间日疟原虫/恶性疟疾酶联免疫法检测试纸 本试剂盒主要是采用胶体金层析的原理制成,用于检测人体血清/血浆/全血标本中,感染的疟原虫抗体,包括了恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫、卵形疟原虫、三日疟原虫共有抗原的鉴别性检测。
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( MOB:杨永汉)

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脑桥的头端1/3 区域内,有调整延髓呼吸节律性活动的神经结构,叫做呼吸调整中 枢,它能YZ延髓吸气的紧张性活动,使吸气向呼气转化。脑桥 调整内除了有呼气神经元和吸气神经元以外,还有较多的跨时相 神经元。它与延髓呼吸之间有复杂的相互作用,一般认为它在脑 桥呼吸调整的功能活动中起重要作用。脑桥参与调节呼吸节律( 见呼吸),如吸气切断机制就与脑桥有关。调节肌肉运动参与对肌紧 张和肌肉运动的调节 肌紧张和肌肉运动是由脑干网状结构控制的。 脑桥网状核是网状结构易化区域之一。脑桥的被盖和延髓网状结构背 外侧部、中脑ZY灰质以及下丘脑后部和丘脑中缝核等共同对同侧伸 肌起调节作用,主要是易化性影响。另外,在大脑-脑桥-小脑之间形成 一个环形,共同协调肌肉运动。神经核团编辑脑桥内一些神经核团 耳蜗、前庭神经核 与听觉、姿势、肌张力和身体维持平衡有关(见 听觉、前庭器官);其中前庭核与延髓网状结构自主性功能之间有 密切,因此,当前庭核有病变时,常并发一些自主神经功能障碍 的症状,如恶心、呕吐、心搏徐缓、出汗过多、血压下降以及眼球震 颤等。脑桥内的三叉神经核部分与其他脑神经核发生,参与角膜 反射、 喷嚏反射、 流涎反射、流泪反射以及眼-心反射等。面神经核 及展神经核分别与面部表情及眼球运动有关。色素核脑桥的色素核 (nucleus pigmentosus pontis) 也叫蓝斑。位于脑桥上部第Ⅳ脑 室底灰质的外侧部,由致密的、含色素的神经元组成。核团下部位置 表浅,接近菱形窝表面透视出青灰色斑,故名。过去认为蓝斑与呼吸 调节有关,近年来应用荧光组织化学技术证明,此核是去甲肾上 腺素能神经元主要集中处。此核发出上行纤维投射至大脑皮层与维持 觉醒状态有关。下行纤维参与调节躯体及内脏活动,也是痛与镇痛过 程中的一个环节。中缝核脑桥的中缝核(nucleus raphe pontis) 从延髓下端到中脑,脑干中缝两旁有相对集中的核团 ,主要由中、小型细胞组成。人、猫、兔、鼠的中缝核仅有发育程度 上的差异,基本的形态、位置大致相同。脑桥中缝核是脑干中缝核中 的一个组成部分。
Palar head end 1/3 area, adjust the medullary respiratory center rhythmic activity of the nerve structure, called the respiratory center, it can inhibit the medullary inspiratory nervous activity, so that inspiration to exhale conversion. Pituitary adjustment center in addition to exhaled neurons and inspiratory neurons, there are more time-phase neurons. It has a complex interaction with the medullary respiratory center and is thought to play an important role in the functional activity of the pons respiratory center. Pons involved in the regulation of respiratory rhythm (see Breathing), such as the suction cut off mechanism and the pons. Regulation of Muscle Exercise Involvement in Muscle Tension and Muscle Motion Muscle tension and muscle movement are controlled by the brainstem reticular structure. The pontine reticular nucleus is one of the easiest areas for reticulation. The pons were covered and the dorsolateral medulla structure, the midbrain gray matter, and the posterior hypothalamus and the thalamic nuclei of the thalamus played a role in regulating the ipsilateral extension muscles, mainly facilitating facilitation. In addition, the brain - the pons - the cerebellum to form a circular relationship between the coordination of muscle movement. The nucleus of the nucleus edits the cochlea of some nerve nuclei in the pons. The vestibular nucleus is related to the auditory, postural, muscular tension and body balance (see auditory and vestibular organs). The vestibular nucleus and the autonomic functional center of the medulla oblongata Therefore, when there are pathological changes in the vestibular nucleus, some autonomic dysfunction symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, excessive sweating, blood pressure drop, and nystagmus often occur. The trigeminal nucleus inside the pons is associated with other cranial nerve nuclei and participates in corneal reflexes, sneeze reflexes, salivary reflexes, tear reflexes, and eye-heart reflexes. Facial nerve nucleus and nerve nucleus are related to facial expressions and eye movement. Pigment nuclear pontine pigment nucleus (nucleus pigmentosus pontis) also known as blue spots. Located in the upper part of the pons IV ventricular gray matter in the outer part of the dense, pigment-containing neurons. The position of the lower part of the nuclei is shallow, and the surface of the diamond-shaped nest is seen with a celadon gray spot, hence the name. In the past, it was thought that locus coeruleus was related to respiratory regulation. In recent years, fluorescence histochemical techniques have been used to demonstrate that this nucleus is the central focus of central norepinephrinergic neurons. This nuclear issue of upstream fibers projecting into the cerebral cortex is associated with the maintenance of arousal. Downstream fibers involved in the regulation of somatic and visceral activity, pain and pain is also a link in the process. The nucleus raphe pontis of the nucleus raphe nuclei is from the lower medulla to the tip of the midbrain. There are relatively concentrated nucleus clusters on both sides of the midbrain in the brain stem, consisting mainly of small and medium cells. The nucleus accumbens of humans, cats, rabbits and mice differ only in their degree of development. The basic morphology and location are roughly the same. The pontine nucleus is an integral part of the midpoint of the brain stem.