1. 质控品的来源:
2. 定值方法:
名称 | 英文名 | 尿检为阳性的时间段(用药后),仅供参考 | 备注 |
MOP | Morphine, the main component of heroin | 2小时-4天 | A variety of drugs can be detected in time will be positive individual differences, the metabolic rate and detection results and taking individual, route of Administration (suction, oral, injection) and each dosage has a great relationship. In general, the metabolism of injection speed, quickly urine can be positive, other treatment methods is relatively slow. A large amount of urine test lasted for a long time |
MAMP | Morphine / methamphetamine | 1小时-3天 |
MDMA | Two, two methoxy amphetamine, commonly known as "ecstasy"" | 1小时-5小时 |
KET | Ketamine (k) | 2小时-4小时 |
AMP | Amphetamine, also called benzene acetone | 2小时-1天 |
COC | Cocaine, also called cocaine | 4小时-1天 |
BZO | Benzene, two nitrogen Zhuo (diazepam, three Lun Lun, etc.) | 2小时-3天 |
THC | hemp | 2小时-56小时 |
BAR | Barbiturates | 4小时-4天 |
MTD | Methadone | 2小时-2天 |
PCP | Benzene ring piperidine, commonly known as "angel powder. | 2小时-12小时 |
TCA | Tricyclic antidepressants | 4小时-5天 |
BUP | Buprenorphine | 1小时-5天 |

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室

先天性弓形虫病的诊断并非轻而易举,需要训练有素的医师,根据适当而准确的寄生虫学和血清学试验结合各种临床检查才能作出。ZG现阶段,抗体检测属于落后阶段,所以检测结果需要慎重对待,可以多方检测综合考虑。弓形虫病的预防分为非免疫病源感染的预防和免疫病源感染的预防。如果你在怀孕前已经感染过了弓形虫,那么意味着你有抗体。(ZG的检测不清楚是检测抗原还是抗体,但是在国外,孕妇怀孕时做的检查是检测抗体的)。抗体越高,就能够越有效的保护你和胎儿。不放心的话,还可以带去动物医院检测。有弓形虫抗体的人,只要日常卫生做好的话,无需医药ZL。[] 原发性感染由于饮食或其它原因,大量非免疫病源进入人体内,造成非免疫病源感染,如果被感染者以前没有感染过弓形虫,这便是初次感染,体内不能很快生成抗体。需要YL机构与先关药物辅助ZL预防弓形虫慢性感染要分两个阶段:*是当前怎么办?第二是长远根本上怎么解决?预防方法是:.预防期间:①家畜禽要养在室内。②喂食完全熟透的食物。③不让家畜禽在外捕食。因为,宠物的传染来源主要是因为吃了感染的老鼠或鸟类,或者吃了污染粪的食物。④妇女避免与猫的粪便接触。⑤妇女孕期间,其他家庭成员应及时为宠物做好清洁工作。⑥做好家畜禽的卫生。
The diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis is not an easy task and requires highly trained physicians to make appropriate clinical trials based on appropriate and accurate parasitology and serological tests. At present, the detection of antibodies in China is an lagging stage. Therefore, the test results need to be treated with caution and can be comprehensively considered in multiple tests. The prevention of toxoplasmosis is divided into the prevention of non-immune pathogenic infections and the prevention of infections of immunological pathogens. If you have been infected with Toxoplasma before pregnancy, it means that you have antibodies. (China's test is unclear whether it is the detection of antigens or antibodies, but in foreign countries, pregnant women perform tests when they are pregnant to detect antibodies). The higher the antibody, the more effective it is to protect you and your baby. If you don't feel comfortable, you can also bring it to the animal hospital for testing. People with Toxoplasma antibodies do not need medical treatment as long as they do a good job in daily hygiene. [] Primary infection Due to diet or other reasons, a large number of non-immune diseases enter the body and cause non-immune infections. If the infected person has not previously been infected with Toxoplasma gondii, this is the initial infection and the body cannot produce antibodies quickly. The need for medical institutions and first-aid drug-assisted treatment to prevent the chronic infection of Toxoplasma gondii is divided into two phases: The first is how to do now? The second is how to solve the long-term fundamental? The prevention method is: During the period of prevention: 1 Livestock and poultry shall be kept indoors. 2 Feed compley cooked food. 3 Do not allow domestic animals to eat outside. Because the source of infection of pets is mainly due to eating infected mice or birds, or eating contaminated food. 4 Women avoid contact with cat feces. 5 During pregnancy, other family members should do a good job of cleaning pets in time. 6 do a good job of livestock and poultry hygiene.