单抗制品即为单克隆抗体(Monoclonal antibody,简称McAb)制品,其由杂交瘤细胞生产,单克隆抗体其制品纯度高、专一性强、效价高,使用时可免除不同细胞及微生物种或株间血清学上的交叉反应,大大提高了诊断的特异性及敏感性。
Monoclonal antibody (Monoclonal antibody, abbreviated McAb) products are produced by hybridoma cells. Monoclonal antibodies have high purity, specificity and high potency. When used, they can exempt the cross reactions of different cells and microbiological species or strains in serology, and greatly improve the specificity and sensitivity of diagnosis. Of.
- 高亲和力
- 没有污染的抗体
- 弱抗原鉴定
- 的批处理重复性
MAb Clone Properties Isotype
Anti-A A-11H5 Murine monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells of the blood groups A1, A2, A1B and A2B. Agglutinates A3 red blood cells (mixed field aggluti- nation), reaction with Ax red blood cells usually positive. IgM
Anti-A A-5E10 Murine monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells of the blood groups A1, A2, A1B and A2B. Agglutinates A3 red blood cells (mixed field aggluti- nation), reaction with Ax red blood cells usually positive. IgM
Anti-B B-6F9 Murine monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells of the blood groups B, A1B und A2B. Does not react with „acquired“ B. IgM
Anti-B B-2D7 Murine monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells of the blood Groups B, A1B und A2B. Does not react with „acquired“ B. IgM
Anti-D BS225 Human monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells with normally expressed D antigen. Weak D red blood cells are agglutinated subject to the antigen density. Category VI is not detected among the partial D antigens. IgM
Anti-D NaTH119 Human monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells with normally expressed D antigen. Weak D red blood cells (types 1-4) are agglutinated subject to the antigen density. Categories IV and VI are not detected among the partial D antigens. IgM
Anti-D LOR-15C9 Human monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells with normally expressed D antigen. Weak D red blood cells (types 1-3) are agglutinated subject to the antigen density. Categories II, III, Va, VI and VII are agglutinated among the partial D antigens. IgG
Anti-M A-46/B/B-10 Murine monoclonal antibody strongly reacts with red blood cells of the blood groups 0, A2 and A2B positive; with A1 and A1B weak positive or negative. lgM
Anti-M M11H23 Murine monoclonal antibody specifically agglutinates red blood cells with M Antigen. lgG1
Anti-N N-20H12 Murine monoclonal antibody specifically agglutinates red blood cells with N antigen after correction of pH to 8.6 - 8.9. lgG2b
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室