购买进口B群沙门氏菌O抗原因子 4 诊断血清
购买进口B群沙门氏菌O抗原因子 4 诊断血清
细菌沙门氏菌H抗原 (z38)诊断血清c型2ML
副伤寒沙门氏菌H抗原 (z36)诊断血清A型2ML
副伤寒沙门氏菌H抗原 (z36)诊断血清A型2ML
副伤寒沙门氏菌H抗原 (z36)诊断血清C型2ML
副伤寒沙门氏菌H抗原 (z36)诊断血清C型2ML
革兰氏沙门氏菌H抗原 (z29)诊断血清2毫升
革兰氏沙门氏菌H抗原 (z29)诊断血清2毫升

( MOB:杨永汉)

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103

非寄主抗性的机制包括预存性结构屏障、预存毒性化 合物以及由于病原菌侵染的诱导使植物产生的诱导型主动抗病反应 。虽然植物预存的结构屏障和毒性化合物如皂苷(主要作用于细胞 膜中甾醇)是多数植物病原真菌的主要抗性机制,但是还没有证据表 明结构屏障对卵菌具有抗病作用。因为卵菌细胞壁中不含植物皂苷 的作用靶子钬斺€斺€旂薮?因此植物对该类病原菌的非寄主抗性 与其它丝状真菌可能不同,而是由不同的传和生化机制调控,其中诱 导型主动抗病性可能是植物对卵菌非寄主抗性的主要机制。卵菌侵 染敏感和抗病植物的早期是相同的,只是进入寄主组织后不同。在 敏感寄主植物中,卵菌菌丝分枝进入寄主细胞形成吸器,从寄主细胞 吸取分,菌丝通过胞间空隙从侵入点向四周扩展,而抗病寄主植物在 侵染点发生HR ,且病菌和植物的基因型决定HR 发生时间与HR 枯 斑大小。有些非亲和互作只有一至几个细胞发生HR (micro2hypersensitive resis2tance ,micro2HR) ,而有些非 亲和互作呈现明显的肉眼可见的枯斑( macro2hypersensitive resistance , macro2HR) ,如P. infestans 侵染携带Salanum demissum 抗病基因的马铃薯和其它高抗马铃薯时常在侵染点及周 围一些细胞发生过敏性死亡形成枯斑。
The mechanisms of non-host resistance include pre-existing structural barriers, pre-existing toxic compounds, and inducible, active disease-responsive responses to plants due to the induction of pathogenic infections. Although plant-preserved structural barriers and toxic compounds such as saponins (primarily acting on cell membrane sterols) are the main resistance mechanisms for most plant pathogenic fungi, there is no evidence that the structural barriers have resistance to oomycetes. Because the oomyelian cell wall does not contain the target of plant saponins, the non-host resistance of plants to this type of pathogen may be different from other filamentous fungi, but is regulated by different transmission and biochemical mechanisms. Among them, the inducible active disease resistance may be the main mechanism of the plant's non-host resistance to oomycetes. The early stages of infection with susceptible and disease-resistant plants are the same for oomycetes, but they differ after entering the host tissue. In susceptible host plants, Oomycorrhizal mycorrhizal branches into the host cell to form the haustorium, and the host cells absorb the fractions. The mycelium spreads from the invader point to the periphery through the intercellular space, and the host plants with resistance to disease develop HR at the infestation site. The genotypes of pathogens and plants determine the time of occurrence of HR and the size of HR spotting. In some non-affinity interactions, only one to several cells develop HR (micro2hypersensitive resis2tance , micro2HR), and some non-affinity interactions show obvious macrohybrid resistance (macro2hypersensitive resistance, macro2HR), such as P. infestans invasion carrying Salanum Demissum resistant genes of potato and other high-resistant potatoes often have allergic deaths and spot formation at some sites of infection and surrounding cells.