原装进口沙门氏菌H抗原 (r)诊断血清
韩国SD沙门氏菌H抗原 (mt)血清
韩国SD沙门氏菌H抗原 (mt)血清
原装进口沙门氏菌H抗原 (r)诊断血清
(: MOB:杨永汉)


【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103

本门菌类主要腐生在水中的 动、植物残体上或寄生于水生植物、动物和其他菌物上,少数可 以寄生高等植物。营养体形态变化很大,从呈球形或近球形的单 细胞至发达的无隔菌丝体。比较低等的壶菌是多核的单细胞,具 细胞壁,大多呈球形或近球形,寄生在寄主细胞内的,其营养体 在发育的早期没有细胞壁,有的壶菌单细胞营养体的基部还可以 形成假根;较高等的壶菌可以形成发达或不发达的无隔菌丝体。 无性繁殖时产生游动孢子囊,游动孢子囊有的有囊盖,成熟时囊 盖打开释放游动孢子;有的无囊盖,通过孢子囊孔或形成出芽释 放游动孢子。每个游动孢子囊可释放多个游动孢子。有性生殖大 多产生休眠孢子囊,萌发时释放至多个游动孢子。有性生殖方式 有多种,大多是通过两个游动孢子配合形成的接合子经发育形成 休眠孢子囊;少数通过不动的雌配子囊(藏卵器)与游动配子( 精子)的结合形成卵孢子。仅壶菌纲(Chytridiomycetes),分 为个目,属,已记载的有个种,只有少数是高等植物上的寄生物 ,较重要的如引起玉米褐斑病的玉蜀黍节壶菌(Physoderma maydis),引起马铃薯癌肿病的内生集壶菌(Synchytricum endobioticum)和引起车轴草冠瘿病的车轴草尾囊壶菌 (Urophylactis trifolii)。
The genus Bacillus is mainly rotten in animal and plant residues in water or parasites in aquatic plants, animals and other fungi. A few of them can parasitize higher plants. Vegetative morphology varies widely, from single cells that are spherical or nearly spherical to well-developed non-isolated mycelium. Lower chytrids are multinucleated single cells with cell walls, mostly spherical or near-spherical, parasitized in host cells, and their vegetative cells do not have cell walls in the early stages of development. Some chytrid unicellular vegetative bases are also present. Fake roots can be formed; higher chytrids can form well-developed or underdeveloped unbranched mycelia. When vegetatively propagated, zoosporangium is produced. Some of the zoosporangium are capsular. When mature, capsula open to release zoospores; some have no capsule caps, and buds are released through zoosporangium to release zoospores. Each zoosporangium can release multiple zoospores. Sexual reproduction produces a large number of dormant sporangia, which release to multiple zoospores at germination. There are many forms of sexual reproduction, mostly through the formation of two conjugated zoospores formed by the development of resting sporangia; a small number of immobile female gametocytes (opioids) and swimming gametes (spermatozoa) Form oospore. Chytridiomycetes are divided into orders, genus, and recorded species. Only a few are parasites on higher plants, and more important are Phytodemay maydis, which causes maize brown spot. , Synechytricum endobioticum, which causes potato cancer disease, and Urophylactis trifolii, which causes crown disease of Trifolium repens.