【包装规格】20测试/盒 (溶液I:20×1 Test/瓶;溶液II:20 Test/瓶) □
50测试/盒 (溶液I:50×1 Test/瓶;溶液II:50 Test/瓶X 1 ) □
100测试/盒 (溶液I:100×1 Test/瓶;溶液II:50 Test/瓶X 2) □
货号 | 产品名称 | 产品描述 | 产品规格 | 保存条件 |
JL-ET01 | 免疫捕获诺如病毒检测试剂盒 | 用于检测粪便标本中的诺如病毒抗原,以支持诺如病毒感染的诊断。 | 20T/盒 | 2-30℃ |
JL-ET02 | 免疫捕获军团菌检测试剂盒 | 用于检测尿样中嗜肺军团菌血清型1抗原,以支持军团菌感染的诊断。 | 20T/盒 | 2-30℃ |
JL-ET03 | 免疫捕获肺炎链球菌检测试剂盒 | 用于检测尿标本中的肺炎链球菌抗原,以支持肺炎链球菌感染的诊断。 | 20T/盒 | 2-30℃ |

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室

这些毛细血管网下行到结节部汇集形成数条垂体门微静脉,它们下行进入远侧部,再度形成窦状毛细血管网,称第二级毛细血管网。垂体门微静脉及其两端的毛细血管网共同构成垂体门脉系统(hypophyseal portal system)。远侧部的毛细血管Z后汇集成小静脉注入垂体周围的静脉窦。这是1930年代确立的经典垂体血流模式“自上而下”的概念,阐明了下丘脑控制垂体功能的基本机制。此后又通过新技术的应用和研究,对垂体的血流模式提出了新见解,认为远侧部的血液可输入神经垂体的漏斗,然后经毛细血管回流入下丘脑;也可流入神经部,再逆向流入漏斗,然后再循环到远侧部或下丘脑,构成整个垂体血流在垂体内的循环流动。[1] [4-5]
下丘脑神前区和结节区(弓状核等)的一些神经元具有内分泌功能,称为神经内分泌细胞,细胞的轴突伸至垂体漏斗。细胞合成的多种激素经轴突释放入漏斗处的*级毛细血管网内,继而经垂体门微静脉输至远侧部的第二级毛细血管网。这些激素分别调节远侧部各种腺细胞的分泌活动(图11-12)。其中对腺细胞分泌起促进作用的激素,称释放激素(releasing hormone,RH)。对腺细胞起YZ作用起YZ作用的激素,则称为释放YZ激素(release inhibiting hormone,RIH)目前已知的释放激素有:生长激素释放激素(GRH)、催乳激素释放激素(PRH)、促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)、促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)、促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)及黑素细胞刺激素释放激素(MSRH)等。释放YZ激素有:生长激素释放YZ激素(或称生长抑素,SOM)、催乳激素释放YZ激素(PIH)和黑素细胞刺激素释放YZ激素(MSIH)等。由此可见,下丘脑通过所产生的释放激素和释放YZ激素,经垂体门脉系统,调节腺垂体内各种细胞的分泌活动;病毒而,将此称为下丘脑腺垂体系。反之,腺垂体产生的各种激素又可通过垂体血液环流,到达下丘脑,反馈影响其功能活动
These capillary network down to the nodules converge to form a few pituitary-portal venules, they descend into the distal part of the re-formation of sinusoidal capillary network, said the second capillary network. The hypophyseal portal vein is formed by the pituitary gland microvessels and capillary networks at both ends of the pituitary gland. The distal part of the capillaries converge into a small vein into the periphery of the pituitary sinus. This is the concept of the "top-down" classic pituitary flow model established in the 1930s, illustrating the underlying mechanism by which the hypothalamus controls pituitary function. Then through the application of new technologies and research, put forward new ideas on the pituitary blood flow model, that the distal part of the blood can be fed into the funnel of the pituitary gland and then back into the hypothalamus through the capillaries; can also flow into the nerve, and then Reverse inflow funnel, and then recycle to the distal part or the hypothalamus, constitute the entire pituitary blood flow in the pituitary circulation. [1] [4-5]
Some neurons in the hypothalamus prefrontal and nodal regions (arcuate nucleus, etc.) have endocrine functions, called neuroendocrine cells, and axons extend to the pituitary funnel. A variety of hormones synthesized by cells are released into the first capillary network at the funnel and then to the second capillary network of the distal part via the pyloric vein. These hormones regulate the secretory activity of various glandular cells distal (Figure 11-12). Among them, the hormone that promotes the secretion of glandular cells is called releasing hormone (RH). The hormone that inhibits glandular cells is known as release inhibiting hormone (RIH). Known releasing hormones are: growth hormone releasing hormone (GRH), prolactin releasing hormone (PRH), thyrotropin Hormone releasing hormone (TRH), gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and melanocyte stimulating hormone releasing hormone (MSRH) and so on. Release inhibitory hormones are: somatostatin (or somatostatin, SOM), prolactin releasing hormone (PIH) and melanocyte stimulating hormone releasing hormone (MSIH) and so on. Thus, the hypothalamus through the release of hormones and release of inhibitory hormone, the pituitary portal system, regulating the secretion of various cells in the pituitary gland activity; the virus, this will be called the hypothalamic pituitary gland system. Conversely, the various hormones produced by the pituitary gland and through the pituitary blood circulation, reaching the hypothalamus, feedback affect its functional activity
Traditionally, there was only a small amount of autonomic nerve fibers in the anterior pituitary, controlling the contraction and contraction of blood vessels in the anterior lobe. The secretory activity of glandular cells was mainly regulated by various hormones in the hypothalamus without any direct control of nerves.