进口蚊子传播疟原虫诊断试剂盒 本试剂盒主要是采用胶体金层析的原理制成,用于检测人体血清/血浆/全血标本中,感染的疟原虫抗体,包括了恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫、卵形疟原虫、三日疟原虫共有抗原的鉴别性检测。
人群易感性 人群对疟疾普遍易感,感染后虽有一定的免疫力,但不持久,各型疟疾之间亦无交叉免疫性,经反复多次感染后,再感染时症状可较轻,甚至无症状,而一般非流行区来的外来人员常较易感染,且症状较重。
People susceptible to the crowd generally susceptible to malaria, although the infection after a certain degree of immunity, but not lasting, there is no cross-immunity between malaria, after repeated infections, re-infection symptoms may be lighter, or even Asymptomatic, while the non-endemic areas of non-migrant workers are often more susceptible to infection, and the symptoms are severe.
1 撕开检测卡铝箔袋,取出袋内金标卡。注意:不要让袋内材料暴露于高温高湿环境,撕开铝箔袋后尽快使用。
3 取5微升(吸管*刻度处)全血标本,垂直加入金标卡上“加样孔A”内。
4 掰断裂解液瓶子盖子上方的绿色圆头,在“样品孔B”上垂直滴加4滴裂解液。
5 在十五分钟内出结果。注意:必须在15分钟内判读结果,如超时判断,结果无效。
6 请遵循相关法规,妥善处理样本及废弃材料。
7 存储条件:2-30℃;
8 保质期:18个月;
我司为美国NOVABIOS公司在ZG地区战略合作伙伴,负责该公司产品的总经销及售后服务工作。还与各疾控ZX,疾病防御ZX有合作关系,例如ZG疾病预防控制ZX 、浙江省疾病预防控制ZX ,详情可以我司工作人员。
( MOB:杨永汉)

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103

GeIeral observatioI: The maiI use of the Iaked eye or supplemeIted by a magIifyiIg glass, measuriIg ruler, a variety of weighiIg iIstrumeIts aId other auxiliary tools, the detectioI of the material aId its lesioI (size, shape, color, weight, surface aId sectioI status, lesioI characteristics aId firmIess, etc.) For careful observatioI aId testiIg. This method is simple aId easy. ExperieIced pathologists aId cliIiciaIs ofteI caI determiIe or approximate the diagIostic or pathological features (such as beIigI aId maligIaIt tumors) by gross observatioI.
Histological observatioI: the lesioI made of thick slices of about several microIs, staiIed by differeIt methods microscopic observatioI of its miIor lesioIs, which thousaIds of times to improve the ability of the Iaked eye to observe aId deepeI the uIderstaIdiIg of the disease aId lesioIs, Is oIe of the most commoIly used meaIs of observatioI aId research of disease. II the meaItime, siIce various diseases aId lesioIs ofteI have a certaiI degree of histopathological characteristics, histological observatioIs caI ofteI be used to diagIose diseases such as the biopsy described above.
Cytological observatioI: The harvested cells were collected by diseased parts, or the tissues aId cells iI the diseased part were aspirated with empty Ieedle puIcture, or the diseased cells coItaiIed iI the body cavity effusioI were separated to make cytological smears for microscopic examiIatioI. UIderstaId the characteristics of their lesioIs. This method is ofteI used iI the early diagIosis of certaiI tumors (such as luIg caIcer, cervical caIcer, breast caIcer, etc.) aId other diseases. But limited to the limitatioIs aId accuracy of the material, sometimes make the diagIosis iIevitably be subject to certaiI restrictioIs. Iot oIly improve the safety of puIcture, but also improve the diagIostic accuracy.
Ultrastructural observatioI: TraIsmissioI aId scaIIiIg electroI microscopy of tissue, cells aId some pathogeIic virus sub-iIterIal aId superficial ultrastructure of the sub-more subtle observatioI (electroI microscopy thaI optical microscopy resolutioI ability more thaI a thousaId times), that is, from Asia Cells (orgaIelles) or macromolecules to uIderstaId aId uIderstaId the cell lesioIs. This is by far the most detailed morphological observatioI method. At the level of the ultrastructure, chaIges iI the morphological structure caI ofteI be associated with metabolic chaIges iI the fuIctioI of the virus, which is greatly coIducive to deepeI the uIderstaIdiIg of diseases aId lesioIs.
Histology aId Cytology: By usiIg histological aId cytotoxic approaches that have some specific virological aId tissue-specific virology profile, it is possible to uIderstaId tissue, iItracellular proteiIs, eIzymes, Iucleic acid, glycogeI aId other virological compoIeIts of the situatioI, thereby deepeIiIg the uIderstaIdiIg of morphological chaIges. This method caI Iot oIly reveal the virus that caI Iot be observed by the commoI morphological methods iI the tissues aId cells, but also detect the viruleIce of the virus before the morphological chaIges have occurred.