg ¥160/kg t2360 卵清蛋白 biotech grade 美国 1kg ¥420/kg n0960 adp (5ˊ-腺苷二磷酸二钠盐)99% biotech grade 德国 1g ¥95/g n0656 amp 5ˊ-腺苷一磷酸二钠盐99.8% biotech grade 美国 10g ¥12/g c8166 三磷酸腺苷二钠盐 atp 99% biotech grade 美国 10g ¥15/g q3235 黄嘌呤 biotech grade 日本 5g ¥39/g q4235 鲑鱼精dna(deoxyribonucleic acid,sodium salt)95% biotech grade 日本 10g ¥15/g q4236 核糖核酸ribonucleic acid,sodium salt biotech grade 美国 10g ¥18/g q4237 5ˊ-单磷酸鸟苷二钠盐(guanosine-5ˊ-diphosphate gdp) biotech grade 美国 50g ¥6/g q4238 5ˊ-三磷酸鸟苷三钠盐(guanosune-5‘-triphosphate sodium salt gtp) biotech grade 美国 1g ¥480/g q3240 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 99% biotech grade 日本 10g ¥18/g q3245 尿苷 uridine biotech grade 日本 5g ¥25/g q3246 鸟苷 usp grade 日本 100g ¥320/瓶 g5425 肌苷 usp grade 日本 100g ¥320/瓶 g3236 腺苷 adenosine 99% biotech grade 美国 10g ¥15/g q3250 5ˊ-三磷酸尿苷 uridine-5ˊ-triphosphate biotech grade日本 5g ¥44/g g5250 胸腺嘧啶 reagentgrade 美国 50g ¥150/瓶
b1000 acid fuchsin,ca salt 酸性品红,复红 1g/5g 80/200 分装:sigma b1001 acridine orange,1/2 znci2 吖啶橙 5g/10g 190/380 分装:sigma b1002 acrylamide 电泳级丙烯酰胺 100g/500g 180/600 分装:sigma b1003 acrylamide,ultra pure 丙烯酰胺超纯 100g/200g/500g 240/360/820 分装:amresco b1004 acryl/bis 19:1, 30% solution 250mlb 250 自产:进口原料 b1005 acryl/bis 29:1, 30% solution 250ml 180 自产:进口原料 b1006 acryl/bis 37.5:1, 30% solution 250ml 180 自产:进口原料 b1007 adp,2na,2h2o 腺苷-5"-二磷酸腺苷 100mg/250mg/1g 90/250/600 分装:sigma b1008 aec 3-氨基9-乙基咔唑 5g/10g 90/180 分装:amresco b1009 ag501-x8 去离子混合树脂 25g/100g 100/350 分装:bio-rad b1010 agar,bacterological 琼脂粉-细菌培养级 100g/500g 350/1050 分装:amresco b1011 agarose, type a 琼脂糖 10g/100g 60/450 分装:amresco b1012 agarose ⅱ,low melt point 琼脂糖-低熔点 2.5g/10g/25g 220/470/960 分装:amresco b1013 albumin,chiken egg卵清白蛋白 1g/5g 50/100 上海 b1014 alcian blue 8 gx 阿尔新蓝,阿利新兰 1g/5g 120/400 分装:amresco b1015 alloxan(四氧嘧啶) 10g 280 分装:sigma b1016 amido black 10b 氨基黑 5g/10g/100ml 120/240/80 分装:amresco b1017 ammonium persulfate 过硫酸铵 25g/100g/100ml 60/180/90 分装:sigma b1018 ampholine两性电解质 25ml 询价 原装:pharmacia b1019 ampicilin,na 氨苄青霉素钠盐 1g/5g 80/250 分装:amresco b1020 amv reverse transc-riptase逆转录酶 300u/1000u 880/1950 原装:promega b1021 aprotinin 抑蛋白酶肽,抑肽酶 6ku/25ku 250/800 分装:usbio b1022 l-ascorbic acid l-抗坏血酸,维生素c 100g/500g 160/350 分装:amresco b1023 l-asparagine,anhydrous l-天冬酰氨 5g/25g/100g 60/240/660 分装:amresco b1024 l-aspartic acid l-天冬氨酸 25g/100g 80/180 分装:amresco b1025 atp,2na,3h2o 5"-三磷酸腺苷 1g/2g/5g 150/300/520 分装:amresco b1026 basic fuchsin 碱性品红 2.5g/10g 170/440 分装:amresco b1027 bcip 5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚-磷酸 50mg/100mg 180/320 分装:amresco b1028 bcip/nbt set,solution bcip/nbt溶液 1set 200 自产:进口原料 b1029 benzamidine,hci 盐酸苯甲脒,盐酸苄脒 1g/5g/25g 80/200/700 分装:amresco b1030 bes,free acid n,n-双2-羟乙基-2-氨基乙磺酸 5g/25g 140/450 分装:sigma b1031 d-biotin 生物素 250mg/1g 150/270 分装:amresco b1032 bis-acrylamide 双丙烯酰胺 10g/25g 160/220 分装:amresco b1033 bromcresol green,na 溴甲酚绿,溴甲酚蓝 1g/5g 90/260 分装:amresco b1034 bromcresol blue,na 溴酚兰 5g/25g 130/550 分装:amresco b1035 5-bromo-2"-deoxyuridine5-溴-2-脱氧尿苷 250mg 450 分装:fluka b1036 bsa,fraction v 牛血清白蛋白 5g/25g 170/450 分装:sigma b1037 cacodylic acid 二甲胂酸,二甲基胂酸 5g/10g 180/230 分装:amresco b1038 cesium chioride 氯化铯 25g/100g 240/730 分装:amresco b1039 chaps 1g/2.5g/10g 280/410/1000 分装:amresco b1040 4-chloro-1-napthol 4-氯-1-奈酚 1g/5g 90/180 分装:amresco b1041 citric acid,3na,2h2o 柠檬酸钠 250g 170 分装:amresco b1042 colchicine 秋水仙碱素 250mg 330 分装:sigma b1043 collagen ii型胶原酶 100mg/1g 400/2800 原装:德国serva b1044 collagen iiii型胶原酶 100mg/1g 500/2800 原装:德国serva b1045 collagen vivi型胶原酶 100mg/1g 500/2800 原装:德国serva b1046 concanavalin a 刀豆球蛋白a,伴刀豆球蛋白a 25mg/100mg 220/480 分装:amresco b1047 coomassie g-250,na 考马斯亮蓝g-250 5g/10g/100ml 120/270/450 分装:amresco b1048 coomassie r-250,na 考马斯亮蓝r-250 5g/10g/100ml 180/340/550 分装:amresco b1049 dab,4hci 二氨基联苯胺 250ml/1g/2g 150/290/460 分装:amresco b1050 dab显色试剂盒 set 260 自产:进口原料 b1051 dapi 10mg 1050 分装:sigma b1052 deae dextran deae-葡聚糖10g/20g/100g 210/390/1050 分装:amresco b1053 denhardt"s solution,100x denhardt"s试剂 50ml/100ml 180/250 自产:进口原料 b1054 deoxycholic acid,na 脱氧胆酸钠 5g/10g 90/280 分装:amresco b1055 depc 焦炭酸二乙脂 5ml/10ml 250/390 分装:sigma b1056 去rnase水 100ml/500ml 120/260 自产:进口原料 b1057 dextran blue 2000蓝色葡聚糖2000 1g/10g 350/1900 分装:pharmacia b1058 dextran t10/40/70/500/2000葡聚糖 10g/100g 400/1300 分装:pharmacia b1059 dextran sulfate,na 硫酸葡聚糖 5g/20g 180/350 分装:amresco b1060 dmf n"n二甲基酰胺 100ml/500ml 150/310 分装:amresco b1061 dmso 二甲亚砜 100ml/500ml 178/410 分装:amresco b1062 dna,calf thymus,na 小牛胸腺dna 50mg/250mg 300/970 分装:sigma b1063 dna,sheared 鱼精dna 50mg/200mg 170/350 分装:amresco b1064 dna marker ⅰ,widedna低分子量标准 10次/30次 260/450 分装:gibco b1065 dna marker ⅲ,high dna高分子量标准 10ug 320 分装:gibco b1066 dnase ⅰ,bovine 脱氧核糖核酸酶 25mg/100mg 250/490 分装:sigma b1067 dntp mixture,50x dntp混合物 4/4um / 4/10um 260/450 分装:amresco
Cell Adhesion Assays
Cell Adhesion Assays continued
Cell Migration Assays
Cell Migration Assays continued
Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan [CSPG]
Collagen Type I
Collagen Type II
Collagen Type III
Collagen Type IV
Collagen Type IV continued
Collagen Type V
Collagen Type VI
Collagen Type VII
Collagen Type IX
Collagenase Activity Assay
E-Cadherin [CD324]
E-Selectin [CD62E;ELAM-1]
Elastin [Tropoelastin]
EMMPRN [Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer;CD147;Neurothelin]
Fibronectin [FN]
Fibronectin [FN] continued
Focal Adhesion Kinase [FAK]
Galactose α1,3galactose
Gelatinase Activity Assay
H-CAM [CD44;Lymphocyte Homing/Adhesion Receptor;Pgp-1]
Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan [HSPG]
Heparin/Heparan Sulfate
Hyaluronate Receptor
ICAM [Intracellular adhesion molecule]
ICAM [Intracellular adhesion molecule] continued
Integrin α1 [CD49a]
Integrin α1 β1[VLA-1]
Integrin α2 [CD49b]
Integrin α2β1 [VLA-2]
Integrin α3 [CD49c]
Integrin α3β1 [VLA-3]
Integrin α4 [CD49c]
Integrin α4 [CD49c] continued
Integrin α5 [CD49e]
Integrin α5β1 [VLA-5]
Integrin α5β1 [VLA-5] continued
Integrin α6 [CD49f]
Integrin α6 [CD49f] continued
Integrin α6β1 [VLA-6]
Integrin α9β1
Integrin αE[CD 103]
Integrin αIEL[CD 103]
Integrin αIIb [CD41]
Integrin αIIb [CD41] continued
Integrin αL [CD11a]
Integrin αM [CD11b]
Integrin αM [CD11b] continued
Integrin αMβ2 [CD11b/CD18]
Integrin αV[CD51]
Integrin αV[CD51] continued
Integrin αVβ3 [CD51/CD61]
Integrin αVβ3 [CD51/CD61] continued
Integrin αVβ5
Integrin αVβ6
Integrin αX[CD11c]
Integrin β1 [CD29]
Integrin β1 [CD29] continued
Integrin β2 [CD18]
Integrin β2 [CD18] continued
Integrin β3 [CD61]
Integrin β4 [CD104]
Integrin β5 continued
Integrin β6
Integrin Antibody Investigator Kits
Integrin Antibody Investigator Kits continued
Keratin Sulfate
Kistrin [Platelet aggregation a ctivation inhibitor]
L-Selectin [Iymphocyte adhesion molecule 1;LAM-1;LECAM-1;CD62L]
L1 Neurite Growth Protein [CD171;N-CAM]
Laminin continued
LPS [Lipopolysaccharide]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 [Collagenase-1;Fibroblast Collagenase;Interstitial Collagenase]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 [Collagenase-1;Fibroblast Collagenase;Interstitial Collagenase] continued
Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 [72 kDa Gelatinase;Gelatinase A;Type IV Collagenase]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 [72 kDa Gelatinase;Gelatinase A;Type IV Collagenase] continued
Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 [Stromelysin;Transin;Proteoglycanase]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-7 [Matrilysin;PUMP;PUMP-1]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-7 [Matrilysin;PUMP;PUMP-1] continued
Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 [Collagenase-2;Neutrophill Collagenase]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 [Gelatinase B;92 kda Gelatinase]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 [Gelatinase B;92 kda Gelatinase] continued
Matrix Metalloproteinase-10 [Stromelysin-2]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-11 [Stromelysin-3]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-11 [Stromelysin-3] continued
Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 [Macrophage Elastase;Metalloelastase;macrophage elastase]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 [Collagenase-3]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-14 [MT1-MMP]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-14 [MT1-MMP]continued
Matrix Metalloproteinase-15 [MT2-MMP]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-16 [MT3-MMP]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-17 [MT4-MMP]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-18 [Collagenase-4]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-19 [RASI]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-20 [Enamelysin]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-21 [MMP-23a;Femalysin]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-23 [Cysteine Array MMP;CAMMP;MIFR]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-24 [MT5-MMP]
Matrix Metalloproteinase-25 [MT6-MMP]
Matrix Metalloproteinase Antibody Panel Starter Kit
Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors
MCAM [Melanoma Adhesion Molecule;CD146]
Mucin-1 [Epithelial Membrane Antigen;EMA;MUC1;CD227]
NCAM [Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule;CD56]
NCAM [Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule;CD56] continued
Nidogen [Entactin]
Osteonectin [ON;SPARC;Basement Membrane Protein BM-40]
Osteopotin [OPN;Bone Sialoprotein I;SPP1]
Osteopotin [OPN;Bone Sialoprotein I;SPP1] continued
P-Selectin [CD62P;PADGEM;GMP-140]
P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand [PSG1-1;CD162]
PECAM [CD31] continued
Phosphacan [Receptor Tyrosine Phosphatase β;C6P63]
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor [PAI]
Platelet Associated Immunoglobulin Kit
Prolyl 4-hydroxylase β[Protein Disulfide lsomerase Precursor;PDI;cellular thyroid hormone binding
Restrictin [Tenascin-R;Janusin]
Tenascin [Cytotactin]
Tenascin [Cytotactin] continued
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 [TIMP-1]
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 [TIMP-1] continued
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2 [TIMP-2]
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-3 [TIMP-3]
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-4 [TIMP-4]
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase Panel Kit
Tissue Transglutaminase [TTG]
Urokinase [uPA;uPAR]
VAP-1 [Vascular Adhesion Protein-1]
VCAM-1 [Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule;CD106]
VCAM-1 [Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule;CD106] continued
VE-Cadherin [CD144;Vascular Endothelial cadherin]
Versican [CSPG2]
14-3-3 Proteins
3BP2 [SH3 Binding Protein 2]
Acetyl Lysine
Activating Transcription Factor
Activator of G-Protein Signaling
ADP-Ribosylation Factor [ARF]
Akt [RAC-PK;Protein Kinase B]
AP-2 [Transcription Factor AP-2;Activating Enhancer-Binding Protein 2]
ARP2 [Actin-Related Protein 2]
βPix [PIX;COOL;p85SPR]
c-abI [AbI]
c-fos Proto-oncogene Protein
c-jun [AP-1]
c-kit [CD117;SCF Receptor]
Calcineurin [Protein Phosphatase 2B]
Calmodulin [CAMI;PHKD;DD132;CALML2]
Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase II [CaMKII]
Calnexin [IP90 Protein;Integral Membrane Protein IP90;Phosphoprotein pp90]
Calreticulin [Calregulin;ERp60]
cAMP [Cyclic AMP]
cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase [Protein Kinase A;PKA]
Casein Kinase
CASK [Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Serine Protein Kinase]
CbI [Proto-oncogene c-CbI;CbI E3 Ubiquitin Ligase;Casitas B-lineage Lymphoma Proto-oncogene]
Cdc42 [G25K GTP-bindiong Protein]
cGMO [yclic GMP]
cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase [cGK]
Chk1 Kinase [Checkpoint Kinase 1]
Connexin contined
Cortatin [EMS1;Amplaxin]
CREB [cAMP-response Element Binding Protein]
CREB [cAMP-response Element Binding Protein] continued
CREB-Binding Protein [CBP]
Csk [CAK-activating Kinase;c-SRC Kinase]
Cyclin-dependent Kinase [CDK]
Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1 [p21;waf1;CDK-interacting Protein 1;MDA-6]
DAP12 [DNAX-activation Protein 12]
DARPP-32 [Dopamine-and cAMP-regulated Neuronal Phosphoprotein]
Diaphanous 1 [Dia 1,DIAPH 1]
DOK [Docking Protein 1;p62Dok1]
DYRK [Dual-specificity Tyrosin-phosphorylation Regulated Kinase]
EGF Receptor [Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor;c-erbB-1]
Ephrin Receptor [EphB1;Tyrosine-protein Kinase Receptor ETK1]
ERK [Extraellular Signal-related Kinase] See MAPK for product listing
Fer [Proto-oncogene Tyrosine-protein Kinase FER]
Focal Adhesion Kinase [FAK]
Fodrin [Non-Erythroid Spectrin;αFodrin]
Fyn [SYN;SLK] continued
G Protein
GADD45 [Growth ArrestDNA Damage-Inducible 45]
gC1q-R/p33 [Complement Component 1;Q Subcomponent Binding Protein C1q-R;C1q Receptor]
Growth Fctor Receptor-Bound Protein [Grb;ASH]
GSK-3[Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3]
GTPase Activating Protein [Ras-GAP;Ras p21 protein activator]
Hypoxia Inducible Factor [HIF;ARNT Interacting Protein;MOP1]
IκB [Inhibitor of NFκB]
IKK [Inhibitor of NFκB Kinase]
IL-1RAcP [IL-1 Receptor Accessory Protein]
Insulin Receptor [CD220]
Insulin Receptor [CD220] continued
Insulin Receptor Substrate [IRS]
Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Receptor [CD221 human]
IP3 Receptor [Inositol 1,4,5-Triphosphate Receptor;ITPR]
IRAK [Interleukin-1 Receptor-Associated Kinase]
Itk [Emt,Tsk,T-Cell Signaling Protein]
JAK [Janus Kinase]
JAK [Janus Kinase] continued
JNK [c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase;Stress-Activated Protein Kinase]
LAT [Linker for Activation of T cells;36 kDa Phospho-tyrosine Adaptor Protein]
Lck [p56 Lck;LSK;T Cell-Specific Protein-Tyrosine Kinase]
LEF/TCF [Lymphoid Enhancer Factor]
LIM Kinase 1 [LIMK-1]
Lysophospholipid Phosphatase
MAPK [Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase;ERK] See p38 for p38 MAPK product listing
MDM2 [Murine Double Minute-2]
MEK [MAP Kinase;MAPK/ERK Kinase;Dual Specificity Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase]
MEK [MAP Kinase Kinase;MAPK/ERK Kinase] continued
MEKK [MEK Kinase;MAP Kinase Kinase Kinase]
Met [Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor;HGFR]
Microphthalmia Mi
MKK [MAPK Kinase]
MyD88 [Myeloid Differentiation Primary Response Protein]
Na+/K+ATPase [Sodium/Potassium ATPase]
Natural Killer Cell Receptor-P1
Mck [Nck Adaptor Protein 1]
Neutral Amino Acid Transporter [ASCT]
NFκB continued
NFκB Inducing Kinase [NIK]
NKG2D [NKG2-D Type II Integral Membrane Protein;NKG2-D Activating NK Receptor;NK Cell Receptor D]
Nitric Oxide Synthase [NOS]
Nitric Oxide Synthase [NOS] continued
Nitrotyrosune [NO2-Tyrosine]
p38 [SAPK;Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase]
PAK [p21-Activated Kinase]
PAK [p21-Activated Kinase] continued
Pax5 [Paired Box Protein Pax-5;B-cell Lineage Specific Activator Protein;BSAP]
PCNA [Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen,DNA Polymerase δAuxillary Factor]
PGC-1 [PPARγCiactivator 1]
Phosphatidylinositol Bisphosphate [PIP2]
Phosphodiesterase [PDE]
Phosphoserine [P-Ser]
Phosphothreonine [p-Thrs]
Phosphothreonine-Proline [pThr-Pro]
Phosphotyrosine [p-Tyr]
Omni-Phos Phosphorylation Assay Kit
PI3-Kinase [Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase]
pim-1 [Proto-oncogene Serine/Threonine Kinase pim-1]
PML [promyelocytic Leukemia Protein]
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