美国UCL和BIOSIS公司 及其他知名公司的酶联免疫吸附方法ELISA试剂 盒和免疫组化IH试剂盒石蜡切片P 冰冻切片F 免疫印迹WB 流式细胞检 测FC方法,以及单克隆抗体,和多克隆抗体
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邮 编:200433
BS2124 A375-C5 97011320 human malignant melanoma 1L-1 sensitive
BS2125 A431 85090402 human squanous carcinoma
BS2126 A549 86012804 human caucasian lung carcinoma
BS2127 A6 89072613 south african clawed toad kidney
BS2128 A673 85111504 human rhabdomyosarcoma
BS2129 A-72 89050908 canine golden retriever tumour
BS2130 A7r5 86050803 rat BDIX smooth muscle embryonic aorta
BS2131 A9 85011426 mouse C3H/An areolar-and adipose tissue
BS2132 A9HT 88042804 A9 tumour induced C3H mouse
BS2133 AC2 86061902 mouse lymphoblast
BS2134 ACHN 88100508 human renal adenocarcinoma
BS2135 Aedes aegypti 87091801 mosquito larvae
BS2136 Aedes albopictu 90100401 mosquito larvae
BS2137 AGLCL 89120566 human caucasian normal B cell
BS2138 AGS 89090402 human caucasian gastric adenocarcinoma
BS2139 AK-D 89071903 foetal cat lung normal
BS2140 ADR-2B 91061307 mouse,AKR,embryo
BS2141 Ampli-GPE 95050229 mouse NIH Swiss embryo,transfected with retrovira
BS2142 Anr4 90071808 rat F344/Ducrj liver
BS2143 AR42J 93100618 rat exocrine pancreatic tumour
BS2144 ARH77 88121201 human plasma cell leukaemia
BS2145 ARL-6 87050701 rat Wistar liver hepatoma
BS2146 ARLJ301-3 90071806 rat F334/Ducrj liver
BS2147 AsPC-1 96020930 human pancreas adenocarcinoma ascites metastasis
BS2148 AT-1 94101449 rat dunning R-3327,dorsal prostatic adenocarcinom
BS2149 AT-2.1 94101450 rat prostatic cancer
BS2150 AT-3.1 94101451 rat dorsal ptrstatic adenocarcinoma
BS2151 AT6.1 94101452 rat dorsal prostatic adenocarcinoma
BS2152 ATDC5 99072806 mouse 129 teratocarcinoma AT805 derived
BS2153 ATHOS 93122325 porcine thyroid epithelial
BS2154 AtT20 87021902 mouse LAF1 pituitary gland tumour
BS2155 AtT-20/D16v-F2 94050406 mouse pituitary tumour
BS2156 AV3HeLa deriv 88102402 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2157 AVG-16 06062701 porcin peversibly lmmortalised primary granulosa
BS2158 b.End3 96091929 mouse SV129 brain endothelioma
BS2159 b.End5 96091930 mouse Balb/c brain endothelioma
BS2160 B12 85042303 rat nervous tissue glial
BS2161 B16 melanoma 4A 94042254 mouse melanoma,melanin producing
BS2162 B16-F0 92101204 mouse melanoma,melanin producing
BS2163 B16-F1 92101203 mouse melanoma,melanin producing
BS2164 B2.Sp 90030906 bovine spleen
BS2165 B50 85042302 rat nervous tissue neuronal
BS2166 B65 85042305 rat nervous tissue neuronal
BS2167 B82 85011408 mouse C3H/An sc areolaradipose tissue
BS2168 B9 96080128 mouse B cell hybridoma
BS2169 B92 85042304 rat nervous tissue glial
BS2170 B95-8 85011419 monkey marmoset peripheral blood lymphocyte
BS2171 B95a 01092505 B-lymphoblastoid,EBV-transformed
BS2172 BAE-1 88031149 Bovine aortic endothelium
BS2173 BAOEC 86123102 Bovine lug endothelium
BS2174 BB 87101201 Fish Brown Bullhead posterior trunk tissue
BS2175 BC3H1 86093001 mouse brain tumour
BS2176 BCL1 Clone CW13 90061904 mouse BALB/c B cell leukaemia
BS2177 BE2-C 95011817 human caucasian neuroblatoma
BS2178 BE2-M17 95011816 human caucasian neuroblatoma
BS2179 BE10-7 93040125 rat,BDIX,brain,pre-malignant
BS2180 BE10-Intermedia 93040119 rat,BDIX,foetal brain,pre-malignant
BS2181 BE10-Late 93040120 rat,BDIX,foetal brain,malignant
BS2182 BE11 Early 93040121 rat,BDIX,foetal brain
BS2183 BEAS-2B 95102433 human bronchial epithilium,normal
BS2184 BeWo 86082803 human choriocarcinoma
BS2185 BF-2 87032603 fish Bluegill fry caudal trunk
BS2186 BF-2 00021712 fish,bluegill fry
BS2187 BF-2 00021713 fish,bluegill fry
BS2188 BFA 87022601 bovine aorta endothelium foetal
BS2189 BGM 90092601 monkey african green kidney
BS2190 BHK 21clone 1… 85011433 hamster syrian kidney
BS2191 BHK21 CL13IZS… 93120815 hamster syrian kidney
BS2192 BHK 21STRAIN 3… 93120840 hamster syrian kidney
BS2193 BHK 21STRAIN 3… 93120841 hamster syrian kidney
BS2194 BHK 21STRAIN 3… 93120842 hamster syrian kidney
BS2195 BHK TK- 85011423 hamster syrian kidney
BS2196 BHK/AC9 85040103 hamster syrian kidney
BS2197 BHK21C13-2P 84111301 hamster syrian kidney
BS2198 BHK21C13-3P 84100501 hamster syrian kidney
BS2199 BHK21-Hektor 05062301 hamster syrian kidney,serum-free
BS2200 BHK21-InVitrus 05062302 hamster syrian kidney,serum-free
BS2201 BHL-89 98070109 human B-type EBNA negative lymphoma
BS2202 BICR 10 04072103 buccal mucosa squamous carcinoma
BS2203 BICR 16 06031001 tongue squamous carcinoma
BS2204 BICR 22 04072106 tongue squamous carcinoma lymph node metastasis
BS2205 BICR 3 06032203 alveolus squamous cell carcinoma
BS2206 BICR 31 04072107 tongue squamous carcinoma
BS2207 BICR 56 06031002 tongue squamouse cell carcinoma
BS2208 BICR 6 05070501 hypopharynx squamouse cell carcinoma
BS2209 BICR 78 04072111 oral alveolus squamous carcinoma
BS2210 BICR 82 04072112 human Upper JawMaxillaCarcinoma
BS2211 BICR/M1Rk 96112021 rat marshall mammary tumour
BS2212 BL-3 86062401 Bovine leukaemic lymphoblast
BS2213 BLO-11 90112702 mouse moblo/y muscle hereditary emphysema
BS2214 BME/CTVM 4 94022804 tick,boophilus microplus,eggs
BS2215 BPAEC 86123101 bocine lung endothelium
BS2216 BRISTOL 8 85011436 human B lymphocyte
BS2217 BRL 3A 85111503 buffalo rat liver
BS2218 BRL-1 94121649 rat epithelial cells
BS2219 BS1-B4 85011410 mouse 3T3 swiss albino embryo fibroblast
BS2220 BSC1 85011422 monkey african green kidney epithelial
BS2221 BT 89031603 bovine turbinate,BVDV negative
BS2222 Bu IMR-31 89051704 buffalo lung
BS2223 Bu25 TK- 85022104 human cervical carcinoma
BS2224 BUD-8 90031532 human caucasian skin fibroblast
BS2225 BW1J 94101901 mouse hepatoma
BS2226 BW5147.G.1.4.OU… 85082302 mouse AKR/J T cell lymphoma
BS2227 BW5147.G.1.4.OU… 88100507 mouse AKR/J T cell lymphoma
BS2228 BxPC-3 93120816 human primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma
BS2229 C127l 90060504 mouse RIII mammary tumour
BS2230 C16HeLa deriv… 84121902 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2231 C170 97071507 human colon cancer
BS2232 C2 94101906 rat hepatoma [HGPRT-]
BS2233 C211 90112604 human caucasian skin,Cri du Chat syndrome
BS2234 C2C12 91031101 mouse C3H muscle myoblast
BS2235 C2-Rev 7 94101907 rat hepatoma [HGPRT-]
BS2236 C32 87090201 human amelanotic melanoma
BS2237 C32TG 96020925 human amelanotic melanoma
BS2238 C3H/MCA clone 1… 90110523 mouse C3H embryo
BS2239 SS 88102701 human caucasian cervical carcinoma
BS2240 C-4I 89051702 human caucasian cervical carcinoma
BS2241 C57/B1 85011438 mouse C57BL/6J melanoma epithelial
BS2242 C6 92090409 rat glial tumour
BS2243 C8166 88051601 human T cell leukaemia
BS2244 Ca Ski 87020501 human caucasian cervical epidermoid carcinoma
BS2245 CA46 95010509 human burkitt''s lymphoma
BS2246 CACO-2 86010202 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2247 CAKI 2 93120819 human caucasian kidney carcinoma
BS2248 CALU 1 93120818 human caucasian lung epidermoid carcinoma
BS2249 CAR 89072611 goldfish fin tissue
BS2250 CC-1 93070901 rat wistar liver,normal
BS2251 CCD 13Lu 90112704 human negroid lung
BS2252 CCD 16Lu 86090301 human caucasian lung
BS2253 CCD 18Lu 90112706 human negroid lung
BS2254 CCD 25Lu 90112710 human caucasian lung
BS2255 CCD 32Lu 90110517 human caucasian lung
BS2256 CCD 33Lu 90110515 human caucasian lung
BS2257 CCD 34LU 90110514 human negroid lung
BS2258 CCD-37Lu 90110513 human caucasian lung
BS2259 CCD-39Lu 90110512 human caucasian lung
BS2260 CCF-STTG1 90021502 human caucasian astrocytoma
BS2261 CCO 95060212 channel catfish ovary
BS2262 CCRF S-180 II 90011901 mouse CFQ sarcoma 180
BS2263 CCRF-CEM 85112105 human caucasianacute lymphoblastic leukaemia
BS2264 CCRF-HSB-2 85112801 human caucasianacute lymphoblastic leukaemia
BS2265 CCRF-SB 89090405 human caucasianacute lymphoblastic leukaemia
BS2266 CESS 92110206 human lymphoblast
BS2267 CF2Th 90110521 canine thymus
BS2268 CFPAC-1 91112501 human caucasian pancreatic adenocarcinoma
BS2269 CGR8 95011018 mouse embryonic stem cell
BS2270 ChaGo-K-1 96020948 human lung bronchus carcinoma
BS2271 Chang LiverHe… 88021102 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2272 CHH-1 92110412 fish chum heart
BS2273 CHL 87111906 hamster chinese lung
BS2274 CHO 85050302 hamster chinese ovary
BS2275 CHO PROTEIN FR… 00102307 chinese hamster ovary
BS2276 CHO/dhFr- 94060607 hamster chinese ovary
BS2277 CHO/dhFr-AC-fre 05011002 hamster chinese ovary,serum-free
BS2278 CHO-K1 85051005 hamster chinese ovary
BS2279 CHO-K1/SF 93061607 hamster chinese ovary MEM adapted
BS2280 CHP 4 W.W. 90102537 human negroid skin asymptomatic Galactosemia
BS2281 CHSE-214 00021714 salmon embryo,normal
BS2282 CHSE-214 91041114 salmon embryo
BS2283 CII 86072801 human x mouse hybrid
BS2284 Citrullinemia 90102532 human caucasian skin
BS2285 CL 21 86080602 mouse/human hybrid,SV-40 transformed
BS2286 CLC 95070628 Carp leukocyte
BS2287 Clone 15 HL-60 98052918 human caucasian pancreatic leukaemia
BS2288 Clone 1-5c-4H… 88021103 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2289 Clone 707 86052101 mouse DBA/2 friend leukaemic lymphoblast
BS2290 Clone 81 90031403 cat kidney fibroblast,MSV transformed
BS2291 Clone 9 88072203 rat sprague dawley liver
BS2292 Clone C6/36 89051705 mosquito larvae,aedes alboqitus
BS2293 Clone M-3 87081806 mouse CxDBAF1 melanoma
BS2294 CL-S1 90110502 mouse BALB/c mammary alveolar nodules,pre-neoplas…
BS2295 CMT 93 89111413 mouse rectum carcinoma
BS2296 CMT64/61 86082105 mouse C57BL/1CRF lung carcinoma
BS2297 CMT93/69 86082106 mouse C57BL/1CRF rectum carcinoma
BS2298 CNC 127l 87091701 mouse RIII mammary tumour
BS2299 COLO 201 87091201 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2300 COLO 205 87061208 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2301 COLO 206F 93052620 human colon carcinoma
BS2302 COLO 320 DMF 93051118 human colon carcinoma
BS2303 COLO 320 DM 87061205 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2304 COLO 320HSR 87101501 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2305 COLO 668 87061209 human lung oat cell carcinoma
BS2306 COLO 677 93072109 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2307 COLO 679 87061210 human skin melanoma
BS2308 COLO 684 87061203 human uterus adenocarcinoma
BS2309 COLI 685 87061206 human uterus adenocarcinoma
BS2310 COLO 699 N 93052608 human lung cancer
BS2311 COLO 720 E 93072111 human adenocarcinoma
BS2312 COLO 720 L 93052623 human normal B lymphocytes
BS2313 Colo 738 94072238 human fibro-histiocytoma
BS2314 COLO 741 93052621 human colon carcinoma
BS2315 COLO 775 94072236 human leukaemia
BS2316 COLO 792 93052616 human malignant melanoma
BS2317 COLO 794 94072237 human melanoma
BS2318 COLO 800 93051123 human melanoma
BS2319 COLO 818 93052622 human melanoma
BS2320 COLO 839 93051119 human caucasian B lymphocyte
BS2321 COLO 853 93052606 human malignant melanoma
BS2322 COLO 857 93051120 human melanoma
BS2323 COLO 858 93052613 human melanoma
BS2324 COR L303 96020722 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2325 COR-L 23/CPR 96042336 human caucasian lung,large cell carcinoma
BS2326 COR-L105 92031918 human caucasian lung adenocarcinoma
BS2327 COR-L23 92031919 human caucasian lung large cell carcinoma
BS2328 COR-L23/5010 96042338 human caucasian lung,large cell carcinoma,drug r…
BS2329 COR-L23/R 96042339 human caucasian lung large cell carcinoma
BS2330 COR-L23/R23- 96042337 human caucasian lung large cell carcinoma,drug-res…
BS2331 COR-L24 96020717 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2332 COR-L279 96020724 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2333 COR-L311 96020721 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2334 COR-L32 96020744 human small cell carcinoma
BS2335 COR-L321 96020756 human lung carcinoma
BS2336 COR-L47 92031915 human caucasian small cell lung carcinoma
BS2337 COR-L51 92031916 human caucasian lung carcinoma
BS2338 COR-L88 92031917 human caucasian small cell lung carcinoma
BS2339 COR-L95 96020733 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2340 COS-1 88031701 monkey african green kidney ,SV40 transformed
BS2341 COS-1-InVitrus 04092902 monkey african green kidney ,SV40 transformed,ser…
BS2342 COS-7 87021302 monkey african green kidney ,SV40 transformed
BS2343 COS-7-InVitrus 05063001 monkey african green kidney ,SV40 transformed,ser…
BS2344 CP132 91012416 monkey chimpanzee skin
BS2345 CPAE 86111401 bovine pulmonary artery endothelium
BS2346 CRE BAG2 95082219 mouse NIH 3T3 fibroblast,Moloney murine leukaemia…
BS2347 CRFK BVD Agne… 86093002 cat kidney
BS2348 Cri du Chat 90102533 human caucasian skin deletion in chromosome 5
BS2349 CRI-D11 88031604 rat NEDH islet tumour
BS2350 CRI-D2 88031605 rat NEDH islet tumour
BS2351 CRI-G1 87052701 rat NEDH islet tumour
BS2352 CRI-G5 88031603 rat NEDH islet tumour
BS2353 CSE-119 95122019 fish coho salmon fibroblast
BS2354 CTAC 90071812 dog thyroid gland adenocarcinoma
BS2355 CTLL-2 93042610 mouse C57b1/6 T cell
BS2356 CTX TNA2 98102213 rat astrocyte,transfected
BS2357 CV-1 87032605 monkey african green kidney fibroblast
BS2358 CV-1 Clone B5 90032601 monkey african green kidney fibroblast
BS2359 CYNOM-K1 90071809 monkey cynomologus skin
BS2360 D17 89090403 canine poodle primary osteosarcoma
BS2361 D98/AH2 Clone B… 85112701 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2362 DAUDI 85011437 human negroid burkitt''s lymphoma
BS2363 DBS-FCL-2 90112815 monkey african green lung
BS2364 DBS-FRhL-2 89101303 monkey rhesus lung
BS2365 DBTRG.05MG 93061119 human glioblastoma
BS2366 DDT1-MF2 89051703 syrian hamster leiomyosarcoma mesocricetus auratu…
BS2367 DEDE 87091502 hamster chainese lung female
BS2368 Detroit 510 90102531 human caucasian skin galactosemia
BS2369 Detroit 529 87021203 syrian hamster leiomyosarcoma mesocricetus auratu…
BS2370 Detroit 532 87032602 human caucasian,skin,down syndrome
BS2371 Detroit 539 91031102 human caucasian skin down syndrome
BS2372 Detroit 551 86082802 human caucasian embryo skin
BS2373 Detroit 562 87042205 human caucasian pharynx carcinoma
BS2374 Detroit 573 90112602 human caucasian skin,B/D translocation
BS2375 DF 86072802 house/human hybrid,NIH-3T3 transfectant
BS2376 DH14 90070551 Drosophila embryo
BS2377 DH15 90070549 Drosophila embryo
BS2378 DH33 90070559 Drosophila embryo
BS2379 DH82 94062922 canine monocyte-macrophage
BS2380 DHD/K12/TRb 90062901 rat colonic carcinoma
BS2381 DI TNC1 98102214 rat astrocyte,transfected
BS2382 DK 93120836 canine kidney
BS2383 DLD-1 90102540 human colon adenocarcinoma
BS2384 DMS 153 95062827 human caucasian lung small cell carcinoma,metasta…
BS2385 DMS 273 95062830 human lung,small cell carcinoma
BS2386 DMS 454 95062832 human caucasian lung,small cell carcinoma
BS2387 DMS 53 95062823 human caucasian lung small cell carcinoma
BS2388 DMS 79 95062824 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2389 DMS 92 95062825 human caucasian lung small cell carcinoma,metasta…
BS2390 Do-11-10 85082301 mouse BALB/c H-2d T cells x mouse AKR Thyoma,BW..
BS2391 DoCl1S+L- 90102523 canine kidney,moloney sarcoma virus infected
BS2392 DOK 94122104 human caucasian dysplastic oral keratinocyte
BS2393 DON 87091501 hamster chinese lung
BS2394 DSL6A/C1 94022431 rat pancreatic carcinoma
BS2395 Duck Embryo 89051503 duck pekin embryo
BS2396 E.Derm 88032803 horse dermis
BS2397 E.H.IVElaine… 90121307 human caucasian infectious mononucleosis lymphocyt…
BS2398 E11 01110916 snakehead fish,whole fry tissue
BS2399 Ea.4 98073116 saltmarsh caterpillar estigmena acrea subclone 4
BS2400 EasyCeL-Hep2 05121905 easycel tube format:human negroid cervix carcinom…
BS2401 EasyCel-MDCK 05121904 easycel tube format:canine cocker spaniel kidney
BS2402 EasyCeL-MRC- 505121901 easycel tube format:human foetal lung
BS2403 EasyCeL-PLC/PRF… 05121902 Easycel tube format:human liver hepatoma,alexand…
BS2404 EasyCeL-Vero 05121903 easycel tube format:monkey african green kidney
BS2405 EBJC 89072703 gorilla peripheral lymphoblast
BS2406 EB176JC 89072704 chimpanzee peripheral lymphoblast
BS2407 EB185JC 89072705 orangutan perpheral lymphoblast
BS2408 EB-3 90121003 human negroid burkitt''s lymphoma
BS2409 EBTr 87090202 bovine foetal trachea
BS2410 ECV304 92091712 human urinary bladder carcinoma
BS2411 Ehrlich-Lettre.. 87032503 mouse carcinoma
BS2412 EIII 86072804 human x mouse hybrid
BS2413 EJ138 85061108 human bladder carcinoma
BS2414 EJG 93051803 bovine adrenal medulla endothelial
BS2415 EL4 85023105 mouse ascites lymphoma lymphoblast
BS2416 EL4.BU.OU6 85121301 mouse c57bl/6n ascites lymphoma lyphoblast
BS2417 EL4.NOB-1 87020408 mouse c57bl/6n ascites lymphoma lyphoblast
BS2418 EMT6/AR1 96042327 mouse mammary,drug-resistant
BS2419 EMT6/AR10.0 96042326 mouse mammary,drug-resistant
BS2420 EMT6/CPR 96042318 mouse mammary,drug-resistant
BS2421 EMT6/MTXR 96042322 mouse mammary,drug-resistant
BS2422 EMT6/VCR/R 96042323 mouse mammary,drug-resistant
BS2423 EMT6/VRP/R 96042319 mouse mammary,drug-resistant
BS2424 EoL-1 cell 94042252 human eosinophilic leukaemia
BS2425 Eos-HL-60 96100920 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia
BS2426 EPC 931280820 fish epithelioma
BS2427 ESK-4 93120821 porcine kidney
BS2428 EZZ TOU II-4 93093003 human B cell lymphocyte,EBV transformed
BS2429 F-36P 99072808 human leukemia,myelodysplastic syndrome
BS2430 F4NMEL 96121718 mouse erythroleukemia
BS2431 F5-5.F1 99072803 mouse lymphocyte,friend leukemia
BS2432 F9 85061803 mouse 129 embryo teratocarcinoma
BS2433 Fao 89042701 rat hepatoma
BS2434 FB2.Sp 90031908 bovine spleen
BS2435 Fc2Lu 90112712 cat lung
BS2436 Fc3Tg 90073002 cat tongue
BS2437 FEA4+ PFSC/C1 90031402 cat domestic embryo fibroblast
BS2438 FEL 89020802 rabbit embryo skin
BS2439 FER 90031401 cat domestic embryo fibroblast
BS2440 FGC4 94101904 rat hepatoma [alb-gpt plasmid]
BS2441 FHM 88102401 fish fat head minnow
BS2442 FLHeLa deriva… 90111810 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2443 FLYA13 95091901 human fibrosarcoma retroviral packaging cells
BS2444 FLYRD18 95091902 human fibrosarcoma retroviral packaging cells
BS2445 FM3A 87100804 mouse C3H manmmary carcinoma
BS2446 FM3A ts C1.T85 87111904 mouse C3H manmmary carcinoma
BS2447 FoLu 90120501 fox grey lung
BS2448 FR 87020503 rat sprague-dawley skin
BS2449 Fr2 98031102 human breast epithelial,SV40 transformed
BS2450 FR5 98031103 human breast epithelial,SV40 transformed
BS2451 FRTL-5 91030711 rat thyroid
BS2452 FT 90102525 bull frog tongue
BS2453 FTC-133 94060901 human follicular thyroid carcinoma
BS2454 FTC-236 06030202 human thyroid cancer neck lymph node metastasis
BS2455 FTC-238 94060902 humna follicular thyroid carcinpma
BS2456 G 94101453 rat dunning R-3327, prostatic adenocarcinom
BS2457 G-292 Clione A14… 90110522 human caucasian osteosarcoma
BS2458 G-361 88030401 human caucasian malignant melanoma
BS2459 G-401 87042204 human caucasian rhabdoid tumour formerly classifi…
BS2460 G-402 90112715 human caucasian renal leiomoblastoma
BS2461 G-7 90110520 mouse swiss-webster myoblast
BS2462 G-8 89050906 mouse swiss-webster myoblast
BS2463 GEEP 92062401 goat x sheep hybrid,skin
BS2464 GH1 89072610 rat wistar-furth pituitary tumour
BS2465 GH3 87012603 rat wistar-furth pituitary tumour
BS2466 GIRARDIHEART … 93120822 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2467 GL-1 89072612 lizard gekko lung
BS2468 GM1899A 98120701 human lymphoblast,HPRT-deficient
BS2469 GP2d 95090714 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2470 GP5d 95090715 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2471 GRL101 KC7 94071259 hamster chinese ovary transfected with lymnea re…
BS2472 GRL101 MIX 94071258 hamster chinese ovary transfected with lymnea re…
BS2473 GR-M 95032301 human caucasian melanoma
BS2474 Grunt Fin GF 88010601 fish grunt fin tissue blue striped
BS2475 GS-109-V-20 90110505 human caucasian skin fibroblast gardner''s syndrome
BS2476 GS-109-V-34 90110504 human caucasian skin fibroblast gardner''s syndrome
BS2477 GS-109-V-63 90110503 human caucasian skin fibroblast gardner''s syndrome
BS2478 GS-9L 94110705 rat glioma
BS2479 H2.35 94050407 mouse hepatocyte,SV40 tsA255 transformed
BS2480 H33HJ-JA1 90112119 human lymphoma
BS2481 H4II 89042702 rat skin hepatocellular carcinoma
BS2482 H-4-II-E 87031301 rat hepatoma reuber H35
BS2483 H4-II-E-C3 85061112 rat liver hepatoma
BS2484 H4S 89102001 rat liver hepatoma
BS2485 H5 94101905 rat hepatoma
BS2486 H69 91091802 human caucasian lung small cell carcinoma
BS2487 H69V 91091803 human lung small cell carcinoma
BS2488 H9 85050301 human T ceell
BS2489 H9c2 2-1 88092904 rat BDIX heart myoblast
BS2490 HAE/CTVM 8 94022802 tick hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum embryoeggs
BS2491 Hak 90102522 hamster syrian kidney
BS2492 Hap-T1 93121054 hamster syrian adenocarcinoma
BS2493 HCA-2 06061901 human sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma
BS2494 HCA-24 06061903 human colon adenocarcinoma
BS2495 HCA-7 Coloy 29 02091238 human colon carcinoma subpopulation isolated from…
BS2496 HCT 116 91091005 human colon carcinoma
BS2497 HCT-15 91030712 human colon adenocarcinoma
BS2498 HCT-8 90032006 human ileocecal adenocarcinoma
BS2499 HEL 12469 94101201 human embryonic lung fibroblast
BS2500 HEL 299 87042207 human negroid embryo lung
BS2501 HEL92.1.7 92111706 human caucasian erythroleukaemia
BS2502 HeLa 93021013 human negroid cervix epitheloid carcinoma
BS2503 HeLa B 85060701 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2504 HeLa DH 96112022 human cervix carcinoma
BS2505 HeLa Ohio 84121901 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2506 HeLa S3 87110901 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2507 HeLa 229 86090201 human cervix carcinoma
BS2508 H-EMC-SS 94042258 human chondrosarcoma
BS2509 Hep 3B 86062703 human negroid hepatocyte carcinoma
BS2510 Hep G2 85011412 human caucasian hepatocyte carcinoma
BS2511 Hep2Clone 2B… 85030501 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2512 Hep2cHeLa de… 86030501 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2513 Hep-2CHeLa de… 85020207 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2514 Hepa 1-6 92110305 mouse hepatoma
BS2515 Hepa-1c1c7 95090613 mouse hepatoma
BS2516 Hepa-E1 99072812 eel liver
BS2517 Hepa-T1 99072813 eel liver
BS2518 HEPM 90120505 human embryonic palatal mesenchyme
BS2519 HF1 94101908 rat hepatoma hybrid [H5xFao]
BS2520 HF1-5 94101909 rat hepatoma hybrid [H5xFao]
BS2521 HF19 85011418 human foetal lung fibroblast
BS2522 HF2x653 90012609 human WI-L2-792-FF2x mouse P3X63/Ag8.653hete…
BS2523 HFFF2 86031405 human caucasian foetal foreskin fibroblast
BS2524 HFL1 89071902 human foetal lung fibroblast
BS2525 HG261 90112603 human caucasian skin fanconi''s anaemia
BS2526 HGC-27 94042256 human gastric carcinoma
BS2527 HH-8 99090226 human embryo kidney
BS2528 HKT-1097 98061003 syrian hamster kidney
BS2529 HL 96121720 human lung fibroblast
BS2530 HL60 98070106 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia
BS2531 HL60 15-12 88120805 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia
BS2532 HL60 Ast.3 88120801 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia
BS2533 HL60 Ast.4 88120802 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia
BS2534 HL60 M2 88120803 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia
BS2535 HL60 M4 88120804 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia
BS2536 HMT-3522 S1 98102210 human caucasian breast epithelial
BS2537 HTT-3522 S2 98102211 human caucasian breast epithelial
BS2538 HMT-3522 T4-2 98102212 human caucasian breast epithelial
BS2539 HMVII 92042701 human vaginal maligant melanoma
BS2540 HOS 87070202 human caucasian osteosarcoma,TE85
BS2541 HR5 95091409 human cervix carcinoma,HeLa derivative,transform…
BS2542 HR5-CL11 95091411 human cervix carcinoma,HeLa derivative,transform…
BS2543 HRT-18 86040306 human rectum adenocarcinoma
BS2544 Hs 27 94041901 human foreskin,fibroblast
BS2545 Hs 578T 86082104 human breast carcinoma
BS2546 Hs 633T 89050201 human fibrosarcoma MBA/8387
BS2547 Hs 68 89051701 human newborn foreskin
BS2548 Hs 888Lu 90112709 human breast carcinoma normal lung tissue
BS2549 Hs1.Tes 97123004 human normal testis
BS2550 HSDM1C1 90112810 mouse Swiss Albino fibrosarcoma
BS2551 HSG HeLa deriv… 95031024 human asian neoplastic epithelial intercalated duc
BS2552 HS-Sultan 87012701 human caucasian plasma cell plasmacytoma
BS2553 HT 1080 85111505 human fibrosarcoma
BS2554 HT 1197 87032403 human caucasian bladder carcinoma
BS2555 HT 1376 87032402 human caucasian bladder carcinoma
BS2556 HT115 85061104 human colon carcinoma
BS2557 HT2 Clone A5E 92021401 mouse helper T cell
BS2558 HT29 91072201 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2559 HT29 gluc C1 92012401 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2560 HT29/219 85061109 human caucasian colon carcinoma
BS2561 HT55 85061105 human colon carcinoma
BS2562 HTC 93120108 rat hepatoma
BS2563 HTCBUdR 85061110 rat liver hepatoma
BS2564 HTK- 88022409 human osteomyeloma
BS2565 HT-STAR 04072122 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectors
BS2566 HT-STAR-A 04072123 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectors
BS2567 HtTA-1 95091410 human cervix carcinoma,HeLa derivative,transform…
BS2568 HUC-Fm 87100801 human umbilical cord fibroblast
BS2569 Huh-7D12 01042712 human hepatocellular carcinoma
BS2570 HuP-T3 93121055 human pancreatic adenocarcinoma
BS2571 HuP-T4 93121056 human pancreatic adenocarcinoma
BS2572 HUT-78 88041901 human T cell lymphoma
BS2573 l-10 89031605 mouse BALB/c Leydig cell testicular tumour
BS2574 La-Xs SBR 88090801 holtzmann rat small bowel adenocarcinoma
BS2575 ICR-2A 89072615 frog grass embryo
BS2576 IEC 18 88011801 normal rat ileum
BS2577 IEC 6 88071401 rat small intestine epithelial
BS2578 IgH-2 90030804 lguana heart
BS2579 II b 86072805 mouse/human hybrid
BS2580 IIC9 CHO 00030814 chinese hamster embryo fibroblast
BS2581 IM 9 86051302 human B lymphocyte
BS2582 IMR 32 86041809 human caucasian neuroblastoma
BS2583 IMR-33 96020931 gerbil fibroma
BS2584 IMR-90 85020204 human caucasian foetal lung fibroblast
BS2585 IMT 9 95060901 indian muntjac skin fibroblast
BS2586 Indian Muntjac 90112813 muntjac skin
BS2587 INT 407HeLa de… 85051004 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2588 IPDDC-A2 99050529 human astrocytomagrade 2
BS2589 IPI-1 93100621 boar miniature male ileum,SV40 transformed
BS2590 IPI-2l 93100622 boar miniature male ileum,SV40 transformed
BS2591 IPTP/98 99050528 human brain,glioblastoma multiforme
BS2592 Ishikawa 99040201 human asian endometrial adenocarcinoma
BS2593 Ishikawaherak… 98032302 human endometrial adenocarcinoma
BS2594 J.CaM1.6 96060401 human T cell,mutant derivative of jurkat
BS2595 J45.01 93031145 human acute T cell leukaemia
BS2596 J558L 88032902 mouse BALB/c myeloma
BS2597 J774.2 85011428 mouse BALB/c monocyte macrophage
BS2598 J774A.1 91051511 mouse BALB/c monocyte macrophage
BS2599 JEG3 92120308 human chondrosarcoma
BS2600 Jensen sarcoma 90111913 rat sarcoma,asparagine requiring
BS2601 JH4 clone 1 86070201 guinea pig lung
BS2602 JIIIHeLa deri… 93120824 humna negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2603 JIYOYE 88071302 human negroid burkitt''s lymphoma
BS2604 JM 86010201 human T cell
BS2605 JTC-19 87111902 rat lung
BS2606 JTC-27 94042255 rat hepatoma
BS2607 Jurkat E6.1 88042803 human leukaemic T cell lymphoblast
BS2608 JVM-13 96090516 human caucasian B-prolymphocytic leukaemia,EBV-tr…
BS2609 JVM-2 96090515 human caucasian B-prolymphocytic leukaemia,EBV-tr…
BS2610 K1 92030501 human thyroid carcinoma
BS2611 K562 89121407 human caucasian chronic myelogenous leukaemia
BS2612 K562 AZQR 93112521 human caucasian chronic myelogenous leukaemia drug…
BS2613 K562 cl.6 85011407 human caucasian chronic myelogenous leukaemia
BS2614 K6H6/B5 89101606 mouse x human hybrid myeloma
BS2615 KATO-III 86093004 human gastric carcinoma
BS2616 KBHeLa deriva… 94050408 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2617 K-BALBK-234 89092101 mouse A31 embryo kirsten sarcoma,transformed
BS2618 KC 90070550 Drosophila embryo
BS2619 KCB 85015 93052110 black bear lung
BS2620 KCB 89001 93052109 sambar deer skin
BS2621 KCB89018 93052111 fox red lung,MNNG transformed fibroblast
BS2622 KELLY 92110411 human neuroblastoma
BS2623 KG-1 86111306 human caucasian bone marrow myelogenous leukaemia
BS2624 KG1a 91030101 human caucasian bone marrow acute myelogenouse leuk…
BS2625 KHOS/NP 84102903 human caucasian osteosarcoma
BS2626 KHOS-240S 86112810 human caucasian osteosarcoma
BS2627 KHOS-312H 86112811 human caucasian osteosarcoma
BS2628 KLN 205 90110519 mouse squamous cell carcinoma
BS2629 KNRK 87061001 normal rat kidney,kirsten MSV transformed
BS2630 KRJ-1 95041223 human caucasian carcinoid of th small intestine
BS2631 KU-812 90071807 human myelogenous leukaemia
BS2632 KU-812E 90071803 human myelogenous leukaemia
BS2633 KU-812F 90071804 human myelogenous leukaemia
BS2634 KYSE-30 94072011 human asian squamous cell carcinoma
BS2635 L1210 87092804 mouse DBA/2 lymohocytic leukaemia
BS2636 L132HeLa deri… 89111004 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2637 L14 91012317 porcine peripheral blood B cell
BS2638 L-2 90112811 rat lung
BS2639 L23 91012318 porcine peripheral blood B cell
BS2640 L35 91012319 porcine peripheral blood B cell
BS2641 L-41HeLa deriv… 96121716 human negroid cervix carcinoma
BS2642 L45 91012320 porcine peripheral blood T cell
BS2643 L5178Y 87111908 mouse DBA/2 lymphoma
BS2644 L5178Y-R 90062802 mouse DBA/2 lymohoma
BS2645 L5178Y-S 93050408 mouse DBA/2 lymphoma
BS2646 L52 91012321 porcine peripheral blood B cell
BS2647 L6.C11 92102119 rat skeletal muscle myoblast
BS2648 L6.G8 92102117 rat skeletal muscle myoblast
BS2649 L6.G8.C5 92121114 rat skeletal muscle myoblast
BS2650 L8 95102434 rat skeletal muscle myoblast
BS2651 L929 85011425 mouse C3H/An connective tissue
BS2652 L929NCTC 85103115 mouse C3H/An areolaradipose tissue
BS2653 L929/R 04102001 mouse C3H/An connective tissue cisplatin resistant
BS2654 L929S 86032004 mouse areolar adipose tissue
BS2655 LA1-55n 06041203 human neuroblastoma
BS2656 LA1-5s 06041204 human neural crest-derived non-neuronal progenitor
BS2657 LA-4 90040512 nmouse A/He lung adenoma
BS2658 LA-N-1 06041201 human neuroblastoma bone marrow metastasis
BS2659 LB173 98062316 human lymphoblastoid,normal,EBV-transformed
BS2660 LB182 98062317 human lymphoblastoid,normal,EBV-transformed
BS2661 LB185 98062318 human lymphoblastoid,normal,EBV-transformed
BS2662 LB198 98062320 human lymphocytes,trichothiodystrophy heterozygor…
BS2663 LB199 98062321 human lymphocyte,trichothiodystrophy,EBV-transfo…
BS2664 LB205 98062329 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosum variant,…
BS2665 LB242 98062324 human caucasian lymphoblastoid,cockayne syndrome,…
BS2666 LB253 98062330 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosum group C,…
BS2667 LB277 98062331 human lympoblastoed,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-tra…
BS2668 LB316 98062333 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-tra…
BS2669 LB42 98062313 human lymphocytes,normal,EBV-transformed
BS2670 LB443 98062322 human lymphoblastoid,trichothiodystrophy,EBV-tra….
BS2671 LB541 98062326 human lymphoblastoid,ataxia telangiectasia varian…
BS2672 LB58 98062325 human lymphoblastoid,lymphoblastoid,ataxia telangiectasia,EBV-t
BS2673 LB687 98062335 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum comple…
BS2674 LB7 98062312 human lymphocytes,normal,EBV-transformed
BS2675 LB707 98062336 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum hetero…
BS2676 LB708 98062337 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-t
BS2677 LB750 98062323 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-tra…
BS2678 LB81 98062327 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum hetero…
BS2679 LB823 98062338 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosunm, EBV-tran…
BS2680 LB83 98062328 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosunm, EBV-tran…
BS2681 LBRM TG6 96020937 mouse lymphoma radiation-induced
BS2682 LBRM-33-1 A5 86060302 mouse B10.BR lymphoma
BS2683 LC540 89031604 rat fischer leydig cell testicular tumour
BS2684 LL/2LLc1 90020104 mouse C57BL Lewis lung carcinoma
BS2685 LL24 90073001 human diploid lung
BS2686 LL29AnHa 87112508 human caucasian diploid lung
BS2687 LL47MaDo 90102538 human negroid diploid lung
BS2688 LL86LeSa 90102541 human caucasian diploid lung
BS2689 LLCMK2 Origina… 85062804 monkey rhesus kidney
BS2690 LLC-PK1 86121112 porcine kidney
BS2691 LLC-WRC 256 87061101 rat walker carcinoma epithelial
BS2692 L-M 87032401 mouse C34/An connective tissue
BS2693 L-M TK- 90083001 mouse C34/An connective tissue
BS2694 LNCap clone FGC 89110211 human caucasian prostate carcinoma
BS2695 LoVo 87060101 human colin adenocarcinoma
BS2696 LS 123 94120801 human colin adenocarcinoma
BS2697 LS174T 87060401 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2698 LS180 87021202 human caucasian colon adenocarcinoma
BS2699 LT 96061947 human lung smooth muscle,lymphangioleiomyomatosis
BS2700 LTK- 85011432 mouse C34/An connective tissue
BS2701 LUDLU-1 92012463 human caucasian lung squamous cell carcinoma
BS2702 M.dunniclone… 94101211 mouse tail,normal fibroblast
BS2703 M1 911107011 mouse myeloblast
BS2704 M1 93120826 mouse myeloblast
BS2705 M-1 95092201 mouse kidney cortical collecting duct,SV40 transf…
BS2706 M15 85102517 mouse mesonephric epithelium,polyoma virus large…
BS2707 M1WT3 940822109 hamster chinese ovary transfected with rat m1 Mac…
BS2708 M3 Clone M-3 93120827 mouse cloudman S 91 melanoma
BS2709 MA104 85102918 monkey akrican green kidney
BS2710 MAT-Lu 94102735 rat dorasl prostate adenocarcinoma
BS2711 MAT-LyLu 94101454 rat prostate adenocarcinoma
BS2712 MC116 90110501 human lymphoma
BS2713 MC3T3-E1 99072710 mouse C57BL/6 calvaria
BS2714 MCA-RH 7777 90021504 rat buffalo hepatoma
BS2715 MCCOY 90010305 mouse fibroblast
BS2716 MCF7 86012803 human caucasian breast adenocarcinoma
BS2717 MDA-MB-157 92020422 human negroid breast medulla carcinoma
BS2718 MDA-MB-231 92020424 human caucasian breast adenocarcinoma
BS2719 MDA-MB-361 92020423 human caucasian breast adenocarcinoma
BS2720 MDBK 90050801 bovine kidney
BS2721 MDCK 85011435 canine cocker spaniel kidney
BS2722 MDCK 84121903 canine cocker spaniel kidney
BS2723 MDCK I 00062106 canine cocker spaniel kidney
BS2724 MDCK II 00062107 canine cocker spaniel kidney
BS2725 MDCK-Protein Fr… 02050101 canine cocker spaniel kidney
BS2726 MDCK-SIAT1 05071502 canine cocker spaniel kidney sialic acid over expr…
BS2727 MDST8 99011801 human colon carcinoma
BS2728 MEF-1 98061101 mouse embryo fibroblast,SV40-transformed
BS2729 MEG-01 94012401 human megakaryoblastic leukaemia
BS2730 MEGS-SA 95051030 human uterus sarcoma
BS2731 MES-SA/Dx-5 95051031 human uterus sarcoma
BS2732 Meta 10 90062271 mouse TS/A lung metastases
BS2733 Meta 15 90062270 mouse TS/A lung metastases
BS2734 Meta 7 90062272 mouse TS/A lung metastases
BS2735 MEWO 93082609 human malignant melanoma
BS2736 MFE-280 98050131 human caucasian endometrial adenocarcinoma
BS2737 MFE-296 98031101 human caucasian endometrial adenocarcinoma
BS2738 MFM-223 98050130 human caucasian mammary carcinoma
BS2739 MG-63 86051601 human osteosarcoma
BS2740 MH1C1 85112702 rat liver hepatoma
BS2741 MH-22A 96121721 mouse C3HA hepatocarcinoma
BS2742 MH-S 95090612 mouse alveolar macrophage,SV40 transformed
BS2743 MIA-PA-CA-2 85062806 human caucasian pancreatic carcinoma
BS2744 MICL1S+L- 86020603 mink lung,moloney murine sarcoma virus infected
BS2745 ML-1 88113007 human acute myeloblastic leukaemia
BS2746 MLA144 86102901 gibbon lymphosarcoma
BS2747 MLg 90112707 mouse ddY lung
BS2748 M-MSV-BALB/3T 390030802 mouse BALB/3T3 embryo,moloney sarcoma virus trans…
BS2749 MMT-060562 90111911 mouse C57BL x A/F 1 mammary tumour
BS2750 MNNG/HOSTE85… 87070201 human caucasian osteosarcoma,chemically transform…
BS2751 MOCHA 02111901 mouse skin fibroblast
BS2752 MOG-G-CCM 86022702 human brain astrocytoma
BS2753 MOG-G-UVW 86022703 human brain astrocytoma
BS2754 MOHTOU II-3 93093002 human B lymphocyte,EBV transformed
BS2755 MOLT-3 90021901 human acute T lymphoblastic leukaemia
BS2756 MOLT-4 85011413 human acute T lymphoblastic leukaemia
BS2757 MOP-8 92111707 mouse,SV40 Polyoma transformed NIH/3T3 cells
BS2758 MOPC 315 85022106 mouse myeloma
BS2759 MOPC 31C 90110707 mouse BALB/c plasmacytoma,lgG secreting
BS2760 MOR/0.2R 96042335 human lung adenocarcinoma,drug-resistant
BS2761 MOR/0.4R 96042334 human lung adenocarcinoma,drug-resistant
BS2762 MOR/CPR 96042333 human lung adenocarcinoma,drug-resistant
BS2763 MOUSE LCELLS… 90110101 mouse embryo fibroblast,moloney sarcoma virus tra…
BS2764 MPC-11 91031103 mouse BALB/c myeloma
BS2765 MPK 87032604 minipig kidney
BS2766 MRC-5 97112601 human foetal lung
BS2767 MRC-5 pd13 05011802 human foetal lung
BS2768 MRC-5 pd19 05072101 human foetal lung
BS2769 MRC-5 pd25 05081101 human foetal lung
BS2770 MRC-5 pd30 05090501 human foetal lung
BS2771 MRC-5 pd30 84101801 human foetal lung
BS2772 MRC-5 SV1TG1 85042501 human foetal lung,SV40 transformed
BS2773 MRC-5 SV1 TG2 85042502 human foetal lung,SV40 transformed
BS2774 MRC-5 SV2 84100401 human foetal lung,SV40 transformed
BS2775 MRC-7 85020203 human foetal lung
BS2776 MRC-9 85020202 human caucasian foetal lung
BS2777 MS 91070510 monkey african green kidney
BS2778 MSV.B 90031901 mouse BALB/c embryonic fibroblast,M-MSV transform…
BS2779 MSVIF-TK+ 90031902 mouse BALB/c embryonic fibroblast,M-MSV transform…
BS2780 MT-2 93121518 human T cell
BS2781 MT4 91102415 human T cell lymphoblast
BS2782 MTC SK 92013101 human medullary thyroid carcinoma
BS2783 Mv.1.Lu 88050503 mink lung
BS2784 My-La CD8+ 95051033 human caucasian T Lymphocyte,mycosis fungoides.
BS2785 N18 88112301 mouse neuroblastoma x rat glioma hybrid
BS2786 N1E-115 88112303 mouse neuroblastoma
BS2787 N1-S1 90011902 rat hepatoma
BS2788 Namalwa 87060801 human burkitt''s lymphoma
BS2789 Nb2-11 97041101 rat lymohoma
BS2790 NB4 1A3 89121405 mouse C-1300 Neuroblastoma
BS2791 NB69 99072802 human neuroblastoma stage III
BS2792 NBT-II 93012901 rat wistar bladder tumour
BS2793 NC-37 89111414 human caucasian periphral blood lymphocyte
BS2794 NCI-H292 91091815 human negroid lung,mucoepidermoid carcinoma
BS2795 NCI-H322 95111734 human caucasian bronchioalveolar carcinoma
BS2796 NCI-H358 95111733 human caucasian bronchioalveolar carcinoma
BS2797 NCI-H510A 96020944 human lung carcinoma,adrenal gland metastasis
BS2798 NCI-H69/CPR 96042328 human small cell lung cancer,drug-resistant
BS2799 NCI-H69/LX10 96042331 human small cell lung cancer,drug-resistant
BS2800 NCI-H69/LX20 96042332 human caucasian small cell lung carcinoma
BS2801 NCI-H69/LX4 ,96042329 human caucasian small cell lung carcinoma drug-re
BS2802 NCI-H69VCR/R 96042330 human small cell lung cancer,drug-resistant
BS2803 NCI-H727 94060303 human lung non-small cell carcinoma
BS2804 NCI-H929 95050415 human caucasian lgA-producing plasmacytoma
BS2805 NCTC 2071 90050803 mouse C3H/An connective tissue
BS2806 NCTC 4093 90102530 mouse C57B1/KaLw embryo
BS2807 NCTC 4206 91010303 hamster chinese peritoneum
BS2808 NCTC clone 1469 88111403 mouse C3H/An liver
BS2809 NCTC clone 929 88102702 mouse C3H/An connective tissue
BS2810 ND15 92090907 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybrid
BS2811 ND27 92090912 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybrid
BS2812 ND3 92090901 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybrid
BS2813 ND7/23 92090903 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybrid
BS2814 ND8/34 92090904 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybrid
BS2815 ND-C 92090913 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybrid
BS2816 Neopu 90070561 Drosophila embryo
BS2817 Neuro 2a 89121404 mouse albine neuroblastoma
BS2818 NFS-25 C-3 93090713 mouse pre-B lymphoblast
BS2819 NFS-5 C1 88041904 mouse pre-B lymphoblast
BS2820 NFS-70 C10 88041905 mouse pre-B lymphoblast
BS2821 NG108-15 88112302 mouse neuroblastoma x rat glioma hybrid
BS2822 NG115-401L 87032003 mouse neuroblastoma x rat glioma hybrid
BS2823 NH17 92111101 human T cell lymphoblastic leukaemia
BS2824 NIH 3T3 93061524 mouse swiss NIH embryo
BS2825 NIH-3T3 4-2 86041101 mouse fibroblast
BS2826 NIH-3T3D4 85111801 mouse swiss NIH embryo
BS2827 NMuMG 94081121 mouse mammary gland,normal epithelial
BS2828 NRK 86032002 rat kidney fibroblast
BS2829 NRK-49F 86101301 rat kidney fibroblast
BS2830 NRK-52E 87012902 rat kidney fibroblast
BS2831 NSO 85110503 mouse myeloma
BS2832 NSO-Serum-Free 03061601 mouse myeloma,serum-free
BS2833 NSO-Turbodoma 06020202 mouse myeloma,serum-free,without cholesterol
BS2834 NTERA-2 clone D… 01071221 human thyroid follicular epithelial carcinoma
BS2835 Nthy-ori 3-1 90011609 human thyroid follicular epithelial
BS2836 Nthy-ts1 90011610 human thyroid follicular mutant epithelial
BS2837 OAW28 85101601 human ovarian tumour epithelial
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