Tedpella Biopunch 3.5mm打孔器
The Biopunch® is a coring tool designed to core, punch and retrieve samples from thin or soft substrate source materials such as tissue, gels, paper, cloth, leaves, paint chips and films.
The Biopunch® consists of a sure grip hollow plastic embossed handle with a razor sharp seamless stainless steel cutting tip protected by a clear removable cap. Each Biopunch® is individually packaged sterile with lot number and expiration date clearly imprinted on the package. Available in 9 core size diameters: 1.5 to 8.0 mm or a Mix Pack of 5: 2.0 to 6.0mm, all punches are color coded by size. Maximum depth: 8mm
This is a disposable sampling tool, ideal for tissue processing or forensic applications. For some applications where contamination is not an issue, the Biopunch® is reusable after cleaning.
Cleaning Tip: Clean cutting tip between each sample extraction by coring blank filter paper; rinse with ethanol or spray with compressed air to remove dried artifacts.
Biopunch®由一个牢固的中空塑料压纹手柄和一个锋利的无缝不锈钢切割组成,由一个透明的可拆卸帽保护。 每个Biopunch®都是单独包装无菌的,批号和有效期明确印在包装上。 提供9芯尺寸:1.5至8.0毫米或5:2.0至6.0毫米的混合包,所有冲头按尺寸进行颜色编码。 *大深度:8mm
这是一次性采样工具,非常适合组织处理或法医应用。 对于某些污染不是问题的应用,Biopunch®可在清洁后重复使用。
清洁提示:通过取芯空白滤纸清洁每个样品提取之间的切割; 用乙醇冲洗或用压缩空气喷雾以去除干燥的人工制品。
Tedpella Biopunch 3.5mm打孔器
Prod # Description Unit
15111-15 Biopunch®, ID 1.5mm, OD 2.04mm pkg/5
15111-20 Biopunch®, ID 2.0mm, OD 2.42mm pkg/5
15111-25 Biopunch®, ID 2.5mm, OD 2.99mm pkg/5
15111-30 Biopunch®, ID 3.0mm, OD 3.40mm pkg/5
15111-35 Biopunch®, ID 3.5mm, OD 3.98mm pkg/5
15111-40 Biopunch®, ID 4.0mm, OD 4.41mm pkg/5
15111-50 Biopunch®, ID 5.0mm, OD 5.48mm pkg/5
15111-60 Biopunch®, ID 6.0mm, OD 6.47mm pkg/5
15111-80 Biopunch®, ID 8.0mm, OD 8.50mm pkg/5
15111-99 Biopunch®, Mix-Pack, 2-6mm pkg/5