德国威乐MVI5202 增压泵热水循环高扬程水泵变频恒压泵
德国威乐MVI5202 增压泵热水循环高扬程水泵变频恒压泵
两用一备是使用三台泵中的两台就可以满足需求,另一台作为检修或轮换工作时使用,所以每台泵是系统全额水量的一半配置 、
1. 本控制箱主要是为了排除吸水坑里的污水而设计的,设计为一用一备主泵和备泵,各2.2KW,分设手动功能和自动功能,。
The control box is to rule out the pit of sewage water designed, designed for use by the main pump and a pump prepared, 2.2 KW, is divided into functional manual and automatic functions.
2. 它可以使用柴油或者燃气作为燃料,做到一用一备。即使在所有的燃烧率和的调节比下,其设计和结构也可保持极好的火焰稳定度。
The design and the construction allow excellent flame stability in all firing rates and in wide air/gas ratios.
3. 两台稳压泵一用一备轮流工作交替运行,有故障能自动切换。
Two regulators of a pump with a rotating work by the turn of operation, a failure to automatically switch.
4. 混合设备拟选用二台混合机作为主混合设备,一用一备,保证生产的连续性和可靠性。
Blending equipments will use two blend mixtures to assure the continuity and dependability of production.
5. 两台消防泵也是一用一备,均能工频和变频运行,发生故障时备用泵能自动投入运行。
Two fire pump is also a one-up, both the frequency and frequency operation, failure of backup pump automatically put into operation.