Alkaline Phosphatase -Goat Anti- Rabbit IgG Caspase 1 [ICE] Caspase 2 [ICH-1] Caspase 3 [CPP32] Caspase 5 [ICH-3] Caspase 6 [MCH-2] Caspase 7 [MCH-3] Caspase 8 [FLICE] Caspase 9 [ICE-LAP6;MCH6;APAF-3] Caspase 10 [FLICE-2] Caspase 12 Caspase 13 [ERICE] CD40 Ligand [CD154;TRAP] clAP [Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins] CIDE [Cell Death-Inducing DFFA-like Effector Proteins] Cytochrome c DAP Kinase [Death-Associated Protein Kinase] Death Domain Receptors Decoy Receptors DEDAF [Death Effector Domain Associated Factor] Deoxyribonuclease [DNase] DNA Fragmentation Factor [DFF 40/CAD;DFF 45/ICAD] DNA,Single Stranded [Deoxyribonucleic Acid] DRAK [DAP Kinase-related Apoptosis-inducing Protein Kinase] Endonuclease G [EndoG] FADD [FAS-associating Death Domain-containing Protein] Fas [CD95;APO-1] Fas L[Fas Ligand] FLASH [FLICE-Associated Huge Protein] FLIP [CASP8FADD-like Apoptosis Regulator] Fractin [32 kDa Fragment of β-Actin] Granzyme B [Lymphocyte Protease;Fragmentin 2] Lamin Livin [KIAP;ML-IAP;Baculoviral IAP Repeat-containing 7] Mcl-1 [Myeloid Cell Leukemia Sequence 1] NAC [CARD 7;DEFCAP] NAIP [Neuronal Apoptosis Inhibitor Protein;nAIP;Baculoviral IAP Repeat-containing Protein 1] p53 contunued PARP [Poly ADP-ribose Polymerase] Perforin [Cytolysin;Lymphocyte Pore Forming Protein] RAIDD [RIP-associated ICH-1/CED-3 Homologous Protein with a Death Domain;CRADD;CaspaseRIP Adapter with DD] RICK [RIP-like Interacting CLARP Kinase;RIP2;CARDIAK] Smac/DIABLO SODD [Silencer of Death Domain] Survivin [TIAP;Apoptosis Inhibitor 4;API4] TRAIL [TNF-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand;Apo2L] XIAP [X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein;IAP3] Aciculin [Phosphoglucomutase-related Protein] Acid Glycoprotein,α-1 Actin Actinin Adipocyte Fatty Acid Binding Protein [ALBP] Adipogenesis Assay Adipolysis Adiponectin [ACRP30] Adipose Differentiation-related Protein Agouti [ASP] Agouti Related Protein[AGRP] Albumin Alcohol Dehydrogenase Aldolase Alkaline Phosphatase AllergyInflammation αFetoProtein [AFP] α-1-Antitrypsin [α-1Proteinase Inhibitor;AAT] Amylase Amyloid P Protein Androgen Receptor [Dihydrotestosterone Receptor] Angiotensin-converting Enzyme [ACE;CD143;DCP1;Peptidyl-dipeptidase A;Peptidase P] Anion Exchanger Ankyrin Annexin [Lipocortin] AP-4 [Transcription Factor AP-4;Activating Enhancer-Binding Protein 4] Apolipoprotein Aprataxin D [APTX] Aquaporin Arthrogen-CIA Arthritis Inducing Antibody Cocktail Kits ASCIZ ASH 1 [Achaete-scute Homolog 1] Asparaginase Ataxia Telanglectasia Mutated [ATM] ATP Synthase ATPase 1,Copper-Trans [ATP7A] BarH1 [BARHL1] BarH2 [Homeobox Protein BARH2] Barx1 [Homeobox Protein BarH-like 1] β-2 Microglobulin BF-2 [Forkhead Box Protein D1;FREAC-4] Bloom''s Syndrome Protein [BLM] BRCA 1-associated Protein [BRAP2] Bromodeoxyuridine [BrdU] Bub1 [Mitotic Spindle Checkpoint Kinase BUB1] BubR1 [Mitotic Spindle Checkpoint Kinase BUB1β] C-Reactive Protein [CRP] Calcium ATPase [Plasma Membrane Calcium-Transportin ATPase] Caldesmon [CDM] Calgranulin [Leukocyte L1 Complex] Calpain [Calcium-activated Neutral Proteinase] Calpastatin Capping Protein Carbonic Ahydrases Carboxypeptidase Cardiotin Catalase CD26 Cdc20 [Cell Division Cycle Protein 20 Homolog;p55CDC] Cdc25 [Cell Division Cycle 25] Cdx [Homeobox Protein CDX] Cdx2 [Caudal-type Homeobox Protein 2] Cell Adhesion Assays Cell Based Cancer Research Assays Cell Migration Assays Cell Proliferation Assays CHK Kinase Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein [CETP] Chymotrypsin Citrate Synthase Clathrin COE1 [Early B-cell Factor;Olfactory Neuronal Transcription Factor] Compement CREB [cAMP-response Element Binding Protein] Cullin Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel Cyclin Cyclin-dependent Kinase [CDK] Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A [CDKN2;p14ARF;P16INK4a;CDK4 inhibitor] Cyclooxygenase [COX] 1-Cys Peroxiredoxin [aiPLA2;1-cys Prx;Non-selenium Glutathione Peroxidase] Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator [CFTR;cAMP-dependent Chloride Channel] Cytochrome P450 Cytochrome p450 Aldosterone Synthase Cytochrome P450 Reductase Cytochrome P450 Side Chain Cleavage Enzyme Cytokeratin [Keratin] Decay Accelerating Factor [DAF,CD55] Dfensin Desmin Desmoglein Desmoplakin [DP] DIP1 Dipeptidylpeptidase IV [DPPIV;CD26] DMC1 [Meiotic Recombination Protein DMC1/LIM15 Homolog] DNA [Deoxyribonucleic Acid] DNA Methyltransferase [Dnmt] DNA Topoisomerase II [Topo II] DP-1 [E2F Dimerization Partner 1] Ductin Dymein Dystrophin E2F eIF4E Binding Protein [4E-BP1] Elastase Endothelin [ET] Endothelin Receptor Engrailed [Homeobox Protein Engrailed] Eosinophil Major Basic Protein [EMBP;Pregnancy Associated Major Basic Protein] Eosinophil Peroxidase [EPO] Epithelial Sodium Channel [ENaC] Epithelium ERCC1 [DNA Excision Repair Protein ERCC-1] ESE-1 [ETS Transcription Factor;Epithelial-specific ETS Protein] ETR-3 [Elav-Type RNA-Binding Protein] Factor VIII [Antihemophilic Factor] Farnesyl Fascin [55 kDa Actin Bundling Protein] Fetuin [α-2 Heremans-Schmid Glycoprotein] Fibrinogen Filamin [Actin-Binding Protein] FKLF,Kruppel-Type Zinc Finger Protein [TGF-β-inducible Early Growth Response Protein 2] Fodrin [Non-Erythroid Spectrin;αFodrin] Folate [Folic Acid] Forkhead Box Protein Fructose-6-Phosphate Kinase [F-6-PK] G6PDH [Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase] GADD45 [Growth ArrestDNA-Dameage-Inducible 45] α-Galactosidase β-Galactosidase [IacZ Gene Product] GAPDH [Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase;G3PDH] Gastrointestinal Peptide [GIP] GATA [GATA Binding Factor] GCNS [Histone acetyltransferase GCN5;General control of amino acid synthesis protein 5-like 2] Ghrelin Gli1 [Glioma-associated Oncogene] Glucagon Glucose Regulated Protein 94 [GRP94] Glucose Transporter Glutathione Glycogen Synthase Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 [GSK-3] Glycophorin A [CD235a] Golgi Zone H+ ATPase H+/K+ ATPase HDAC [Histone Deacetylase] Heat Shock Factor [HSF] Heat Shock Protein [HSP] Heme Oxygenase Hemoglobin [Hb] Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan [HSPG] Heparin Heterochromatin Protein [HP;Chromobox Protein Homolog] HEX [Homeodomain Transcription Factor] Hexokinase Histone Histone H1 Histone H2A.X Histone H2B Histone H4 Histone Methyltransferase HMG [High-Mobility Group] Hormone Sensitive Lipase [HSL,LIPE] HOXB7 [Homeobox Protein Hox-B7] Hu-antigen [ELAV-like Protein] IκB IKK2[IκB Kinase βSubunit] Immunoglobulins,Human Immunoglobulins,Mouse Immunoglobulins,Rat Immunoglobulins,Chichen Immunoglobulins,Animal Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase [IDO] Insulin Internexin,α Irx2a [Iroquois-class Homeodomain Protein IRX-5] Jagged K+/Ci- Cotransporter Kinesin Kinetocore KLF2 [Kruppel-like Factor 2;LKLF] KLF4 [Kruppel-like Factor 4] Ku Lactate Dehydrogenase [LDH] Lamin Lbx2[LADY BIRD-like Homeobox 2 Homolog] Leptin [Obesity Factor] Leption Receptor [LEP-R;OB Receptor] LIG4 [DNA Ligase IV] LIM Liporotein Lipoxygenase Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor [LDL-R] LPDS [Lipoprotein Deficient Serum] Lysozyme Macroglobulin Mahogany/Attratin-2 Protein Maltose Binding Protein [MBP] Mannan-Binding Lectin [MBL] Mannose-6-Phosphate Receptor [M6PR] Mannosidase II Meiosis-Inducing Orotein [Ime1p] Methyl CpG Binding Domain Protein 2 [MBD2] Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 [MeCP2] CpG Methylation Detection Reagents Microphthalmia Mi Microphthalmia-associated Transcription Factor [MITF] Mismatch Repair Protein 2 [MSH2] Mitochondria Mitotic Kinesin-Like Protein-1 [MKLP-1;KNSL5] MLH1 [DNA Mismatch Repair Protein MLH1;MytL] Monocarboxylate Transporter MOP3 [BMAL1] MOP4 [NPAS2] MOZ [MYST Histone Acetyltransferase 3;Monocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger Protein] Mtsh 1 [Sdccag33;Teashirt] Mucin Myeloperoxidase [MPO] MyoD1 [Myf-3] Myofibroblast Myogenin [Myf-4] Myosin Myosin V Myostatin [Growth/differentiation Factor 8;GDF-8] Na+/K+/Cl- Cotransporter [NKCC] Na+/Ca++ Exchanger [NCX] Na+/H+ Exchanger [NHE] Na+/H+ Exchanger Regulatory Factor 1 [EBP-50;NHERF-1] Na+/HCO3- Cotransporter [NBC] Na+/I- Symporter [NIS;Sodium Iodide Synporter] Na+/K+ ATPase [Sodium/Potassium ATPase] NEDD Neutrophil Elastase NFκB Nitrotyrosine Nkx Notch Nuclear Membrane Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 2 [NCOA2] Nuclear Ribonucleoptotein Nuclear Spliceosomes Nuclear Transcription Factor Y [NF-Y] Nuclei Nuclei & Chromosomes Nucleobindin 1 [NUCB1] Nucleoli NucleusMitotic Cell Antigen Obese Protein [OB,Leptin] Oct [Octamer-binding Transcription Factor] Orexin [Hypocretin] Orexin Receptor [Hypocretin Receptor] Organic Anion Trqansporting Polypeptide [OATP] Ovalbumin 8-Oxoguanine [8-oxoG] Oxidation Detection Reagents p27 [Kip 1;Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1B] Pancreatic Islet Cell Pax4 [Paired Box Protein Pax-4] Pax5 [Paired Box Protein Pax-5;B-cell Lineage Specific Activator Protein;BSAP] Paxillin Pdx-1 [Pancreas Duodenum Homeobox-1;IDX-1;IPF1;STF-1;IUF-1;GSF] Penicillin Pepsin Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor [PPAR] PGC-1 [PPARγCoactivator 1] Phosphoenol Pyruvate Carboxylase [PEPC;PEPCASE] Plakophilin [PKP] Polycystin Polyhistidine Tag [HIS-Tag] Polypyrimidine Track Binding Protein [PTB]
| 碱性磷酸酶标记羊抗兔IgG |