5067-6188 | 不锈钢毛细管,0.17 mm 内径,500 mm 长,带 1 个 10-32 螺纹规格的不锈钢长螺纹接头和 1 个 M4 螺纹规格的接头 | | | | 706.68 CNY | Quantity |
5067-6707 | Capillary kit, 0.17 mm id, for dual column selection in the internal column compartment of the 1200 Infinity vialsampler | | | | 13353.21 CNY | Quantity |
5067-6708 | Capillary kit, 0.12 mm id, for dual column selection in the internal column compartment of the 1200 Infinity vialsampler | | | | 13866.84 CNY | Quantity |
5067-4295 | 在线 SPE 直接进样毛细管工具包 | | | | 3081.78 CNY | Quantity |
5500-1333 | Capillary, stainless steel, 0.5 mm id, 600 mm length, no fittings | | | | 281.97 CNY | Quantity |
5067-4684 | Capillary, stainless steel, 0.12 mm, 340 mm, SwageLok fitting, 1.6 mm port id to SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id | SS | 0.12 | 340 | 515.97 CNY | Quantity |
5067-5106 | Capillary, stainless steel, 0.12 mm, 90 mm, SwageLok long fitting, 1.6 mm port id to M4 fitting, 0.8 mm port id | SS | 0.12 | 90 | 524.16 CNY | Quantity |
5067-4735 | Stainless steel capillary 0.12 mm id, 130 mm long, with a non-swaged Swagelok fitting on one side and a non-swaged M4 fitting on the other side. Typically to connect a short column to a valve with an M4 port. | SS | 0.12 | 130 | 1009.71 CNY | Quantity |
5067-4685 | Capillary, stainless steel, 0.12 mm, 90 mm, SwageLok fitting, 1.6 mm port id to SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id | SS | 0.12 | 90 | 476.19 CNY | Quantity |
5067-4686 | Capillary, stainless steel, 0.12 mm, 150 mm, SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id to SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id | SS | 0.12 | 150 | 506.61 CNY | Quantity |
5067-4687 | Capillary, stainless steel, 0.12 mm, 280 mm, SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id to SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id | SS | 0.12 | 280 | 527.67 CNY | Quantity |
5067-4688 | Capillary, stainless steel, 0.12 mm, 120 mm, SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id to SwageLok extra long fitting, 1.6 mm port id | SS | 0.12 | 120 |