Monoclonal Anti-Rabies, FITC单克隆抗体
Monoclonal Anti-Rabies, FITC
用直接免疫荧光技术检测狂犬病毒。单克隆抗狂犬病,FITC用于印象涂片检测(准备,例如,从可疑的动物脑组织)或用直接免疫荧光技术在细胞培养分离病毒。传统的狂犬病病毒敏感的检测以及蝙蝠相关的狂犬病病毒属,尤其是和EBLV-2 EBLV-1
Monoclonal Anti-Rabies, FITC
Detection of rabies virus using the direct immunfluores-cence technique. Monoclonal Anti-Rabies, FITC is used for detection in impression smears (prepared, for example, from brain tissues of suspicious animals) or by virus isolation in cell cultures using the direct immunofluores- cence technique. Sensitive detection of the traditional rabies virus as well as bat-associated Lyssaviruses, especially EBLV-1 and EBLV-2
品Pai: | 德国SIFIN |
货号: | MAB |
抗体名: | 单克隆抗狂犬病 |
抗体英文名: | Monoclonal Anti-Rabies |
浓度: | 见每批所示 |
保存条件: | 见包装所示 |
规格: | 1ml |
Monoclonal Anti-Rabies, FITC单克隆抗体
单克隆抗体(MAb)与抗血清(又称多克隆抗体,PAb)Z主要的区别是MAb为单一种B细胞克隆所产生的一种均一的免疫球蛋白分子。所以MAb是B细胞克隆的标志,是一种独特型的抗体,它的特异性是针对一个抗原决定簇的。制备单克隆抗体不能用化学分离的方法从多克隆抗体中去分离纯化得到它,而是用分离产生抗体的B细胞克隆的方法得到它。为了使B细胞克隆能在体外人工培养下长期存活并产生完全均一的MAb,G.KÖhler合Milstein于1975年创立了杂交瘤方法。所以制备单克隆抗体的技术又称杂交瘤技术(hybredoma technique)。
The most important difference between the monoclonal antibody (MAb) and the antiserum (also called the polyclonal antibody, PAb) is that MAb is a homogeneous immunoglobulin produced by a single B cell clone. Therefore, MAb is a marker of B cell clone, and is a unique type of antibody. Its specificity is directed against an antigenic determinant. The preparation of monoclonal antibodies can not be separated and purified from polyclonal antibody by chemical separation, but it is obtained by the method of cloning the B cell that separates the antibody. In order to make B cell clones capable of long-term survival in vitro and produce a fully homogeneous MAb, G.KÖ hler and Milstein established a hybridoma method in 1975. Therefore, the preparation of monoclonal antibodies is also known as hybridoma technology (hybredoma technique).
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室
单抗制品即为单克隆抗体(Monoclonal antibody,简称McAb)制品,其由杂交瘤细胞生产,单克隆抗体其制品纯度高、专一性强、效价高,使用时可免除不同细胞及微生物种或株间血清学上的交叉反应,大大提高了诊断的特异性及敏感性。
1. 免疫动物
免疫动物是用目的抗原免疫小鼠,使小鼠产生致敏B淋巴细胞的 过程。 一般选用6-8周龄雌性BALB/c小鼠,按照预先制定的免疫方案进行免疫注射。 抗原通过血液循环或淋巴循环进入外周免疫器官,刺激相应B淋巴细胞克隆,使其活化、增殖,并分化成为致敏B淋巴细胞。
采用二氧化碳气体处死小鼠,无菌操作取出,在平皿内挤压研磨,制备脾细胞悬液。 将准备好的同系瘤细胞与小鼠脾细胞按一定比例混合,并加入促融合剂聚乙二醇。在聚乙二醇作用下,各种淋巴细胞可与瘤细胞发生融合,形成杂交瘤细胞。