The digital streaming DTV/Mobile TV modulator with USB connection have ability to stream an MPEG
stream from hard disk and output an industry-standard 50-870MHz (VHF + UHF) RF signal. The on-board
synthesizer can generate a stable and accurate symbol clock and tuning frequency. The Transport Stream
can be supplied via an external USB2.0 interface, and full customer-selectable modulation adjusted to
exactly what customers need. And can be upgradable other modulation without hardware Factory return,
but in the way of simple on-line proceeds, if purchase license update
Moreover, VHF and UHF mode RF AMP and step attenuator have ability to amplify professional quality RF
level +10 dBm to -110 dBm range. The professional range of RF power controlling should be very much
ideal for adjacent selective, Min/Max level of RF Sensitive Testing.The USB modulator is fully hard-ware base of FPGA design solution, that can be enough to use with even low performance laptop on low CPU share Usage,and easy carry for field test, and your product demonstration.
• USB 2.0 Platform Base Frame (DVB-ASI Output & Input)
• T-DMB / DAB+
• OFDM (DVB-T/DVB-H) modulation optional
• ISDB-T/B modulation optional
• QAM (DVB-C/ITU-T J83 Annex B) modulation optional
• OFDM (T-DMB/DAB) modulation
• ATSC (8VSB) modulation optional
• CMMB modulation + Mulitplex frame optional
• OpenCable Moculation optional
• DTMB modulation optional
• Real time ASI INPUT to RF OUTPUT modulation
• MPEG2 - TS Recording & Analyzing (Program / PID) / Bit stuffing ability
• On-board VHF/UHF RF output up-converter at level -20dBm (1Hz step Agile Type) basic
• RF Level Accuracy : <+/-1dB
• AMP & RF Step Attenuators for professional RF level test - RF output from +10 dBm to -110 dBm (0.1dB
• steps) optional
• Temperature compensation using an integrated temperature sensor, enable to heater control without RF
• level loss
DVB-ASI Output (Base Frame)
Parameter Value
Buffer 8 MB
Connector type BNC (75Ω)
Output Bitrate ~ 108 Mbps
-DVB-ASI Input (Base Frame)
Parameter Value
Buffer 8 MB
Connector type BNC (75Ω)
Input Bitrate ~ 108 Mbps
DVB-T/H Modulator Specification (Optional)
Modulation Mode QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM
Transmission Mode 2K, 4K, 8K
Channel bandwidth 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz
Convolution Code Rate 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
Guard Interval 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
Frequency range 50 ~ 870 MHz
Channel bandwidth 5, 6, 7, 8 Mhz
Output Impedance 50 Ω
RF Output Level -20 dBm (-110dBm ~ +10dBm)
Return Ross >15 dB
Spurious >60 dB
Phaser Noise -95 dBc @10 KHz
Connector Type SMA (50Ω)
RF Level Accuracy <+/-1dB
VHF/UHF RF Att enuator (Optional)
Item Unit Min. Type Max.
Input Range dBm — -20 —
Output Control Range dBm -110 +10
Output Control Step dB 0.1
Frequency Control Range MHz 50 870
Frequency Control Step Hz 1
Valid Temperature Celsius (ºC) 25 38 60
Power Supply Voltage V 12V
Power Supply Current mA 640 1,000
CMMB(STiMi) Modulation Specification (optional)
-Modulation+Multiplex Frame
Modulation Mode CMMB(STIMI)
Compliant CMMB GY/T220. 1/2006 and GY/T 220.2/2006
Support Logical Channel Setting
Byte Interleave Mode Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3
RS Coding (240, 240), (240,224), (240,192), (240, 176)
Constellation BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM
LDPC Bitrate 1/2, 3/4
Signal Bandwidth 8 MHz
Frequency Range (Full VHF-UHF 50 ~ 870 MHz)
S/L-Band external RF Adopter Device
Real Time Level Attenuation: Yes
Output Inpedance: 50Ω
RF Output Level: -20 dBm
Return Loss: >15dB
Spurious: >55 dB
Phaser Noise: <-95dBc @ 10KHz Offset
Connector Type : SMA (50Ω)
RF Level Accuracy: <+/-1dB
ATSC Modulator Specification (Optional)
-Modulation Mode: 8-SVB
Symbol Rate: 10.76 Ms/s
-RF Out
Frequency range 50 ~ 870 MHz
Channel bandwidth: 6 MHz
RF Output Level: -20 dBm (-110dBm ~ +10dBm)
Return Ross: >15 dB
Spurious: >60 dB
Phaser Noise: -95 dBc @10KHz offset
Connector Type: SMA (50Ω)
RF Level Accuracy: <+/-1dB
OpenCable Modulator Specification (Optional)
-Modulation Mode: Annex B (QAM 64, 256)
Symbol Rate: 5.057 or 5.38 Ms/s
Standard: ITU-T J83 FEC Annex B
Channel bandwidth: 6, 7, 8 MHz
-RF Out
Frequency range: 50 ~ 870 MHz
Channel bandwidth: 6, 7, 8 Mhz
RF Output Level: -20 dBm (-110dBm ~ +10dBm)
Output Impedance: 75 Ω
Return Ross: >15 dB
Spurious: >60 dB
Phaser Noise: -95 dBc @10KHz offset
Connector Type: SMA (50Ω)
RF Level Accuracy: <+/-1dB
DVB-C Modulator Specification (Optional)
-Modulation Mode: Annex A/C (QAM 16, 32, 64,128, 256)
Symbol Rate: ~ 10 Ms/s
Staadard: ITU-T J83 FEC Annex A/C
Channel bandwidth : 6, 7, 8 MHz
-RF Out
Frequency range: 50 ~ 870 MHz
Channel bandwidth: 6, 7, 8 Mhz
RF Output Level: -20 dBm (-110dBm ~ +10dBm)
Output Impedance: 75 Ω
Return Ross: >15 dB
Spurious: >60 dB
Phaser Noise: -95 dBc@10KHz offset
Connector Type: SMA (50Ω)
RF Level Accuracy: <+/-1dB
ISDB-T/Tb & SBTV Modulation Specification (optional)
-Modulation Mode ISDB-T Layered OFDM,
Compliant ARIB STD-B31
Support Japan ISDB-T & Brazilian SBTVD
TMCC Encoding: Fully Supported
Segment: 1 Seg & full Seg Supported
Frequency Range: 50 ~ 870 Mhz
Real Time Level Attenuation: Yes
Output Impedance: 50 Ω
RF Output Level: -20 dBm (-110dBm ~ +10dBm)
Return Loss: > 15 dB
Spurious: > 55 dB
Phaser Noise: <- 95 dBc @10KHz offset
Connector Type: SMA ( 50 Ω )
RF Level Accuracy: <+/-1dB