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Mirusbio 全国代理 授权代理销售
Mirusbio 全国代理 授权代理销售
我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid等知名各保持合作。
Mirus的创新技术和专长受到了 Hoffman-La Roche(罗氏)的关注,在2008年Roche收购了Mirus Bio Corporation's 的诊断试剂部。而Mirus的生命科学研究产品部仍以 Mirus Bio LLC独立实体存在。
国际知名的基因ZL专家-乔恩.沃尔夫(Jon. Wolff) 和他的同事詹姆斯.汉斯特罗姆(James Hastrom)及Viadmir Budker, 基于他们在威斯康星大学-麦迪逊分校(Univerisity of wisconsin-madison)所进行的研究,于1995年成立了Mirusbio公司。
● 首先研发出siRNA转染试剂
● 世界上开发GX、低细胞毒性转染试剂的公司之一
● 首先向市场推出“一步法”核酸标记技术
● 独特的小分子RNA如microRNA标记技术
DNA and siRNA/miRNA
NEW! Broad Spectrum 广谱性转染试剂
TransIT-X2™ Dynamic Delivery System
Viral RNA, mRNA siRNA/miRNA
TransIT®-mRNA Kit TransIT-TKO® Reagent
TransIT-siQUEST® Reagent
TransIT®-Oligo Reagent
Broad Spectrum 广谱性转染试剂
TransIT®-2020 Reagent
TransIT®-LT1 Reagent
TransIT®-Express Reagent
Protein Production 蛋白生产
TransIT-PRO® Kit
NEW! Insect Cell Transfection
TransIT®-Insect Reagent
Other Cell Line Specific 细胞系特异
TransIT®-293 Reagent TransIT-HeLaMONSTER® Kit
TransIT®-3T3 Kit TransIT®-Jurkat Reagent
TransIT®-BrCa Reagent TransIT®-Keratinocyte Reagent
TransIT®-CHO Kit TransIT-Neural® Reagent
TransIT®-COS Kit TransIT®-Prostate Kit
3D Transfection 3D组织培养转染
3D Transfection
TransIT®-3D Reagent
Labeled Controls
Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Controls Label IT® RNAi Delivery Controls
Cy®3 Cy®3
Fluorescein Fluorescein
Plasmid Cleanup
MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit Beta-Gal Staining Kit
Reporter Assay
Ingenio Electroporation Solution 电转缓冲液/试剂盒,可有效地提高电转染效率和细胞存活率,适用于难转染细胞,包括原代细胞
Electroporation Solution
Ingenio® Electroporation Solution
Complete Kits for Lonza Amaxa®
Ingenio® Electroporation Kit (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers)
Complete Kits for BioRad or BTX
Ingenio® Electroporation Kit (0.4 cm cuvettes and cell droppers)
Ingenio® Cuvettes
Cell Droppers
Ingenio® Cell Droppers
Labeled Controls Label IT® RNAi Delivery Controls
Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Controls Cy®3
Cy®3 Fluorescein
Plasmid Cleanup
MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit
Reporter Assay
Beta-Gal Staining Kit
Label IT®核酸标记技术是一种非酶法化学标记技术,仅需一个化学反应步骤即可将非放射性标记物共价结合到DNA或RNA分子上。标记后的核酸分子可用于:FISH,微阵列,体内体外核酸成像等。
● 可直接共价标记来自任何物种任意长度的天然或合成的RNA/DNA分子;
● 化学标记减少了酶标整合和复制偏好;
● 操作简单快速,仅需一个反应步骤;
● 成本低,与核酸酶法标记相比,每个反应可节省50%的费用。
Nucleic Acid 核酸
Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kits Cy®3
CX-Rhodamine Cy®5
Fluorescein Cy®5
Digoxin DC
Biotin TM-Rhodamine
Label IT® miRNA Labeling Kits Cy®3
Cy®3/Cy®5 Cy®5
Label IT® µArray Labeling Kits Cy®3/Cy®5
Biotin Fluorescein/Biotin
Cy®3/Cy®5 Cy®3
Label IT® Nucleic Acid Modifying Kit
Label IT® Tracker Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kits TM-Rhodamine
Cy®3 Biotin
Cy®5 Fluorescein
Label IT® siRNA Tracker Intracellular Localization Kits Cy®3
CX-Rhodamine Cy®5
TM-Rhodamine Biotin
In Situ Hybridization
Label IT® FISH Labeling Kits Cy®3
Biotin TM-Rhodamine
Labeled Controls Label IT® RNAi Delivery Controls
Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Controls Cy®3
Cy®3 Fluorescein
Mirusbio MIR 5400 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 1 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥5,462.50
Mirusbio MIR 6003 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 0.3 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥1,675.00
Mirusbio MIR 6700 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥6,350.00
Mirusbio MIR 6655 TransIT® Lentivirus System 34 RXN Blue Ice Only All components at -20 degrees C ¥21,537.50
Mirusbio MIR 6650 TransIT® Lentivirus System 5 RXN Blue Ice Only All components at -20 degrees C ¥5,737.50
Mirusbio MIR 6640 Lentivirus Packaging Mix Powered by MISSION® Genomics 34 RXN Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥20,400.00
Mirusbio MIR 6620 TransduceIT™ Transduction Reagent 1 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥325.00
Mirusbio MIR 6630 Lentivirus Packaging Mix Powered by MISSION® Genomics 5 RXN Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥5,100.00
Mirusbio MIR 6606 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 10 x 1.5 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥49,412.50
Mirusbio MIR 6605 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 5 x 1.5 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥26,875.00
Mirusbio MIR 6604 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 0.75 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥3,900.00
Mirusbio MIR 6603 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 0.3 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥1,562.50
Mirusbio MIR 6600 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥6,175.00
Mirusbio MIR 6151 pOET1C_6xHis Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl) Room Temperature -20 degrees C ¥3,437.50
Mirusbio MIR 6152 pOET6 BacMam Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl) Room Temperature -20 degrees C ¥3,437.50
Mirusbio MIR 6150 pOET1 Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl) Room Temperature -20 degrees C ¥3,437.50
Mirusbio MIR 6140 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 24 Reactions Room Temperature Variable, Labels on product components ¥27,462.50
Mirusbio MIR 6135 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 5 Reactions Room Temperature Variable, Labels on product components ¥9,537.50
Mirusbio MIR 6120 flashBAC™ Baculovirus Expression System 24 Reactions Room Temperature Variable, Labels on product components ¥15,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 5930 Hygromycin B Antibiotic Solution 20 ml (50 mg/ml in PBS) Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C ¥2,050.00
Mirusbio MIR 5920 G418 Sulfate Antibiotic Solution 10 ml (50 mg/ml in DI water) Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C ¥962.50
Mirusbio MIR 6260 CHOgro® Expression System 1 Kit The L-Glutamine will be shipped on dry ice and the remaining CHOgro® Expression System components wi Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,962.50
Mirusbio MIR 6250 Human IgG1 Expression Control 100 ug Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥3,987.50
Mirusbio MIR 6240 L-Glutamine Solution, 200 mM 100 ml dry ice -20 degrees C ¥337.50
Mirusbio MIR 6210 CHOgro® Complex Formation Solution 100 ml Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C ¥687.50
Mirusbio MIR 6230 Poloxamer 188 Solution, 10% 100 ml Room Temperature Room Temperature ¥337.50
Mirusbio MIR 6202 CHOgro® Expression Medium 10 Liter Polybag Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C ¥12,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 6200 CHOgro® Expression Medium 1 Liter Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C ¥1,337.50
Mirusbio MIR 5760 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Kit (includes PRO Boost Reagent) 10 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥40,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 5750 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Reagent 10 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥37,900.00
Mirusbio MIR 5740 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Reagent 1 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥4,750.00
Mirusbio MIR 5700 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Kit (includes PRO Boost Reagent) 1 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥5,075.00
Mirusbio MIR 5620 pLIVE® Vector/SEAP Control Vector Kit 20 µg of each vector Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥6,950.00
Mirusbio MIR 5520 pLIVE® Vector/lacZ Control Vector Kit 20 µg of each vector Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥6,950.00
Mirusbio MIR 5420 pLIVE® Vector 20 µg Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥5,337.50
Mirusbio MIR 5320 pLIVE® Vector Complete System 20 µg of each (all 3 vectors) Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥8,587.50
Mirusbio MIR 7025 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Fluorescein labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥2,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 7024 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Biotin labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥2,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 7100 NEW! Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, MFP488 labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 4125 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels 25 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥2,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 4100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 3825 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, DNP labels 25 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥2,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 3800 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, DNP labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 3725 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5 labels 25 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥3,287.50
Mirusbio MIR 3700 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5 labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥8,175.00
Mirusbio MIR 3625 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3 labels 25 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥3,287.50
Mirusbio MIR 3425 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Biotin labels 25 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥2,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 3600 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3 labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥8,175.00
Mirusbio MIR 3400 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Biotin labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 3325 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Digoxin labels 25 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥2,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 3300 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Digoxin labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 3225 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Fluorescein labels 25 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥2,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 3200 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Fluorescein labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 6703 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 0.3 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥1,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 6704 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 0.75 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥4,012.50
Mirusbio MIR 6705 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 5 x 1.5 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥27,650.00
Mirusbio MIR 6706 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 10 x 1.5 ml Blue Ice Only -20 degrees C ¥50,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 3100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels 100 µg nucleic acid Blue Ice Only Variable, Labels on product components ¥6,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 50125 Ingenio® Cell Droppers 50 Cell droppers Room Temperature Room Temperature ¥687.50
Mirusbio MIR 50123 Ingenio® Cuvettes for all conventional electroporators, such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® 50 pk, 0.4 cm cuvettes Room Temperature Room Temperature ¥2,450.00
Mirusbio MIR 50121 Ingenio® Cuvettes for Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices 50 pk, 0.2 cm cuvettes Room Temperature Room Temperature ¥2,450.00
Mirusbio MIR 50119 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for all conventional electroporators, such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes a 100 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥9,837.50
Mirusbio MIR 50117 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 100 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥5,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 50118 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 100 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥9,837.50
Mirusbio MIR 50116 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for all conventional electroporators, such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes a 50 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥5,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 50115 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 50 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥5,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 50114 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 50 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥3,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 50113 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for all conventional electroporators, such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes a 25 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥3,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 50112 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 25 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥3,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 50111 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 25 reactions Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥1,912.50
Mirusbio MIR 5910 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for 10 mg DNA Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥2,137.50
Mirusbio MIR 5900 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for 100 mg DNA Blue Ice Only 4 degrees C; Do Not Freeze ¥6,287.50
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