The MPA-100 is a highly integrated rack mountable model of pigtailed photo-detector array. Multi-channels optical power from MPO or MTP connectors are detected by photo-detector array. Photo-detectors of Silicon type for 850nm range and InGaAs type for 1260~1610nm are available. The detected photo-current is converted into a voltage output using a 16-bit multi-channel DAQ interface. The dimension is (W)482.6x(D)430x(H)44mm. The highly integrated MPA-100 is available up to 80 channels with an excellent cost performance and small mount space. The MPA-100 is useful for many 40GbE/100GbE applications, such as testing and monitoring of transceivers (SR4, SR10, LR4, and ER4) for data communications, broadband / CATV, and telecommunications. Tap-PD model (Ex. fibers input&output, a partial 5% tapped power detection) is also available in custom.
- 多通道: 32, 48, 64, 72, and 80 ch
- 动作波长范围:850 nm或1260~1610 nm
- 光输入范围:每通道50~3 dBm
- 光学噪声极限:- 63 dBm @ 1550nm
- 输出线性 0.2 dB typ。在光输入范围50 ~为-10dBm
- MPO适配器/高密度MPO或MTP连接器
- 通过USB接口输出电压
- 校准表(波长,输入功率和输出电压)
- 尺寸:: (W)482.6x(D)430x(H)44mm, 1U大小
- 可根据要求提供自定义模型
- 数据通信、宽带/有线电视网络和电信网络的测试
- 数据ZX设备的监控
- 有源光缆互连的监测
- 根据用户自身来对电压、dBm校正,以及对必要功能和预算的缩减,与一般的光功率计相比实现了平均每通道10之一的成本。
- MPA - 100与一般的光功率测量仪相比,实现了10倍以上的高集成化。(安装空间是一般光功率测量仪的10分之一 )
例: MPA-100-10-8-IR-SM-01
MPA-100光源检测仪器Ordering code