P-Glycoprotein IH kit Factor VIII [Antihemophilic Factor] Farnesyl Fascin [55 kDa Actin Bundling Protein] Fetuin [α-2 Heremans-Schmid Glycoprotein] Fibrinogen Filamin [Actin-Binding Protein] FKLF,Kruppel-Type Zinc Finger Protein [TGF-β-inducible Early Growth Response Protein 2] Fodrin [Non-Erythroid Spectrin;αFodrin] Folate [Folic Acid] Forkhead Box Protein Fructose-6-Phosphate Kinase [F-6-PK] G6PDH [Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase] GADD45 [Growth ArrestDNA-Dameage-Inducible 45] α-Galactosidase β-Galactosidase [IacZ Gene Product] GAPDH [Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase;G3PDH] Gastrointestinal Peptide [GIP] GATA [GATA Binding Factor] GCNS [Histone acetyltransferase GCN5;General control of amino acid synthesis protein 5-like 2] Ghrelin Gli1 [Glioma-associated Oncogene] Glucagon Glucose Regulated Protein 94 [GRP94] Glucose Transporter Glutathione Glycogen Synthase Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 [GSK-3] Glycophorin A [CD235a] Golgi Zone H+ ATPase H+/K+ ATPase HDAC [Histone Deacetylase] Heat Shock Factor [HSF] Heat Shock Protein [HSP] Heme Oxygenase Hemoglobin [Hb] Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan [HSPG] Heparin Heterochromatin Protein [HP;Chromobox Protein Homolog] HEX [Homeodomain Transcription Factor] Hexokinase Histone Histone H1 Histone H2A.X Histone H2B Histone H4 Histone Methyltransferase HMG [High-Mobility Group] Hormone Sensitive Lipase [HSL,LIPE] HOXB7 [Homeobox Protein Hox-B7] Hu-antigen [ELAV-like Protein] IκB IKK2[IκB Kinase βSubunit] Immunoglobulins,Human Immunoglobulins,Mouse Immunoglobulins,Rat Immunoglobulins,Chichen Immunoglobulins,Animal Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase [IDO] Insulin Internexin,α Irx2a [Iroquois-class Homeodomain Protein IRX-5] Jagged K+/Ci- Cotransporter Kinesin Kinetocore KLF2 [Kruppel-like Factor 2;LKLF] KLF4 [Kruppel-like Factor 4] Ku Lactate Dehydrogenase [LDH] Lamin Lbx2[LADY BIRD-like Homeobox 2 Homolog] Leptin [Obesity Factor] Leption Receptor [LEP-R;OB Receptor] LIG4 [DNA Ligase IV] LIM Liporotein Lipoxygenase Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor [LDL-R] LPDS [Lipoprotein Deficient Serum] Lysozyme Macroglobulin Mahogany/Attratin-2 Protein Maltose Binding Protein [MBP] Mannan-Binding Lectin [MBL] Mannose-6-Phosphate Receptor [M6PR] Mannosidase II Meiosis-Inducing Orotein [Ime1p] Methyl CpG Binding Domain Protein 2 [MBD2] Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 [MeCP2] CpG Methylation Detection Reagents Microphthalmia Mi Microphthalmia-associated Transcription Factor [MITF] Mismatch Repair Protein 2 [MSH2] Mitochondria Mitotic Kinesin-Like Protein-1 [MKLP-1;KNSL5] MLH1 [DNA Mismatch Repair Protein MLH1;MytL] Monocarboxylate Transporter MOP3 [BMAL1] MOP4 [NPAS2] MOZ [MYST Histone Acetyltransferase 3;Monocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger Protein] Mtsh 1 [Sdccag33;Teashirt] Mucin Myeloperoxidase [MPO] MyoD1 [Myf-3] Myofibroblast Myogenin [Myf-4] Myosin Myosin V Myostatin [Growth/differentiation Factor 8;GDF-8] Na+/K+/Cl- Cotransporter [NKCC] Na+/Ca++ Exchanger [NCX] Na+/H+ Exchanger [NHE] Na+/H+ Exchanger Regulatory Factor 1 [EBP-50;NHERF-1] Na+/HCO3- Cotransporter [NBC] Na+/I- Symporter [NIS;Sodium Iodide Synporter] Na+/K+ ATPase [Sodium/Potassium ATPase] NEDD Neutrophil Elastase NFκB Nitrotyrosine Nkx Notch Nuclear Membrane Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 2 [NCOA2] Nuclear Ribonucleoptotein Nuclear Spliceosomes Nuclear Transcription Factor Y [NF-Y] Nuclei Nuclei & Chromosomes Nucleobindin 1 [NUCB1] Nucleoli NucleusMitotic Cell Antigen Obese Protein [OB,Leptin] Oct [Octamer-binding Transcription Factor] Orexin [Hypocretin] Orexin Receptor [Hypocretin Receptor] Organic Anion Trqansporting Polypeptide [OATP] Ovalbumin 8-Oxoguanine [8-oxoG] Oxidation Detection Reagents p27 [Kip 1;Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1B] Pancreatic Islet Cell Pax4 [Paired Box Protein Pax-4] Pax5 [Paired Box Protein Pax-5;B-cell Lineage Specific Activator Protein;BSAP] Paxillin Pdx-1 [Pancreas Duodenum Homeobox-1;IDX-1;IPF1;STF-1;IUF-1;GSF] Penicillin Pepsin Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor [PPAR] PGC-1 [PPARγCoactivator 1] Phosphoenol Pyruvate Carboxylase [PEPC;PEPCASE] Plakophilin [PKP] Polycystin Polyhistidine Tag [HIS-Tag] Polypyrimidine Track Binding Protein [PTB] Post Meiotic Segregation Increased 2 [PMS2] Preadipocyte Factor-1 [Pref-1,DLK-1] PRMT [Protein Arginine N-methyltransferase] Pro-Insulin C Peptide Profilin Progesterone Receptor [PR] Prostaglandin E-2 Receptor Proteasome PTH-Related Protein [PTHrP] Ptx [Pituitary Homeobox] Puromycin Sensitive Aminopeptidase Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase [PDK] Pyruvate Kinase Rad Proteins RAGE [Receptor for Advanced Glycosylation End Products] RanBP 17 [Ran-binding Protein 17] Rec8 Resistin [ADSF;FIZZ3] Resistin-like Molecule [RELM;ColonSmall Intestine-specific Cysteine-rich Protein] Retinoid X Receptor [RXR] RFX5 [Regulatory Factor X 5] RFXANK [Regulatory Factor X-Associated Protein] RFXAP [Regulatory Factor X-Associated Protein] Riboflavin [Vitamin B2] Ribonuclease A [RNase A] RNA Polymerase II RO52 [SSA1;Sjogren Syndrome Type A Antigen;52 kDa Ribonucleoprotein Autoantigen RO] RPA 70kD [Replication Protein A] S peptide [RNase A] SALL [Cys2His 2 Zinc Finger Domain Family Spalt Related Transcription Factor] Secretin SENP [Sentrin/SUMO-Specific Protease] Serum [Human] SHARP [Class B Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Protein] Sialyl Lewis A [SLeA] SIM [Single-minded Homolog] Smoothelin SNF Sox Transcription Factors Sp100 Nuclear Dot Protein [Speckled 100 kDa] Spectrin [Brain Actin-Binding Protein;BABP] ssDNA Apoptosis ELISA Kit Staufen [Stau] Structural Maintanence of Chromosomes Subcellular Structure SUMO Superoxide Dismutase [SOD] Surfactant Protein [SP] T4 [Thyroxine] Talin Tamm-Horsfall Glycoprotein [THP] TATA Binding Protein [TBP] TBX2 [T-box Protein 2] Tensin Tet Repressor [TetR] TFE3 [Transcription Factor E3] TFEB [Transcription Factor EB] Thiamine [Vitamin B1] Thiazide-Sensitive Na-Cl Transporter [Na-Cl Symporter] Thymosin Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [TSH] Tissue Plasminogen Activator [tPA] Titin TopoisoeraseDNAII Binding Protein 1 [TopBP1] Transcobalamin I [TCN 1] Transcroptional Intermediary Factor Transferrin Transferrin Receptor [CD71] TRAPeze Telomerase Detection Reagents Tropomyosin Troponin Trypsin [Trypsinogen] Trypsin Inhibitor TSC [Tuberous Sclerosis Protein] Tubby Like Protein [TULP;Tub;Tubby] Tubulin Ubiquitin Ubiquitin Activating Enzyme Ubiquitin Carboxyl-Terminal Hydrolase L1 Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzymes Ubiquitin-Proteasome Uncoupling Proteins [UCP;Uncouplin] Urothelium [Urinary Bladder Epithelium] USF [Upstream Stimulatory Factor;Major Late Transcription Factor] UTF1 Vascular Permeability Villin Vimentin Vinculin Vitamin B12 Vitamin D Receptor [VDR] Vitamin E [αTocopherol Acid Succinate;VES] von Willibrand Factor [Factor VIII Related Antigen] XPA XRCC [X-Ray Repair Cross-Complementing Protein] ZO [Zona Occludens] 4-1BB [CD137] 4-1BB Ligand ACTH [Adrenocorticotropic Hormone] Aldosterone Amphiregulin [Colorectum Cell-derived Growth Factor] Angiogenin Angiopoietin Antibody Arrays Antibody Arrays Conditioned Media,Serum,Plasme,Body Fluids Antibody Arrays Lysates Artemin BAFF [B-cell Activating Factor;TALL-1;BLyS] Bone Morphogenetic Protein [BMP] Bone Sialoprotein II Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor [BDNF] Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor,pro [BDNF,pro] C-C Chemokine Receptor 1 [CCR-1,MIP-1α-R;RANTES-R] C-C Chemokine Receptor 5 [CCR-5;CD195] C-X-C Chemokine Receptor 4 [CXCR4;CD184] C-X-X-X-C Chemokine Receptor 1 [CX3CR1] Calcitonin CD40 Ligand [CD40L,CD154;TRAP] β-Chorionic Gonadotropin [β-hCG;Choriogonadotropin βChain] Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor [CNTF] Corticosterone Cortisol [Hydrocortisone] Cortisone Decidual Prolactin-related Protein [dPRP] 11-Dehydroorticosterone EGF [Epidermal Growth Factor] EGF Receptor [Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor;c-erb B-1] Endoglin [CD105;Ancillary TGF-βReceptor] Endorphin Endpstatin [C-terminal Fragment of Collagen 18] Endothelial Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II [EMAP-II] Erythropoietin [EPO;Epoetin] Estradiol Estrogen Receptor [ER] EX-CYTE Fibroblase Growth Factor [FGF;Heparin-binding Growth Factor,HBGF] Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor [FGF-R] Flow Cytometric Bead-based Immunoassays Flt-3 Ligand [STK-1 Ligand] Follicle Stimulating Hormone [FSH] Pin 1 [Peptidyl-prolyl Cis-trns Isomerase;NIMA-interacting 1;Rotamase Pin] Pleiotrophin [PTN] PNMT [Phenyl Ethanolamine-N-methyltransferase] Polyglutamine [Polyglutamine-Expansion Diseases Marker] Polysialic Acid-NCAM [PSA-NCAM] Post Synaptic Density Protein 93 [PSD-93] Post Synaptic Density Protein 95 [PSD-95] Potassium Channel Potassium Channel continued PreproNPY [C-PON] Presenilin Presenilin continued Prion Protein [PrP;CD230 Antigen] ProDynorphin Prostaglandin E2 Pro-opiomelanocortin [POMC] Pretein Gene Product 9.5 [Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase] Prox1 Ptx2 [Pituitary Homeobox 2] Puromycin Sensitive Aminopeptidase Quinolunic Acid RAGE [Receptor for Advanced Glycosylation End Products] Rattin RBP-JK [RBp-L Transciption Factor] Recoverin Reelin Restrictin [Tenascin-R;Janusin] Retinal Pigment Epithelium 65 [RPE65] Retinoic Acid Receptor [RAR] Retinoid X Receptor RXR RFC-145 [Replication Factor C] Rhodopsin [Visual Purple;Opsin 2] Riboflavin [Vitamin B2] RPA 70kD [Replication Protein A] RTP801 Ryanodine Receptor [Ca++ Release Channel] S-100 Protein SAP-102 [Synapse Associated Protein 102kDa] Sauvagine [SVG] Scratch Scrt Semaphorin Serine Serotonin [5-HT;5-Hydroxytryptamine] Serotonin Receptor [HTR] Serotonin Receptor [HTR]continued Serotonin Transporter Shank [SPANK] SHARP[Class B Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Protein] SIM [Single-minded Homolog] SLIT [Protein C SLK;SLITRK] Snail SNAP [Synaptosomal-Associated Protein] Snapin Sodium Channel Sodium Channel continued Sodium Punp Na+ pump Na+-K+-ATPase Somatostatin Somatostatin Receptor [SSTR] Sox Transcription Factors Sox Transcription Factors continued Spectrin [Brain Actin-Binding Protein;BABP] Spermine Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 [SCA3;Ataxin-3] Spinophilin Staufen [Stau] STEP STOP [Stable Tubule-only Polypeptide] Striatin Substance P Substance P Receptor [NK-1 Receptor;Tachykinin Receptor 1] SUMO Superoxide Dismutase [SOD] Synapsin Synaptobrevin [Vesicle-Associated Membrane Protein;VAMP] Synaptojanin 1 Synaptophysin [Syp] Synaptophysin [Syp] continued Synaptotagmin [p65;Syt] Synphilin Syntaxin Synuclein Synuclein continued Taste Receptor [TR] Tau [Neurofibrillary Tangle Protein] Tau [Neurofibrillary Tangle Protein] continued Glucagon GM-CSF [Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor] GM-CSF Receptor [cd116] GRO [Melanoma Growth Stimulating Activity;CXCL1]
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