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我司同时有bzo - bar - coc - thc met - - opi - oxy - mdma - cfp - amp - xtc – bat多联检测卡(胶体金法)
mob: 杨 :
多OPI筛选面板是快速色谱免疫分析,用于定性和同时检测人尿中各种组合中的一至十四种以下药物。 这些药物的设计截止浓度和直接校正剂如下:
4-Acetamidophenol | Estrone-3-sulfate | Oxolinic acid |
Acetophenetidin | Ethyl-p-aminobenzoate | Oxycodone |
N-Acetylprocainamide | Fenfluramine | Oxymetazoline |
Acetylsalicylic acid | Fenoprofen | Papaverine |
Aminopyrine | Furosemide | Penicillin-G |
Amitryptyline | Gentisic acid | Pentazocine |
Amobarbital | Hemoglobin | Pentobarbital |
Amoxicillin | Hydralazine | Perphenazine |
Ampicillin | Hydrochlorothiazide | Phencyclidine |
Ascorbic acid | Hydrocodone | Phenelzine |
Apomorphine | Hydrocortisone | Phenobarbital |
Aspartame | p-Hydroxyamphetamine | l-Phenylephrine |
Atropine | O-Hydroxyhippuric acid | b-Phenylethlamine |
Benzilic acid | p-Hydroxy-methamphetamine | Phenylpropanolamine |
Benzoic acid | Prednisolone | |
Benzoylecgonine | 3-Hydroxytyramine | Prednisone |
Benzphetamine | Ibuprofen | Procaine |
Bilirubin | Imipramine | Promazine |
Brompheniramine | (-) Isoproterenol | Promethazine |
Caffeine | Isoxsuprine | d,l-Propanolol |
Cannabidiol | Ketamine | d-Propoxyphene |
Cannabinol | Ketoprofen | d-Pseudoephedrine |
Chloralhydrate | Labetalol | Quinidine |
Chloramphenicol | Levorphanol | Quinine |
Chlordiazepoxide | Loperamide | Ranitidine |
Chlorothiazide | Maprotiline | Salicylic acid |
(±) Chlorpheniramine | Meperidine | Secobarbital |
Chlorpromazine | Meprobamate | Serotonin (5-Hydroxytyramine) |
Chlorquine | Methadone | |
Cholesterol | d-methamphetamine | Sulfamethazine |
Clomipramine | (l)-methamphetamine | Sulindac |
Clonidine | Methoxyphenamine | Temazepam |
Cocaine hydrochloride | 3,4-Methylenedioxyethyl-amphetamine | Tetracycline |
Codeine | Tetrahydrocortisone, 3 Acetate | |
Cortisone | (+) 3,4-Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine | |
(-) Cotinine | Tetrahydrocortisone 3 (b-D glucuronide) | |
Creatinine | Methylphenidate | |
Deoxycorticosterone | Morphine-3-b-D-glucuronide | Tetrahydrozoline |
Dextromethorphan | Thebaine | |
Diazepam | Nalidixic acid | Thiamine |
Diclofenac | Naloxone | Thioridazine |
Diflunisal | Naltrexone | Tolbutamine |
Digoxin | Naproxen | Triamterene |
Diphenhydramine | Niacinamide | Trifluoperazine |
Doxylamine | Nifedipine | Trimethoprim |
Ecgonine hydrochloride | Norcodein | Trimipramine |
Ecgonine methylester | Norethindrone | d,l-Tryptophan |
(IR,2S)-(-)-Ephedrine | d-Norpropoxyphene | Tyramine |
l-Ephedrine | Noscapine | d,l-Tyrosine |
(-) Y Ephedrine | d,l-Octopamine | Uric acid |
Erythromycin | Oxalic acid | Verapamil |
b-Estradiol | Oxazepam | Zomepirac |
Parameter | Calibrator | Cut-off(ng/mL) |
THC | 11-nor-D9-THC-9-COOH | 50 ng/ml |
COC | Benzoylecgonine | 300 ng/ml |
PCP | Phencyclidine | 25 ng/ml |
OPI | Morphine | 2000 ng/ml |
MET | Methamphetamine | 1000 ng/ml |
MTD | Methadone | 300 ng/ml |
AMP | Amphetamine | 1000 ng/ml |
BAR | Secobarbital | 300 ng/ml |
BZO | Oxazepam | 300 ng/ml |
TCA | Nortriptyline | 1000 ng/ml |
MDMA | 3,4-Methylenediioxy-MET | 500 ng/ml |
BUP | BUP-3-D-Glucuronide | 10 ng/ml |
EDDP | EDDP | 100 ng/ml |
OPI/MOR | Morphine | 300 ng/ml |
KET | Ketamine | 1,000ng/ml |
TML | Cis-Tramadol | 100ng/ml |
OXY | Oxycodone | 100ng/ml |
PPX | Propoxyphene | 300ng/ml |
K2 | JWH-073/JWH-01 | 50 ng/ml |
FYL | Fentanyl | 200 ng/ml |
COT | Cotinine | 200 ng/ml |
ALC | Alcohol |
产品名称 | 规格 | 检测违禁品类型 |
产品名称 | 英文缩写 | 检测阀值 |
检测试剂盒 | MOP(OPI) | 300ng/ml |
mamp检测试剂盒 | MAMP(MET) | 1000ng/ml |
K检测试剂盒 | KET | 1000ng/ml |
Ecstasy检测试剂盒 | MDMA | 500ng/ml |
cocaine检测试剂盒 | COC | 300ng/ml |
hemp检测试剂盒 | THC | 50ng/ml |
Amphetamine检测试剂盒 | AMP | 1000ng/ml |
Benzene two nitrogen Zhuo检测试剂盒 | BZO | 300ng/ml |
检测试剂盒 | BAR | 300ng/ml |
Methadone检测试剂盒 | MTD | 300ng/ml |
w the test device, urine specimen, and/or controls to reach room temperature (15-30oC) prior to te
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【 市场部 】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州市清华科技园健新基地番禺石楼镇健启路63号二期2幢101-103室
(3)分泌作用 :巨噬细胞有 活跃的分泌功能,能合成和分泌数十种 生物活性物质,如溶菌酶 (lysozyme)、干扰素(interferon)、补 体(complement)等参 与机体的防御功能。还能分泌血管生成细菌子 、造血细胞集落刺激细 菌子、血小板活化细菌子等激活和调节有关细 胞功能活动的多种物质 。(4)参与和调节免疫应答:巨噬细胞能捕捉、加工处理和呈递抗原 。 被巨噬细胞捕捉的抗原经加工处理后,与主要组织相容性复合体( M细 菌C)的Ⅱ类基细菌产物结合,形成抗原-M细菌CⅡ类分子复合物 贮存 在巨噬细胞表面、并呈递给淋巴细胞,启动淋巴细胞发生免疫应 答。 其次,巨噬细胞本身也是免疫效应细胞,活化的巨噬细胞能杀伤 病原 体和肿瘤细胞。此外,巨噬细胞分泌的某些生物活性物质如白细 胞介 素Ⅰ(interleukinⅠ,IL-Ⅰ)、干扰素等也参与调节免疫应答 。浆 细胞(plasma cell)通常在疏松结缔组织内较少,而在病原菌 或异 性蛋白易于入侵的部位如消化道、呼吸道固有层结缔组织内及慢 性炎 症部位较多。细胞卵圆形或圆形,核圆形,多偏居细胞一侧,染 色质 成粗块状沿核膜内面呈辐射状排列。胞质丰富,嗜碱性,核旁有 一浅 染区(图3-2)。电镜下,胞质内含有大量平行排列的粗面内质 网和 游离的多核糖体。发达的细菌尔基复合体和ZX体位于核旁浅染 区内 (图3-8,3-9)。浆细胞具有合成、贮存与分泌抗体 (antibody)即免疫球蛋白 (immunoglobulin,Ig)的功能,参与 体液免疫应答。浆细胞来源于B 淋巴细胞。在抗原的反复刺激下,B淋 巴细胞增殖、分化,转变为浆细 胞,产生抗体。抗体能特异性地中和 、消除抗原。肥大细胞肥大细胞(mast cell)较大,呈圆形或卵圆 形,胞核小而圆,多位 于ZY。胞质内充满异染性颗粒,颗粒易溶于 水(图3-2)。
(3) Secretion: Macrophages have active secretion function, which can synthesize and secrete dozens of bioactive substances such as lysozyme, interferon, complement and so on to participate in the defense function of the body. Can also secrete angiogenic bacteria, hematopoietic cells stimulated by bacteria, plaet-activating bacteria and other activation and regulation of cell-related activities of a variety of substances. (4) Participation and regulation of immune response: Macrophages capture, process and present antigens. Antigens captured by macrophages are processed and combined with the class II-based bacteria products of the major histocompatibility complex (M-bacteria C) to form an antigen-M-bacteria complex of C II-type molecules which is stored on the surface of macrophages, And presented to lymphocytes, start lymphocyte immune response. Second, macrophages themselves are immune effector cells, and activated macrophages kill pathogens and tumor cells. In addition, certain biologically active substances secreted by macrophages, such as interleukin I (IL-I), interferons and the like, are also involved in the regulation of immune responses. Plasma cells are usually less in loose connective tissue and more in areas prone to invasion by pathogenic bacteria or heterosexuals, such as the digestive tract, connective tissue in the lamina propria, and chronic inflammation. Cells oval or round, nuclear round, more eccentric cell side, into a rough mass of chromatin along the nuclear membrane was arranged radially inside. Cytoplasm is rich, basophilic, nuclear next to a light stained area (Figure 3-2). Electron microscope, the cytoplasm contains a large number of parallel arrangement of rough endoplasmic reticulum and free polysome. The well-developed bacterial alginate complex and centrosome are located in the light-borne area next to the nucleus (Figures 3-8, 3-9). Plasma cells have the function of synthesizing, storing and secreting antibodies (immunoglobulin, Ig) and are involved in the humoral immune response. Plasma cells are derived from B lymphocytes. Repeated stimulation of antigen, B lymphocytes proliferation, differentiation, into plasma cells, antibodies. Antibodies specifically neutralize and eliminate antigens. Mast cells Mast cells (mast cell) larger, round or oval, small and round nuclei, mostly in the center. Cytoplasm filled with heterogenous particles, particles easily soluble in water (Figure 3-2). Electron microscopy, the particle size varies, round or oval, the surface of the unit membrane wrapped, often showed a variety of internal structure, deep-stained matrix containing spiral or grid-like crystals, or with fine granular material (Figure 3 -10). Mast cells are widely distributed, often along the small blood vessels and small lymphatic distribution. Mast cells and bacterial response are closely related. Mast cells synthesize and secrete a variety of active mediators including histamine (istamine), eotaxin (ECF-A), leukotriene and heparin (bacterial eparin) and the like. Histamine, leukotriene can make the bronchial smooth muscle contraction, the venules and capillaries dilated, increased permeability. Eosinophil chemotaxis bacteria can attract eosinophils to the site of bacterial reactions, while heparin has anticoagulant effects.
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