品牌 安捷伦 供货周期 现货
安捷伦ZORBAX Eclipse 氨基酸分析 (AAA) 柱
在 agilent 1100 HPLC 上,按照升级的改进方案,使用 ZORBAX Eclipse AAA GX HPLC 色谱柱可以快速分离氨基酸。在 7.5 cm 的短柱上,两次进样间的总分析时间可以缩短到 14 min(分析时间 10 min),而在 15 cm 长的色谱柱上,总分析时间为 24 min(分析时间 16 min)。使用 Agilent 1100 HPLC 仪,以及通过全自动程序衍生的 OPA 和 FMOC 化学键合相,我们可获得极高的检测灵敏度(5 - 50 pmol,使用 DAD 或 FLD)和可靠性。使用 Eclipse AAA 色谱柱可实现 24 种氨基酸的高分离度快速分析。Eclipse AAA 用于氨基酸的分析测试 (AAA)。Eclipse AAA 使用众所周知的 OPA 和 FMOC 衍生化技术。
安捷伦ZORBAX Eclipse 氨基酸分析 (AAA) 柱特性安捷伦ZORBAX Eclipse 氨基酸分析 (AAA) 柱 订货信息:
货号 | 描述 |
8002-0010 | Column nut kit, MS Self Tightening TMO |
8002-0011 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 320 col TMO |
8002-0012 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 530 col TMO |
8002-0013 | Column Nut Kit,MS1300 Self TighteningTMO |
8002-0101 | Liner split straight 5mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0102 | Liner splitless straight 3mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0103 | Liner splitlss single taper 5mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0104 | Liner splitlss single taper 3mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0107 | Liner PTV btm restriction 2mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0151 | Liner UI split straight 5 mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0152 | Liner UI splitles straight 3mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0153 | Liner UI spltls single tapr 5mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0154 | Liner UI splitlss sngl tpr 3mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0156 | Liner UI PTV straight 2mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0157 | Liner UI PTV btm restriction 2mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0160 | Liner UI PTV 6 baffles 2mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0161 | Liner UI PTV straight 1mm 5pk TMO |
8002-0201 | Liner O-ring FKM sintered 10pk TMO |
8002-0203 | Liner O-ring graphite 8mm ID 2pk TMO |
8002-0204 | Liner O-ring graphite PTV 2pk TMO |
8002-0211 | Ferrule 0.3mm M4nut Gph 0.15col 10pk TMO |
8002-0212 | Ferrule 0.4mm M4nut Gph 0.25col 10pk TMO |
8002-0213 | Ferrule 0.5mm M4nut Gph 0.32col 10pk TMO |
8002-0214 | Ferrule 0.8mm M4nut Gph 0.53col 10pk TMO |
8002-0215 | Ferrule 0.4mm Graphite 0.25 col 10pk TMO |
8002-0216 | Ferrule 0.5mm Graphite 0.32 col 10pk TMO |
8002-0217 | Ferrule 0.8mm Graphite 0.53 col 10pk TMO |
8002-0220 | Ferrule 0.4mm Gph/Vsp 0.25 col 10pk TMO |
8002-0221 | Ferrule 0.5mm Gph/Vsp 0.32 col 10pk TMO |
8002-0222 | Ferrule 0.8mm Gph/Vsp 0.53 col 10pk TMO |
8002-0311 | Column nut split/less injector 2pk TMO |
8002-0312 | Column nut brass 2pk TMO |
8002-0404 | Syringe 2.5mL RN PTFE no needle 1pk TMO |
8002-0405 | Syringe 25uL PTFE Chem 1pk TMO |
8002-0407 | Syringe 250uL PTFE Chem 1pk TMO |
8002-0413 | Needle 22/51/3 8002-0401 6pk TMO |
8002-0501 | Support ring for pstn seal RS/SD 2pk TMO |
8002-0502 | Piston seal RP U3000 RS/SD pumps 2pk TMO |
8002-0515 | Sapphire piston U3000 pumps 1pk TMO |
8002-0516 | Sphire chk vlv crtrdg U3000 pmps 1pk TMO |
8002-0517 | Ceramic chk vlv ctrdg U3000 pump 1pk TMO |
8002-0601 | Ring seal DR-8 PTFE UltMate3000 10pk TMO |
8002-0602 | Vspl rtr seal ASI-100 7010/7000/7040 TMO |
8002-0603 | SS statr ASI-100 7000/7010/7040/7125 TMO |
8002-0604 | Tfzl rtr seal ASI-100 7010/7000/7040 TMO |
8002-0605 | Rotor 2POS 10PRT SW VLV bio FLM-3x00 TMO |
8002-0607 | Rotor 2POS 10PRT SW VLV Std FLM-3x00 TMO |
8002-0611 | PM kit rotor seal stator face TMO |
8002-0701 | Deuterium lamp UVD160/320 UVD170/340 TMO |
8002-0702 | Long life D2 lamp UVD-3000 TMO |
8002-0704 | Deuterium lamp PDA-100 AD-25 TMO |
8002-0706 | Tungsten lamp PDA-100 AD-25 TMO |
8002-0803 | CL PharMed tubing 1.6x180mm LPG-3x00 TMO |
8002-0806 | Ti filtr frit inline filtr 2um 1pk TMO |
8002-0807 | SS smpl loop 100uL WPS-3000SL/RS 1pk TMO |
8002-0808 | NDL seat capilry 0.12mmID 1.35uL 1pk TMO |
8002-0809 | NDL seat capilary 0.18mmID 3.1uL 1pk TMO |
8002-0810 | NDL seat capillary 0.5mmID 24uL 1pk TMO |
8002-0811 | Buffr loop gt 250uL WPS3000SL semiprpTMO |
8002-0812 | SS smpl loop 250uL WPS-3000SL/RS 1pk TMO |
8002-0815 | PEEK cpilry 1.6mmx1m 170U/340U 1pk TMO |
8002-0817 | Capillary and fitting kit ASI-100 TMO |
8002-0818 | Flx SS cpilry 0.13x550mm UltiM3000RS TMO |
8002-0819 | Flx SS cpilry 0.13x150mm UltiM3000RS TMO |
8002-0820 | Flx SS cpilry 0.13x250mm UltiM3000RS TMO |
8002-0821 | Flx SS cpilry 0.13x350mm UltiM3000RS TMO |
8002-0822 | Flx SS cpilry 0.13x450mm UltiM3000RS TMO |
8002-0823 | Flex SS cpilry 0.18x550mm UltiM3000 TMO |
8002-0824 | Flx SS cpilry 0.18x450mm UltiM3000SD TMO |
8002-0825 | Flx SS cpilry 0.18x350mm UltiM3000SD TMO |
8002-0826 | Flx SS cpilry 0.18x250mm UltiM3000SD TMO |
8002-0856 | SS sample loop 150uL ASI-100(T) 1pk TMO |
8002-0858 | SS smple loop 2500uL ASI-100P(T) 1pk TMO |
8002-0860 | Buffer loop 100uL WPS-3000SL/RS 1pk TMO |
8002-0903 | Pstn seal/suprt ring kit NP semiprep TMO |
8002-0904 | PM kit U3000 pumps floating pistons TMO |
8002-0908 | PM Kit LPG-3400SD pump TMO |
8002-0910 | PM Kit HPG-3x00SD pump TMO |
8002-0911 | PM Kit LPG-3400RS pump TMO |
8002-0912 | PM Kit DGP-3600RS pump TMO |
8002-0913 | PM kit HPG-3x00RS pump TMO |
8002-0915 | PTFE seal kit peristaltic pumps TMO |
8002-0916 | Rear seal wash tubing kit U3000 pump TMO |
8002-0921 | Ferrule/fitting kit WPS-3000 6/pk TMO |
8002-0922 | Injection volume Kit WPS-3000SL/RS TMO |
8002-0923 | Pstn seal/support ring kit RP U3000 TMO |
8002-0924 | Pstn seal/support ring kit NP U3000 TMO |
8003-0001 | Syringe 5ul FN 23/70/cone PE |
8003-0002 | Syringe 5ul PTFE tip FN 23/70/cone PE |
8003-0003 | Syringe 5ul FN 26/70/cone PE |
8003-0004 | Syringe 50ul FN 23/70/cone PE |
8003-0005 | Syringe 0.5ul RN 23/70/cone PE |
8003-0006 | Needle/Plunger repair kit 23/70/cone PE |
8003-0010 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 250 col PE |
8003-0011 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 320 col PE |
8003-0012 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 530 col PE |
8003-0101 | Liner straight 4 mm 5pk PE |
8003-0103 | Liner PSS straight 2mm 5pk PE |
8003-0105 | Liner split/less btm restrict 4mm 5pk PE |
8003-0106 | Liner Split straight wool 4mm 5pk PE |
8003-0107 | Liner splitless straight 2mm 5pk PE |
8003-0109 | Liner progrm on-column hour glass 5pk PE |
8003-0153 | Liner UI PSS straight 2mm 5pk PE |
8003-0154 | Liner UI PTV 0.25mm rstrctn 1mm 5pk PE |
8003-0155 | Liner UI DI gsnk top hole wl 4mm 5pk PE |
8003-0157 | Liner UI PSS splt/ls straight 1mm 5pk PE |
8003-0158 | Liner UI PSS bottom restrict 2mm 5pk PE |
8003-0159 | Liner UI splt/ls btm restrict 4mm 5pk PE |
8003-0160 | Liner UI Split straight wool 4mm 5pk PE |
8003-0162 | Liner UI splitless straight 2mm 5pk PE |
8003-0166 | Liner UI Split btm restrict 4mm 5pk PE |
8003-0202 | Liner O-ring FKM PSS 10pk PE |
8003-0203 | Liner O-ring silicone 10pk PE |
8003-0204 | Liner O-ring graphite PSS 10pk PE |
8003-0205 | Liner O-ring graphite 10pk PE |
8003-0211 | Ferrule 1/16in Graphite 10pk PE |
8003-0212 | Ferrule 1/8in Graphite 10pk PE |
8003-0216 | Ferrule 0.5mm 2h Gph/Vsp 0.32col 10pk PE |
8003-0219 | Ferrule 1/8in Graphite/Vespel 10pk PE |
8003-0221 | Ferrule 1/16in Vespel 10pk PE |
8003-0222 | Ferrule 1/8in Vespel 10pk PE |
8003-0223 | Ferrule 1/4in Vespel 10pk PE |
8003-0311 | Column nut 1/16in 2pk PE |
8003-0320 | Nebulizer, GemCone, for Optima 5/7/8x00 |
8003-0321 | NebulizerGemCone HDS for Optima 5/7/8x00 |
8003-0322 | Sample capillary adptr for GemCone |
8003-0324 | Tubing quickdisconect for LowFlowGemCone |
8003-0325 | Neb, GemTip Cross-Flow II.acid,lo solids |
8003-0326 | Nebulizer, GemTip, Cross-Flow II-Optima |
8003-0327 | Tip kit, GemTip Cross-Flow II-2/4/5/7x00 |
8003-0328 | Tip kit, GemTip Cross-Flow II -Opt.8x00 |
8003-0329 | S/chamber Tracey glass cycl+Helix Optima |
8003-0330 | S/chamber Twister glass + Helix Optima |
8003-0331 | Inert s/chamber Tracey TFE+Helix Optima |
8003-0332 | Cyclonic spry chmbr adapter f 8003-0329 |
8003-0333 | Drain cap assy, for drain bottle assy |
8003-0334 | Scott spray chamber asmbly for injctr |
8003-0335 | End cap, Scott s/c with concentric neb |
8003-0336 | Quick-chnge torch, cyclo+concen neb-8x00 |
8003-0337 | Quick-change torch module, for Optima |
8003-0338 | Mounting block, for quick-change torch, |
8003-0339 | Quickchng torch mdle Optia 800 w scott |
8003-0340 | Quickchnge torch mdle w GemTip Cross-Flw |
8003-0342 | Torch & sample intro assy,-Opt.5/7/8x00 |
8003-0343 | Quick-change torch module for Optma7300V |
8003-0344 | Torch, demountable 1-slot, Optima 8x00 |
8003-0345 | Torch, demountable 3-slot, Optima 8x00 |
8003-0346 | Torch, demountable 1-slot, 2/4/5/7x00 DV |
8003-0347 | Torch, demountable 3-slot, 2/4/5/7x00DV |
8003-0348 | Torch, demountable short, 2/4/5/7x00DV |
8003-0359 | O-ring kit,for adj torch, for Optima7/80 |
8003-0360 | O-ring kit for torch, complete, 4/5/7x00 |
8003-0361 | O-ring kit for vertical torch, 4/5/7300V |
8003-0362 | Torch igniter tape, Copper, Optima 8x00 |
8003-0363 | Torch igniter tape, Copper, 2/4/5/7x00 |
8003-0364 | Torch bonnet for Optima 2/4/5/7x00 |
8003-0365 | Injector, alumina, 1.2 mm id |
8003-0366 | Injector, inert alumina, 2.0mm ID, 8x00 |
8003-0367 | Injector, alumina, 1.2 mm id , for DV |
8003-0368 | Injector, quartz, 0.8mm ID, Optima 8x00 |
8003-0369 | Injector, quartz, 1.2mm ID, Optima 8x00 |
8003-0370 | Injector, quartz, 2.0mm ID, Optima 8x00 |
8003-0371 | Injector, quartz, 3.0mm ID, Optima 8x00 |
8003-0372 | Injector, quartz, 0.8mm ID, 2/4/5/7x00 |
8003-0373 | Injector, quartz 1.2mm ID, 2/4/5/7x00 DV |
8003-0374 | Injector, quartz 2.0mm ID, 2/4/5/7x00 DV |
8003-0375 | Injector, quartz 3.0mm ID, 2/4/5/7x00 DV |
8003-0376 | Inject supt adptr, btm Optima5300V/7300V |
8003-0377 | Injct support adptr top Optma 5300V7300V |
8003-0378 | O-ring kit, fr injct sprt adptr, Optima |
8003-0379 | Load coil, for Optima4x00/5x00/7x00 DV |
8003-0380 | Load coil, for Optima 4300V/5300V/7300V |
8003-0381 | Nylon igniter standoff, Optima 5/7/8x00 |
8003-0382 | Igntr spark gap assy f Tp II demnt trch |
8003-0383 | Purge extension window DV axl 2x/7/8000 |
8003-0384 | Purge extension window DV radl 2x/7/8000 |
8003-0385 | Purge window DV axl, 3/4/5/7x00 DV/8300 |
8003-0386 | Purge window DV radial, 5/7x00 DV/8300 |
8003-0387 | Purge window DV radial, 3x00 + 4/5/7300V |
8003-0388 | O-ring for DV radial purge tube, Optima |
8003-0389 | O-ring for DV axial purge window, Optima |
8003-0390 | O-ring, torch clamp, vertical torch mod. |
8003-0391 | O-ring for DV radial purge tube, Optima |
8003-0392 | O-ring for DV axial purge window, Optima |
8003-0394 | Purge extension ceramicOptima 5300V7300V |
8003-0395 | Burner Gasket Kit (oring, end cap) |
8003-0397 | Burner Head Viton O-Ring |
8003-0401 | THGA Contact Cylinders |
8003-0405 | Contact Cylinders HGA + PinAAcle, 1 Pr |
8003-0406 | Capillary tubing, PE AA+ICP neb., 10ft |
8003-0407 | Corkpreen gaskets for burner end cap |
8003-0409 | Nebulizer Tubing Assembly |
8003-0410 | Std THGA Graphite Tubes 5pk |
8003-0411 | PTFE tubing for FIAS, 1.75mm ID x 1m |
8003-0412 | PTFE tubing for FIAS, 1.0mm ID x 1m |
8003-0413 | PTFE sampling probe, AS-6/70+71/72+8/900 |
8003-0414 | Y-connector |
8003-0416 | Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes Integrt Pltfms |
8003-0417 | 5 cm single-slot burner N2O -acetylene |
8003-0418 | Burner head, 5 cm, 1-slot for Air-C2H2 |
8003-0419 | 10 cm single-slot burner air-acetylene |
8003-0421 | Graphite tubes HGA, grooved f/Lvov 10/p |
8003-0422 | Lvov platforms, for grooved tubes 20/pk |
8003-0423 | Insertion tool for Lvov platforms |
8003-0453 | Injector, inert alumina 2.0mm ID, Optima |
8003-0454 | Replace tips GemTip fr Optima 5/7/8x00 |
8003-0455 | Air Filter, RF generator inlet-Opt.3x00 |
8003-0456 | O-ring kit, GemTip, Cross-Flow II |
8003-0457 | Spray chmbr drn fitng w tubng drn adaptr |
8003-0459 | Peri pump tubes, PVC, red/red, 12/pk |
8003-0460 | Tubing PTFE 1mm ID s/chamber drain per m |
8003-0461 | Concentric glass neb, Type C, hi-TDS 1/p |
8003-0462 | S/chamber, glass cycl., f/concentric neb |
8003-0463 | End cap O-ring, spr chmb w/Meinhard nebs |
8003-0464 | O-ringfor Meinhard neb, Optima 5/7/8x00 |
8003-0469 | Filter cartridge, wtr fr Optima 5/7/8x00 |
8003-0470 | Torch, glass, 1-slot, f/aq solns-Opt8x00 |
8003-0472 | Purge window DV radial, 4x00 DV/5x00 DV |
8003-0473 | ICP Chiller Coolant Mix |
8003-0474 | ICP-MS chiller coolant mix, 1L bottle |
8003-0475 | Concentric glass neb, Type C3, 3 mL/min |
8003-0476 | Concentric glass neb, Type K3, 3 mL/min |
8003-0477 | Concentric quartz neb, Type A3, 3 mL/min |
8003-0478 | Concentric quartz neb A0.5, 0.5mL/min |
8003-0479 | Concentric glass neb C0.5, 0.5 mL/min |
8003-0480 | Nebulizer clip for concentric nebulizers |
8003-0481 | Neb. sample connector 0.5mm PTFE, NexION |
8003-0482 | PEEK sample connector low vol, conc neb. |
8003-0483 | GemClean Cross-Flow II Nebulizer, ICP-MS |
8003-0484 | Cross-Flow II Replace GemTips, red+clear |
8003-0485 | Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Argon Ferrule |
8003-0486 | Ferrule Kit, Cross-Flow II Nebulizer |
8003-0487 | End Cap, Cross-Flow II GemClean Nebulizr |
8003-0488 | Sample Ferrule, Cross-Flow II nebulizer |
8003-0489 | MicroMist neb (glass) U-series 0.4mL/min |
8003-0490 | SeaSpray neb. (glass) U-series 2.0mL/min |
8003-0492 | SeaSpray neb. (glass) U-series 0.4mL/min |
8003-0493 | UniFit sample line 0.75mm id x 1⁄16in OD |
8003-0495 | Nebulizer pressure hose clips, 10/pk |
8003-0496 | EzyLok gas connector, jacketed s/chamber |
8003-0500 | Opalmist inert conc. neb (PFA) 0.4mL/min |
8003-0501 | S/chamber drain fitting 0.030in idx 24in |
8003-0502 | Barb fitting male CTFE, neb sample line |
8003-0503 | Barb fitting female CTFE neb sample line |
8003-0504 | Sample capillary, PTFE 0.020in id, neb. |
8003-0505 | PFA-ST PTFE nebulizer, ultra clean |
8003-0506 | CTFE union for PFA-ST nebulizer |
8003-0507 | PFA-ST3 microflow PTFE nebulizer |
8003-0508 | Obstruction removal kit for PFA nebs |
8003-0509 | PTFE sample capillary, ST neb, 1.0mm ID |
8003-0510 | PTFE sample capillary, ST neb, 0.5mm ID |
8003-0511 | PFA-Platinum sample intro kit, NexION |
8003-0512 | PFA-Sapphire sample intro kit, NexION |
8003-0513 | HF sample introduction kit for NexION |
8003-0514 | S/chamber glass baffle+ball joint NexION |
8003-0515 | S/chamber glass baffle+ball joint Elan |
8003-0516 | O-ring, baffled glass cyclonic s/chamber |
8003-0517 | S/chamber hi-purity quartz, O-ring free |
8003-0518 | S/chamber glass, O-ring free, NexION |
8003-0519 | S/chamber glass baffle+aux gas port Elan |
8003-0520 | S/chamber glass cycl., O-ring free, Elan |
8003-0521 | S/chamber glass, H2O-cooled+O-ring-free |
8003-0522 | Ryton Spray Chamber Kit |
8003-0523 | Large O-ring for Scott spray chamber |
8003-0524 | Retaining ring for Scott spray chamber |
8003-0530 | Injector, inert alumina 2.0mm ID, ICP-MS |
8003-0531 | Injector, inert alumina 1.5mm ID, ICP-MS |
8003-0532 | Injector, inert alumina 0.85mm ID ICP-MS |
8003-0533 | Injector, quartz b/joint 2.0mm id ICP-MS |
8003-0534 | Injector, quartz b/joint 1.5mm id ICP-MS |
8003-0535 | Injector quartz b/joint 0.85mm id ICP-MS |
8003-0536 | Inj support adapter, b/joint twist-type |
8003-0537 | Inj support adapter, b/j+cassette torch |
8003-0538 | Injector sapphire 2.0mm id ICP-MS HF kit |
8003-0539 | Injector PFA/Quartz twist-type 1.5mm id |
8003-0540 | Injector, PFA/Quartz cassette 1.5mm id |
8003-0541 | Inj. PFA/Sapphire twist-type, 1.8mm id |
8003-0542 | Inj PFA/Sapphire cassette torch 1.8mm id |
8003-0543 | Inj. PFA/Platinum twist-type, 2.0mm id |
8003-0544 | Inj PFA/Platinum cassette torch 2.0mm id |
8003-0545 | Inj. support adapter, twist-type torch |
8003-0546 | Inj support adapter twist-type w/O-rings |
8003-0547 | O-ring kit, injector support adapter |
8003-0548 | Inj support adaptr cass torch no b/joint |
8003-0550 | Inj Suppt Adapt O-Rings, Ext (Lrg) Cass. |
8003-0551 | O-ring, Inj Suppt Adapt, Int Twist/Cass. |
8003-0552 | Torch, demountable, quartz for PE ICP-MS |
8003-0553 | Torch, high eff demountable, PE ICP-MS |
8003-0554 | PFA/Pt cass-type Torch Inj, 2.0mm ID |
8003-0555 | Twist-Type Torch Inj Support Adapter |
8003-0556 | Cassette Torch Mount (excl torch & inj) |
8003-0559 | RF load coil assembly for PE ICP-MS, 1/p |
8003-0560 | Power amplifier tube (ceramic) PE ICP-MS |
8003-0561 | Detector, SimulScan dual-stage, NexION |
8003-0562 | Detector, SimulScan dual-stage, Original |
8003-0563 | Detector, SimulScan dual-stage, Improved |
8003-0564 | Ion Lens Series II, ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs |
8003-0566 | Cassette lens shadow stop |
8003-0567 | Vacuum pump fluid for Leybold rough pump |
8003-0569 | Vacuum pump fluid, Fomblin (PFPE) GV80 |
8003-0571 | Ni sampler cone for NexION ICP-MS, 1/p |
8003-0572 | Ni skimmer cone for NexION ICP-MS, 1/p |
8003-0573 | Ni sampler cone for ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC |
8003-0574 | Ni skimmer cone for ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC |
8003-0575 | Pt sampler cone for NexION ICP-MS, 1/p |
8003-0576 | Pt skimmer cone for NexION ICP-MS, 1/p |
8003-0577 | Pt sampler cone for ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC |
8003-0578 | Pt skimmer cone for ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC |
8003-0579 | Hyper skimmer cone, NexION ICP-MS, 1/p |
8003-0580 | O-ring for hyper skimmer cone, PE NexION |
8003-0581 | Screw for hyper skimmer cone, PE NexION |
8003-0582 | O-rings sampler cone, Elan 9000/6x00/DRC |
8003-0583 | O-rings skimmer cone, Elan 9000/6x00/DRC |
8003-0584 | Aluminium gasket for NexION sampler cone |
8003-0585 | Cone removal tool for NexION ICP-MS |
8003-0586 | Cone removal tool for Elan 9000/6x00/DRC |
8003-0588 | Mounting for Cyclonic Spray Chamber |
8003-0589 | MicroMist neb (glass) U-series 0.2mL/min |
8003-0590 | Injector, quartz, 2.0mm ID, ELAN ICP-MS |
8003-0591 | Oring for type II torch |
8003-0592 | Ferrule, Front. 1⁄4 in |
8003-0594 | Tube Fitting |
8003-0595 | Peri pump tube PVC grn/yellow flared 6/p |
8003-0598 | Connector+nipples, f/1.7to3.2mm ID tubes |
8003-0605 | Tube Fitting |
8003-0614 | S/chamber quartz baffle+b/joint NexION |
8003-0615 | AS flame a/s probe assy, 0.6mm id s/less |
8003-0616 | AS FIAS a/s probe assy, 0.6mm id s/less |
8003-0617 | AS FIAS a/s probe assy, 1.0mm id s/less |
8003-0618 | AS sampling probe, stainless + screw fit |
8003-0619 | Capillary tubing s/s probe 0.6mm ID flam |
8003-0620 | Capillary tubing s/s probe 0.6mm ID FIAS |
8003-0621 | FIAS Capil Tbng assy 1m x 1mm+2 fittngs |
8003-0622 | Flame samp probe asy, FEP tube 0.6 mm ID |
8003-0623 | FIAS samp probe assy, FEP tube 0.6 mm ID |
8003-0624 | FIAS samp probe assy,FEP tube, 1.0 mm ID |
8003-0625 | Probe: FEP Tube, 0.6mmID & Screw Fittng |
8003-0627 | Probe: FEP Tube, 1.0mmID & Screw Fitting |
8003-0629 | Cleaning wire for PE autosampler probe |
8003-0645 | Pump tubes AS-93/S10 rinse 2.79mm id 6/p |
8003-0646 | Pump tubes AS-93/S10 rinse 1.14mm id 6/p |
8003-0653 | Nipple, 1.8 mm OD |
8003-0654 | 3.3 mm o.d. nipple |
8003-0655 | 4 mm o.d. nipple |
8003-0656 | Nipple for the quartz cell |
8003-0657 | 0.7 mm o.d. Pt/lr capillary nipple |
8003-0658 | Nipples- connect tubes to preconcen acc. |
8003-0659 | Connector for 2.4 to 3.2mm ID tubes |
8003-0660 | Connector with 1⁄4 in. int. screw thread |
8003-0661 | T-piece w/nipples, 1.5 to 2.5mm ID tubes |
8003-0662 | T-piece w/nipples, 3.5 to 4.5mm ID tubes |
8003-0663 | Adapter 1⁄4in Ext Thread 1.8mm OD nipple |
8003-0664 | Adapter 1⁄4in Ext Thread 2.8mm OD nipple |
8003-0665 | Adapter, 1⁄4in ext. thread 4mm OD nipple |
8003-0666 | Adaptr 1⁄4in Ext Thrd f/Pt-lr cap nipple |
8003-0667 | Screw Plug |
8003-0668 | Complete modular Mixing/Separation assy |
8003-0669 | Modular building-block-type mix manifold |
8003-0670 | Gas/Liquid Separator |
8003-0671 | Replacement GemTips, Cross-Flow II neb. |
8003-0672 | Gas/Liquid Separator Holder |
8003-0673 | PTFE Membrane 50pk |
8003-0674 | Mixng Manifold f/Glass Gas/Liq Separator |
8003-0675 | Tool, for Screw Connectors |
8003-0679 | Sample Loop, 200 uL |
8003-0680 | Sample Loop, 500 uL |
8003-0681 | Sample Loop, 1,000 uL |
8003-0682 | Peri-Pump Tubing, 3-Stop 0.76mm BLK/BLK |
8003-0683 | Peri-Pump Tubing, 3-Stop 1.14 mm RED/RED |
8003-0684 | Peri-Pump Tubing, 3-Stop 1.52 mm YEL/BLU |
8003-0685 | Peri-Pump Tubing,3-Stop 2.06mm VIO/VIO |
8003-0686 | Peri-Pump Tubing,3-Stop 3.18mm BLK/WHT |
8003-0687 | Peri-Pump Tbg, f/Solv,3-Stop, 1.14mm W/W |
8003-0688 | Tubing, PTFE, 0.35 mm ID, 1 m |
8003-0689 | Tubing, PTFE, 0.5 mm ID, 1 m |
8003-0690 | Tubing, PTFE, 0.7 mm ID, 1 m |
8003-0691 | Tubing assy, PTFE, 0.35mm ID, 60mm, WHT |
8003-0692 | Tubing assy, PTFE, 1.0mm ID, 110mm, BLU |
8003-0693 | Tubing assy, PTFE, 1.0mm ID, 300mm, BLU |
8003-0694 | Tubing assy, PTFE, 1.0mm ID, 700mm, BLU |
8003-0695 | Tubing assy, PTFE, 1.75mm ID, 250mm, BLK |
8003-0696 | Tubing assy, PTFE, 1.75mm ID, 450mm, BLK |
8003-0697 | Reactor, 3-D 0.35 mm ID, 2-flanged ends |
8003-0698 | Tubing, silicone, 5mm IDx1m, no fittings |
8003-0699 | Tubing, silicone, 3mm ID x 1m, Amal Sys |
8003-0700 | Tubing silicone, FIMS cell exhaust, 1m |
8003-0712 | Aluminum-Al, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0713 | Antimony-Sb, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0714 | Arsenic-As, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0715 | Barium-Ba, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0716 | Beryllium-Be, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0817 | Multimode Sample Intro System for PE ICP |
8003-0818 | Capil assy f/Corrosion-Resistant Nebulzr |
8003-0819 | Nebulizer assembly, corrosion-resistant |
8003-0820 | End cap assy, metal body neb PE AAnalyst |
8003-0822 | Stainless steel Nebulizer Assembly |
8003-0823 | Spring for metal body nebulizer assembly |
8003-0824 | O-Ring 0.208 ID x 0.070 WD f/SS Neb assy |
8003-0825 | O-Ring 0.176 ID x 0.070 WD f/SS Neb assy |
8003-0826 | O-Ring Kit for Nebulizer assy |
8003-0827 | Capillary assembly for SS Nebulizer |
8003-0828 | Nebulizer assy, SS, f/PinAAcle |
8003-0830 | Spring, for GemTip nebulizer - Aanalyst |
8003-0831 | Nebulizer assy, High-Sensitiv. GemTip |
8003-0832 | Universal GemTip Nebulizer Assembly |
8003-0833 | Spring, Hi-Sens. Nebulizer w/Pt-Ir Capil |
8003-0834 | O-Ring, Hi-Sens. Nebulizer w/Pt/Ir Capil |
8003-0835 | O-Ring, Hi-Sens. Nebulizer w/Ta Capilary |
8003-0836 | Hi-Sens. Nebulizer with Pt/Ir Capillary |
8003-0837 | Nebulizer kit, for AAnalyst |
8003-0838 | End Cap Latch Assy for PinAAcle 900 |
8003-0840 | Clamping Ring for burner system |
8003-0841 | Flow Spoiler clamping ring |
8003-0842 | End Cap O-Ring 0.312 x 0.070 in |
8003-0843 | End Cap Viton O-Ring Standard |
8003-0844 | End Cap O-Ring, Kalrez, Organics/Aqueous |
8003-0845 | End cap assy, f/metal body nebs-PinAAcle |
8003-0847 | End cap assy, plastic body neb, PinAAcle |
8003-0848 | End cap assy, plastic body neb, AAnalyst |
8003-0849 | O-ring, burner head, 0.984 x 0.139 in |
8003-0850 | Drain Tubing - Tygon Tubing FEP lined |
8003-0851 | Seal plug f/impact bead & end cap assy |
8003-0852 | O-Ring, 1⁄4 in ID,f/end cap asy 00570984 |
8003-0853 | O-Ring 1⁄8 in ID, Seal plug in end cap |
8003-0854 | Burner Drain assy Orgs-AAnalyst1/2/3/400 |
8003-0855 | Burner Drain assy Organics-AAnalyst7/800 |
8003-0856 | Burner Drain assy - AAnalyst 700/800 |
8003-0857 | Bnr Drain assy PinAAcle+AAnalyst 100-400 |
8003-0858 | Burner Head Cleaning Tool |
8003-0860 | Impact Bead f/Hi-Sens Neb w/Pt-Ir Capil |
8003-0861 | O-Ring f/Hi-Sens Neb w/Pt-Ir Capil-PinAA |
8003-0862 | O-Ring f/Hi-Sens Neb w/Pt-Ir Capillary |
8003-0863 | O-Ring f/Hi-Sens Neb w/Pt-Ir Capil-AAnal |
8003-0864 | Capillary assy, metal body neb for PE AA |
8003-0865 | Spring f/Hi-Sens Neb w/Pt-Ir Capil. |
8003-0888 | Bismuth-Bi, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0889 | Boron-B, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0890 | Cadmium-Cd, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0891 | Calcium-Ca, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0892 | Chromium-Cr, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0893 | Cobalt-Co, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0894 | Copper-Cu, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0897 | Europium-Eu, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0898 | Gadolinium-Gd, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0899 | Gallium-Ga, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0900 | Germanium-Ge, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0901 | Gold-Au, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0904 | Indium-In, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0905 | Iridium-Ir, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0906 | Iron-Fe, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0907 | Lanthanum-La, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0908 | Lead-Pb, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0909 | Lithium-Li, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0910 | Magnesium-Mg, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0911 | Manganese-Mn, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0912 | Mercury-Hg, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0913 | Molybdenum-Mo, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0914 | Neodymium-Nd, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0915 | Nickel-Ni, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0916 | Niobium-Nb, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0917 | Palladium-Pd, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0918 | Phosphorus-P, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0919 | Platinum-Pt, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0920 | Potassium-K, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0922 | Rhenium-Re, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0923 | Rhodium-Rh, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0924 | Samarium-Sm, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0925 | Scandium-Sc, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0926 | Selenium-Se, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0927 | Silicon-Si, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0928 | Silver-Ag, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0929 | Sodium-Na, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0930 | Strontium-Sr, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0931 | Tantalum-Ta, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0932 | lurium-Te, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0934 | Thallium-Tl, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0936 | Tin-Sn, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0937 | Titanium-Ti, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0938 | Tungsten-W, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0939 | Vanadium-V, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0941 | Yttrium-Y, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0942 | Zinc-Zn, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0943 | Zirconium-Zr, 50mm coded HC Lamp, PE AA |
8003-0944 | Burner Mixing Chamber assy-PinAAcle |
8003-0945 | Burner Mixing Chamber assy-Aanalyst |
8003-0946 | S/chamber inert with PFA End Cap, NexION |
8003-0947 | S/chamber inert PFA Scott style, NexION |
8003-0948 | PFA end cap for inert PFA s/c, NexION |
8003-0949 | Modified THGA Contact Cylinders 1 pair |
8003-0950 | Nebulizer, Hi-Sens w/Pt/Ir Cap.-PinAAcle |
8003-0951 | Nebulizer inert OneNeb V2 for PE ICP-OES |
8003-0952 | Injector, inert alumina 1.2mm ID, 8x00 |
8003-0953 | Nebulizer Adapt 16/6 f/Std Spr Chambers |
8003-0954 | HGA Graphite Tubes w Adv Platform, 5/pk |
8003-0955 | Spare Graphite Tip for fume extractsystm |
8003-0956 | THGA Fltr Cartridge Fume Extractr qty50 |
8003-0957 | O-Ring behind Contact Cylinder |
8003-0958 | Standard THGA Graphte tube w endcaps 5pk |
8003-0959 | Standard THGA Graphite Tubes, 20pk |
8003-0960 | Lvov platforms, for grooved tubes 10/pk |
8003-0961 | Contact Cylinders Zeeman HGA, 1 set |
8003-0962 | Graphite tubes, HGA, pyrocoated 10/pk |
8003-0963 | IsoMist PFA spraycmbr Nexion |
8003-0964 | SeaSpray neb. (glass) U-series 1.0mL/min |
8003-0966 | Quartz Windows for FIAS or FIMS |
8003-0967 | Complete FIAS Cell and Windows |
8003-0968 | FIAS Cell only (no windows) |
8003-0969 | FIMS Complete Cell and Windows |
8003-0970 | FIMS Cell Only (no windows) |
8003-0971 | FIMS Hg Lamp |
8003-0972 | FIMS Hg Filter Replacmnt for Hg Scrubber |
8003-0974 | Nebulizer Miramist Peek For Optimas |
8004-0001 | Syringe 10ul FN 26/50/bevel V-B |
8004-0002 | Syringe 10ul PTFE tip FN 25/53/S-h V-B |
8004-0003 | Syringe 10ul RN 26/50/cone V-B |
8004-0004 | Needle 26/50/cone 2pk V-B |
8004-0005 | Syringe 10ul PTFE tip RN 25/53/S-h V-B |
8004-0006 | Needle 25/53/side hole V-B |
8004-0007 | Plunger 10ul V-B |
8004-0009 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 250 col V-B |
8004-0010 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 320 col V-B |
8004-0011 | Column nut kit, Self Tight 530 col V-B |
8004-0101 | Liner spltless single taper 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0102 | Liner spltls sngl tpr wool 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0103 | Liner recessd tpr wool 4 mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0104 | Liner splt straight wool 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0105 | Liner splitless dual taper 4 mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0106 | Liner split straight 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0107 | Liner direct straight 1.2mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0108 | Liner split single taper 3.4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0109 | Liner spltless single taper 2mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0110 | Liner SPI 0.8mm 530 ID on column 5pk V-B |
8004-0111 | Liner 1077 split wool 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0112 | Liner split gooseneck 3.4 mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0113 | Liner splitless gooseneck 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0114 | Liner split/less goosenck wl 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0116 | Liner splitlss straight wool 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0118 | Liner split/less gsnk wl 2mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0119 | Liner split/less gooseneck 2mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0151 | Liner UI spltls sngle tpr 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0152 | LinerUI spltlssngl tpr wl 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0153 | Liner UI recessd tpr wl 4 mm 5 pk V-B |
8004-0154 | Liner UI splt strght wool 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0155 | Liner UI spltls dual taper 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0156 | Liner UI split straight 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0157 | Liner UI direct straight 1.2mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0158 | Liner UI split frit goosnck 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0159 | Liner UI frit gooseneck 3.4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0160 | Liner UI split sngl tapr 3.4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0161 | Liner UI spltls sngle tapr 2mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0162 | Liner UI SPI 0.8mm 530 ID COC 5pk V-B |
8004-0163 | Liner UI 1077 split wool 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0164 | Liner UI split gooseneck 3.4 mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0165 | Liner UI splitless gooseneck 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0167 | Liner UI SPI direct 0.5mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0168 | Liner UI direct 0.53mm col 5pk V-B |
8004-0170 | Liner UI splt/lss goosnck wl 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0171 | Liner UI split frit gosnck 3.4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0173 | Liner UI spltlss straight wl 4mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0176 | Liner UI SPME straight wl 0.8mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0178 | Liner UI split/less goosenck 2mm 5pk V-B |
8004-0201 | Liner O-ring FKM 6.3/6.5mmOD 10pk V-B |
8004-0202 | Liner O-ring graphite 6.5mmOD 10pk V-B |
8004-0203 | Liner O-ring graphite 6.3mmOD 10pk V-B |
8004-0204 | Liner O-ring gph 1078/1079 5mmID10pk V-B |
8004-0211 | Ferrule 0.3mm Gph/Vspl 0.18 col 10pk V-B |
8004-0212 | Ferrule 0.425mm Gph/Vspl 0.25 col 10pk V |
8004-0213 | Ferrule 0.425mm 2h G/V 0.25col 10pk V-B |
8004-0214 | Ferrule 0.5mm Gph/Vspl 0.32 col 10pk V-B |
8004-0215 | Ferrule 0.5mm 2h Gp/Vsp 0.32col 10pk V-B |
8004-0216 | Ferrule 0.8mm Gph/Vspl 0.53 col 10pk V-B |
8004-0217 | Ferrule 1/4in Gph/Vspl straight 10pk V-B |
8004-0218 | Ferrule 0.5mm 2h Vespel 0.32col 10pk V-B |
8004-0219 | Ferrule 0.425mm Vespel 0.25 col 10pk V-B |
8004-0311 | Column nut brass 2pk V-B |
8004-0312 | Column nut SS 1093 injector 2pk V-B |
8005-0414 | Syringe 10mL PTFE TLL no needle 1pk WAT |
8005-0416 | Syringe 25uL RN PTFE 22s/51/3 1pk WAT |
8005-0417 | Syringe 100uL RN PTFE 22s/51/3 1pk WAT |
8005-0418 | Needle 22s/ 51/3 8005-0417 6pk WAT |
8005-0419 | Syringe 250uL PTFE Chem 1pk WAT |
8005-0420 | Syringe 25uL PTFE Chem 1pk WAT |
8005-0424 | Inline Filter Element WAT 2695 PM |
8005-0425 | M715 Seal For Use In Waters 2695 PM |
8005-0426 | Insert Seal For Waters 2695 PM Kit |
8005-0427 | O-ring PTFE For Waters 2695PM Kit |
8005-0428 | 3V Battery For Waters 2695 PM |
8005-0433 | WAT PM Kit For 1525 Pump 100uL Head |
8005-0434 | WAT PM Kit For 1525 Pump 50uL Head |
8005-0435 | WAT PM Kit For 1515 Pump 100uL Head |
8005-0437 | Syringe Seal Kit For WAT 2695 PM |
8005-0508 | Chk vlv crtrdg 1525/515 26/2795 1pk WAT |
8005-0509 | Chk valve housing 1515/1525/515 2pk WAT |
8005-0512 | Crtrdg chk vlv 1515/1525/515/600 2pk WAT |
8005-0513 | Chk vlv crtrdg 1515/1525/515 2695(D) WAT |
8005-0514 | Clear plungr seal 2690/2695(D) 2pk WAT |
8005-0515 | Standard plunger seal 2796 2pk WAT |
8005-0516 | Sealwash plungr seal UHMWP 2796 4pk WAT |
8005-0523 | Sapphire plunger 1515/1525/515 pumps WAT |
8005-0524 | Clear plunger seal 1515/1525/515/510 WAT |
8005-0525 | Clear plunger seal 1515/1525/515 4pk WAT |
8005-0528 | Ball/Seat outlet chk vlv rebuild kit WAT |
8005-0529 | GFP Plunger Seal 510/515/600 WAT |
8005-0530 | Plunger seal blk (225ul) 510/515/600 WAT |
8005-0531 | Sapphire plunger 616/626 WAT |
8005-0532 | Cell gasket 2996/996 PDA 2pk WAT |
8005-0533 | Sapphire plunger 515/600/610 1pk WAT |
8005-0535 | Plunger seal kit 2690/95/2790/95 2pk WAT |
8005-0536 | Face seal kit 2690/95(D)/2790/95 4pk WAT |
8005-0537 | Chk vlv ctrdg 2690/95(D)/2790/95 2pk WAT |
8005-0538 | Sapphire plngr 2690/95(D)/2790/95/96 WAT |
8005-0539 | Seal wash face seal 2690/95/2790/95 WAT |
8005-0540 | Sealwsh plngr sl 2690/95/2790/95 2pk WAT |
8005-0541 | Plunger seal blk 2690/95/2790/95 2pk WAT |
8005-0552 | WAT seal pack w/needle kit for 717 smplr |
8005-0557 | Waters Wash Tube Seal Replacement 4/pk |
8005-0601 | SS stator 6P 2767/2747 smpl mgr 1pk WAT |
8005-0603 | Tefzel rotor seal 626 Rheo9125 1pk WAT |
8005-0604 | Vespel rotor seal Rheo 7125(i) 1pk WAT |
8005-0605 | CL rotor seal 2700 Sample Mgr 1pk WAT |
8005-0702 | Deuterium lamp 486 TUV LC Module 1 WAT |
8005-0704 | D2 lamp 2487/2488 UV/Vis ACQUITY TUV WAT |
8005-0705 | D2 lamp 996/2996/ACQUITY 2996 PDA WAT |
8005-0812 | PEEK cpilry 0.005x20in red cap 1/pk WAT |
8005-0822 | SS capillary 1/6inODx0.04inID x 10ft WAT |
8005-0823 | SS capillary 1/6inODx0.009inID x10ft WAT |
8005-0824 | SS cpllry 0.23x760 2690(D)/95(D)/2790/95 |
8005-0826 | SS capillary 1/6inODx0.02inID x 10ft WAT |
8005-0835 | CL compression screws ferrules 5pk WAT |
8005-0836 | SS union 1/16in 1pk WAT |
8005-0837 | SS Compression screw 1/16in 10pk WAT |
8005-0840 | SS sample loop 100uL 2690/95(D) 1pk WAT |
8005-0841 | CL SS sample loop 200uL 2695(D) 1pk WAT |
8005-0849 | WAT Solvent Filter For 1525 Pump 225uL |
8005-0901 | PM kit Rheodyne 3725(i) valves WAT |
8005-0902 | PM kit Rheodyne 7010 valves WAT |
8005-0903 | PM kit Rheodyne 7125 and 7126 valves WAT |
8005-0904 | PM kit Rheodyne 7725(i) valves WAT |
8005-0905 | PM kit Rheodyne 8125 and 8126 valves WAT |
8005-0906 | PM kit Rheodyne 9125 and 9126 valves WAT |
8005-0907 | PM kit Rheodyne 7750 series valves WAT |
8005-0908 | PM kit Rheodyne 7750E-075 valves WAT |
8005-0911 | Ref vlv rebuld kit 1515/1525/510/525 WAT |
8005-0915 | PM kit 2690(D)/2695(D) WAT |
8005-0916 | Seal pack Rbuld kit w/ndle 2690/2695 WAT |
8005-0998 | WAT 2695 Standard PM Kit |
8005-0999 | WAT Enhanced PM Kit For 2695 |
8010-0010 | Vial,screw 8-425,2ml,clr,WrtOn,100PK |
8010-0012 | Vial,screw,2ml,ambr,WrtOn,100PK |
8010-0026 | Vial,snap,2ml,ambr,100PK |
8010-0051 | crmp cap 11m slvr PTFE/Butyl 100pk |
8010-0058 | scrw cap blk 8mm PTFE/sil/PTFE 100pk |
8010-0063 | scrw cap black 8mm PTFE/sil/PTFE 100pk |
8010-0068 | scrw cap blk 8mm PTFE/sil/PTFE 100pk |
8010-0090 | Syringe, 1ul RN 23/57/C PAL3 RTC |
8010-0101 | screw cap 16mm PTFE/sil septa 100pk |
8010-0102 | screw cap 16mm preslit PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0118 | Syringe, 5ul FN 26/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0129 | Syringe, 10ul FN 23/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0130 | Syringe, 10ul FN PTFE tip 23/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0138 | Syringe, 10ul FN 23/85/C PAL3 |
8010-0139 | hdsp cap 18mm magnetic PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0140 | hdsp cap 18mm magnetic PTFE/butl |
8010-0142 | screw cap 8mm slit PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0152 | Vial,HS,crimp,22ml,clr,100PK |
8010-0163 | Syringe, 10ul FN 26/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0164 | Syringe, 10ul FN PTFE tip 26/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0165 | hdsp cap magnetc 20mm slvr 100/pk |
8010-0168 | Syringe, 10ul FN 26/85/C PAL3 |
8010-0169 | Syringe, 25ul FN PTFE tip 23/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0173 | Syringe, 50ul FN PTFE tip 23/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0174 | Syringe, 100ul FN PTFE tip 26/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0179 | Vial,HS,crimp,FB,10ml,clr,1000CS |
8010-0180 | Vial,HS,crimp,FB,20ml,clr,1000CS |
8010-0184 | Syringe, 100ul FN PTFE tip 23/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0186 | screw cap blu 9mm PTFE/sil 1000/cs |
8010-0187 | scrwcap blu 9mm PTFE/sil/PTFE 1000/cs |
8010-0188 | septa 9mm red PTFE/sil/PTFE 1000/cs |
8010-0189 | snap cap clr 11mm PTFE/redsi 1000/cs |
8010-0190 | snap cap 11mm orng PTFE/whtsi 1000/cs |
8010-0191 | hdsp cap 20mm slv tanPTFE/sil 1000/cs |
8010-0192 | hdsp septa 20mm tan PTFE/sil 1000/cs |
8010-0195 | 2ml crmp vl clr slvcap PTFE/si 100/pk |
8010-0196 | 2ml crmp vl amb slvcap PTFE/si 100/pk |
8010-0197 | Syringe, 500ul FN PTFE tip 26/57/C PAL3 |
8010-0198 | 9mm scrw vl clr blue cap PTFE/si 100/pk |
8010-0199 | 9mm scrw vl amb blue cap PTFE/si 100/pk |
8010-0200 | 2ml snap vl clr redcap PTFE/Si 100pk |
8010-0201 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 9mm 50pk |
8010-0202 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 9mm 100pk |
8010-0203 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 9.5mm 50pk |
8010-0204 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 9.5mm 100pk |
8010-0205 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 10mm 50pk |
8010-0206 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 10mm 100pk |
8010-0207 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 11mm 50pk |
8010-0208 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 11mm 100pk |
8010-0209 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 11.5mm 50pk |
8010-0210 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 11.5mm 100pk |
8010-0211 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 12.7mm 24pk |
8010-0212 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 12.7mm 48pk |
8010-0213 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 17mm 24pk |
8010-0214 | CL Adv Green inlet septa 17mm 48pk |
8010-0215 | CL Adv Green inlet septa SHM Plug 50pk |
8010-0216 | CL Adv Green inlet septa SHM Plug 100pk |
8010-0217 | CL BTO inlet septa 9mm 50pk |
8010-0218 | CL BTO inlet septa 9mm 100pk |
8010-0219 | CL BTO inlet septa 9.5mm 50pk |
8010-0220 | CL BTO inlet septa 9.5mm 100pk |
8010-0221 | CL BTO inlet septa 10mm 50pk |
8010-0222 | CL BTO inlet septa 10mm 100pk |
8010-0223 | CL BTO inlet septa 11mm 50pk |
8010-0224 | CL BTO inlet septa 11mm 100pk |
8010-0225 | CL BTO inlet septa 11.5mm 50pk |
8010-0226 | CL BTO inlet septa 11.5mm 100pk |
8010-0227 | CL BTO inlet septa 12.7mm 24pk |
8010-0228 | CL BTO inlet septa 12.7mm 48pk |
8010-0229 | CL BTO inlet septa 17mm 24pk |
8010-0230 | CL BTO inlet septa 17mm 48pk |
8010-0231 | CL BTO inlet septa SHM Plug 50pk |
8010-0232 | CL BTO inlet septa SHM Plug 100pk |
8010-0233 | CL Long Life inlet septa 9mm 50pk |
8010-0234 | CL Long Life inlet septa 9mm 100pk |
8010-0239 | CL Long Life inlet septa 11mm 50pk |
8010-0240 | CL Long Life inlet septa 11mm 100pk |
8010-0241 | CL Long Life inlet septa 11.5mm 50pk |
8010-0242 | CL Long Life inlet septa 11.5mm 100pk |
8010-0243 | CL Long Life inlet septa 12.7mm 24pk |
8010-0245 | CL Long Life inlet septa 17mm 24pk |
8010-0246 | CL Long Life inlet septa 17mm 48pk |
8010-0249 | CL Gray inlet septa 9mm 50pk |
8010-0250 | CL Gray inlet septa 9mm 100pk |
8010-0251 | CL Gray inlet septa 9.5mm 50pk |
8010-0252 | CL Gray inlet septa 9.5mm 100pk |
8010-0253 | CL Gray inlet septa 10mm 50pk |
8010-0254 | CL Gray inlet septa 10mm 100pk |
8010-0255 | CL Gray inlet septa 11mm 50pk |
8010-0256 | CL Gray inlet septa 11mm 100pk |
8010-0257 | CL Gray inlet septa 11.5mm 50pk |
8010-0258 | CL Gray inlet septa 11.5mm 100pk |
8010-0259 | CL Gray inlet septa 12.7mm 50pk |
8010-0260 | CL Gray inlet septa 12.7mm 100pk |
8010-0261 | CL Gray inlet septa 17mm 50pk |
8010-0262 | CL Gray inlet septa 17mm 100pk |
8010-0263 | CL Gray inlet septa SHM Plug 50pk |
8010-0264 | CL Gray inlet septa SHM Plug 100pk |
8010-0265 | Syringe, 2.5ML FN PTFE tip 23/65/SH PAL3 |
8010-0266 | Syringe, 1ML FM PTFE tip 23/65/SH PAL3 |
8010-0267 | Ferrule, 0.4mm G/P short 0.25 col 10/PK |
8010-0268 | Ferrule, 0.5mm G/P short 0.32 col 10/pk |
8010-0269 | Ferrule, 0.8mm G/P short 0.53 col 10/pk |
8010-0270 | Syringe, 5ul COC RN 22s-32/74/C PAL3 |
8010-0271 | Syringe 5ul FN 26/50/cone CTC |
8010-0272 | Needle, 26-32 gauge CTC PAL3,COC,3/pk |
8010-0273 | Needle, 23-26s gauge CTC PAL3, COC, 3/pk |
8010-0277 | Syringe, 250 ul, 23/57/C, PTFE Tip,PAL3 |
8010-0278 | Syringe, 500 ul, 23/57/C, PTFE Tip,PAL3 |
8010-0279 | Syringe, 25 ul, 26/85C, PTFE Tip,PAL3 |
8010-0280 | Syringe, 50 ul, 23/85C, PTFE Tip,PAL3 |
8010-0281 | Syringe, 100 ul, 23/85C, PTFE Tip,PAL3 |
8010-0301 | Ferrule 0.4mm Graphite 0.25 col 10pk |
8010-0302 | Ferrule 0.5mm Graphite 0.32 col 10pk |
8010-0303 | Ferrule 0.5mm 2h Graphite 0.32col 10pk |
8010-0304 | Ferrule 0.8mm Graphite 0.53 col 10pk |
8010-0305 | Ferrule 1/4in Graphite straight 10pk |
8010-0306 | Ferrule 0.3mm Vespel 0.18 col 10pk |
8010-0307 | Ferrule 0.4mm Vespel 0.25 col 10pk |
8010-0308 | Ferrule 0.5mm Vespel 0.32 col 10pk |
8010-0309 | Ferrule 0.8mm Vespel 0.53 col 10pk |
8010-0310 | Ferrule 0.4mm Gph/Vsp 0.25 col 10pk |
8010-0311 | Ferrule 0.5mm Gph/Vsp 0.32 col 10pk |
8010-0312 | Ferrule 0.4mm 2hole Gph/Vsp 0.25col 10pk |
8010-0313 | Ferrule 0.8mm Gph/Vsp 0.53 col 10pk |
8010-0314 | Ferrule 1/4in Graphite/Vespel 10pk |
8010-0315 | Ferrule 1/16in Gph/Vsp 10pk |
8010-0351 | Syringe 10ul FN 23/50/cone |
8010-0352 | Syringe 10ul FN 26/50/cone |
8010-0353 | Syringe 5ul FN 26/50/cone |
8010-0354 | Syringe 100ul PTFE tip FN 23/50/S-cone |
8010-0355 | Syringe 0.5ul plng/ndl RN 23/50/cone |
8010-0356 | Syringe 5ul FN 23/50/cone CTC |
8010-0357 | Syringe 10ul PTFE tip FN 26/50/cone, CT |
8010-0358 | Syringe 10ul FN 26/50/bevel CTC |
8010-0359 | Plunger 10ul FN CTC |
8010-0360 | Syringe 25ul FN 26/50/cone CTC |
8010-0361 | Syringe 100ul FN 26/50/cone CTC |
8010-0362 | Syringe 250ul PTFE tip FN 26/50/cone CTC |
8010-0363 | Syringe Hdspc 1.0ml FN 23/56/S-hole CTC |
8010-0364 | Syringe Hdspc 2.5ml FN 23/56/S-hole CTC |
8010-0365 | Plunger 1.0ml headspace syringe CTC |
8010-0366 | Plunger 2.5ml headspace syringe CTC |
8010-0367 | 0.5uL plng/ndl rplkit RN 23/50/cone CTC |
8010-0371 | Syringe 10ul PTFE tip FN 23/50/cone,CTC |
8010-0401 | Liner O-ring FKM 10pk |
8010-0411 | 2ml snap vl ambr redcap PTFE/Si 100pk |
8010-0412 | 10ml hdsp fl clr slcap PTFE/si 100/pk |
8010-0413 | 20ml hdsp fl clr slcap PTFE/si 100/pk |
8010-0414 | 2mL 8mm scrw vial+cap PTFE/sil 100/pk |
8010-0415 | 2ml 8mm amb scrw vl+cp ptf/sil 100/pk |
8010-0416 | 5mL storage vial snap cap kit 100/pk |
8010-0417 | 20mL scrw hdsp vial+cap pt/sl 100/pk |
8010-0418 | 18mm hdsp septa PTFE/silicone 1000/pk |
8010-0419 | Chromatoprobe for Bruker sampler 100pk |
8010-0420 | 20mm bimetal crimp cap PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0422 | 10mL snap vial and cap for 8410 sampler |
8010-0423 | 20mm snap cap for 10 and 5mL sampl vials |
8010-0424 | 20mm crimp cap,small 5mm opng 100/pk |
8010-0425 | 2mL scrw vialkit pre-slt PTFE/sil 100/pk |
8010-0426 | 2mL screw vial kit PTFE/butyl 8mm 100/pk |
8010-0430 | 19mm spta for slvnt vial snp caps 100/pk |
8010-0440 | Syringe 10uL FN 22s/51/3 Slim 1pk CTC |
8010-0441 | Syringe 25uL FN PTFE 22s/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0442 | Syringe 100uL FN PTFE 22s/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0443 | Syrnge FN 1.0 mL FN PTFE 22/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0444 | Syringe 2.5mL FN PTFE 22/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0445 | Syrng 10uL FN PTFE 22s/51/3 Slim 1pk CTC |
8010-0446 | Syringe 100uL FN PTFE 22/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0448 | Plunger 2.5mL 8010-0444 10pk CTC |
8010-0449 | Syrng 25uL FN PTFE Slm 22s/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0450 | Plunger 25uL 8010-0449 10pk CTC |
8010-0456 | Plunger 250uL 8010-0446 10pk CTC |
8010-0457 | Plungr 10uL 8010-0445 8010-0463 10pk CTC |
8010-0459 | Plngr 100uL 8010-0442/0446/0465 10pk CTC |
8010-0467 | Syringe 250uL FN PTFE 22/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0468 | Syringe 500uL FN PTFE 22/51/3 1pk CTC |
8010-0532 | 96 well plate 0.2mL polypropylene 50pk |
8010-0533 | 96 well plate 0.5mL polypropylene 56pk |
8010-0534 | 96 well plate 1.0mL polypropylene 32pk |
8010-0535 | Sealng mat 0.5-1.0mL 96 wellplt TPE 50pk |
8010-0536 | 96 well plate 2.0mL polypropylene 32pk |
8010-0537 | Sealing mat 2.0mL 96 well plate EVA 50pk |
8010-0538 | 384 well plate 0.1mL polypropylene 120pk |
8010-0539 | 384 well plate 0.25mL polypropylene 60pk |
8010-0541 | Sealing foil all plates adhesv PET 100pk |
8010-0542 | vial clr scrw pre-slit PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0543 | vial amb scrw pre-slit PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0553 | 4mL clr scrw 13mm blk PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0554 | 4mL amb scrw 13mm blk PTFE/sil 100pk |
8010-0564 | Vial septa, 20mm thin, PTFE, 100PK |
8010-0574 | snp shll vial clr 1mL 8mm ppcap 100pk |
8010-0582 | cap crimp 11mm preslit PTFE/sil 100pk |
8110002800 | Cleangpwdr esteele 500g, msds rqd,500/p |
8121-2258 | Cable-Assembly Power Cord 18-AWG 3-Condu |
815-0616 | Tubing PTFE 3/32 in x 5/32 in od, /feet |
815-0619 | Tubing, 1/4 in, precision viton, lgth/f |
815-0631 | Viton pump tubing, 25 feet/pk |
815-0639 | Tygon fuel tubing, 1/8 in id x 1/4 in od |
815-0640 | Tygon fuel tubing, 1/4 in id x 3/8 in od |
8210029100 | NaBH4, 500G, 1/pk |
8500-1233 | Refill, sorb trap |
8500-1572 | Glass wool, silane-treated, 50 grams |
8500-4410 | CE-MS Run Buffer, 5ampoules, 5mL |
8500-5851 | P-Bromofluorobenzene |
8500-5904 | Method 502.2/524.2 Stds (gases) 1ml amp |
8500-5963 | Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon stand |
8500-6035 | Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon std |
8500-6782 | 20mM Borate buffer, pH9.3, 100ml |
8500-6785 | Organic acid buffer, pH5.6, 250ml |
8500-6787 | 150mM phosph 200mM ammonium sulf pH7 |
8500-6797 | Inorganic anion buffer pH 7.7 |
8500-6900 | Organic Acids Test Sample, 20ml |
8500-6936 | Bismuth Internal Standard Stock Solution |
8500-6940 | Multi-Element Calibration Std 2A,2x100ml |
8500-6941 | Mercury Calibration Standard |
8500-6942 | Multi-Element Calibration Standard-4 |
8500-6944 | Multi-Element Calibration Standard-1 |
8500-6945 | Rhodium Internal Standard Stock Solution |
8500-6946 | Indium Internal Standard Stock Solution |
8500-6947 | Cobalt Internal Standard Stock Solution |
8500-6948 | Multi-Element Calibration Standard-3 |
8500-7000 | Gold Tuning Solution |
8650-0029 | Gloves, Nylon Sm |
8650-0030 | Nylon gloves, large |
8660-0791 | alumina powder |
8710-0004 | Pliers, long nose |
8710-0007 | Tweezer, 4 3/4 long |
8710-0018 | Pliers, retaining ring |
8710-0510 | Tool, wrench 1/4 inch to 5/16 inch |
8710-0803 | Wrench, open end 7/16in and 9/16in |
8710-0806 | Wrench, open end 1/2in and 7/16in |
8710-0899 | Tool-SCDR-Pozidriv 3-in-Blade-LG |
8710-0900 | Screwdriver, 4 Pozidriv shaft No. 2 pt |
8710-0972 | Wrench, open end 7/16in and 3/8in |
8710-1217 | Nut, driver 7mm |
8710-1346 | Cleaning Brush for SSL or FID |
8710-1534 | Wrench, 4mm both ends, open end |
8710-1561 | Nut driver, 1/4in for FID jets |
8710-1643 | Crimper, 8mm |
8710-1707 | Hi-Duty tube cutter for 1/8in tubing |
8710-1708 | Blades, Hi-Duty Tube Cutter 5/PK |
8710-1709 | Cutter, tube |
8710-1712 | Wrench, 12 Adjustable |
8710-1841 | Wrench open end 12 mm |
8710-1924 | Wrench open end 14mm |
8710-1930 | Plastic and PEEK tubing cutter |
8710-1931 | Blades for tubing cutter 5/PK |
8710-2391 | Rheotool socket wrench 1/4 inch |
8710-2394 | Hex Key 9/64in 15cm long, T-handle |
8710-2435 | Wrench, open end, 14 / 17 mm |
8710-2790 | Screw-Driver-Torque Pre-Set Adjustable |
8710-2800 | Wrench-Open End 1/4in |
8710-2801 | Wrench-Open End 5/16in |
8720-0010 | Wrench, open end 9/16 in and 5/8 in |
8720-0025 | WRENCH, 1/2 9/16 |
8829944000 | HIGH VACUUM GREASE |
8829944300 | GREASE, HIGH VACUUM, 25g TUBE |
8829951700 | Vacuum Pump Oil, Inland 19, 1 L |
8829954400 | Oil,Vacuum Pump,MS40 RVP, 1L |
884-2829 | Polystyrene card for Oil Analyzer |
8899999000 | APPLICATOR,COTTON |
899-1613 | Solvent wash bottle, wide mouth |
907-0056 | Carrying Case, Small |
9270-0658 | Paper, Z-Fold 8Pks/BX |
9300-0311 | Leak detector 8oz |
9300-0761 | Lens cleaning paper, lint free. 50/pk |
9300-2574 | Swab-cotton tipped both ends 75MM(100PK) |
9300-2575 | Cap-Bottle Fluorocarbon 33.0-MM-Size |
9300-2576 | Bottle, 125ml Clear Borosilicate |
9301-0407 | Needle Syringe |
9301-0658 | Fused silica needle syringe 10ul |
9301-0678 | Syringe, 1725RN |
9301-0713 | Syringe 10ul straight, FN 23/42/HP |
9301-0714 | Syringe, 10ul straight, FN, 26s/42/HP |
9301-0718 | 20mm silver alum safety crimp cap 100pk |
9301-0719 | 20mm Tan PTFE/White silicone septa,100PK |
9301-0721 | 20mm silver alum crimp cap,100pk |
9301-0722 | 12mm Plastic vial rack, 5/PK |
9301-0723 | Vial,4ml w/cap, Spta not incld GS,144pk |
9301-0725 | Syringe 10ul straight, FN 23/42/HP, 6/PK |
9301-0891 | Syringe 5ul straight, FN, 26s/42/HP |
9301-0892 | Syringe, 5ul straight, FN 23/42/HP |
9301-0895 | 100 Nylon filter membranes 47mm 0.45um |
9301-0976 | 20mm Gray PTFE/Blk butyl septa,100pk |
9301-0977 | Vial,crimp/snap,250uL,w/insrt,PP,100PK |
9301-0978 | Vial,crimp/snap,250uL,PP,cert,1000CS |
9301-0985 | FID cleaning kit |
9301-1031 | Septa for 4ml vial 144/PK |
9301-1130 | 500 PTFE coated Butyl rubber septa |
9301-1161 | Stirring bar, 7 x 3 mm, 5 mm dia 2/pk |
9301-1291 | Syringe Adapter |
9301-1337 | Syringe Adapter |
9301-1377 | Vial,screw,6ml,clr,100PK |
9301-1378 | Septa for 6ml screw cap vials 100/PK |
9301-1379 | Screw caps for 6ml vials 100/PK |
9301-1387 | 100ul -Vial Inserts 500/PK |
9301-1388 | Vial,crimp,300ul,w/insrt,clr,100PK |
9301-1419 | Vial,Crimp,FB,6ml,clr,100PK |
9301-1425 | 20mm Crimp caps with septa, 100/PK |
9301-1433 | PLASTIC BOTTLE |
9301-1446 | Glass Syringe |
9301-6341 | Solvent bottle, amber, 2L |
9301-6342 | Solvent bottle, clear 2L |
9301-6384 | Microcentrifuge Tubes o.5ML, 100/PK |
9301-6523 | Solvent bottle clear, 500ml with cap |
9301-6524 | Solvent bottle clear, 1000ml |
9301-6525 | Solvent bottle amber 500ml with cap |
9301-6526 | Solvent bottle amber, 1000ml |
9301-6527 | Solvent Bottle Clear 125ml With Cap |
9301-6528 | Solvent bottle clear, 1000ml with cap |
9301-6529 | Identification Silicone ring (2x4 rings) |
9301-6530 | Sticker for solvent bottles (100/pack) |
9301-6531 | Solvent Bottle Clear 500ml Pressure Plus |
9301-6532 | Solvent Bottle Clear 100ml Pressure Plus |
9910028200 | Vials 2 mL conical,polyethylene, 1000/pk |
9910031200 | GTA electrode extractor tool 2 draw bars |
9910032300 | Capillary assembly PSD-95/96/97/100 pk/5 |
9910034200 | Kit 5 rinse bottle capillaries, 1/pk |
9910039900 | Tubing and connector kit, VGA 76. 1/pk |
9910049300 | Zeeman GTA electrode tools (2 draw bars) |
9910052900 | Peristaltic pump tubing kit, spare 1/pk |
9910055800 | Tubing and connectors kit, Liberty ICP |
9910056100 | Photometric linearity ND filter kit, 1/p |
9910057100 | ICP sample compart/torch box tubing kit |
9910061800 | Tubing + connector kit, VGA 77 ICP, 1/pk |
9910061900 | Tubing and connector kit for VGA-77 1/pk |
9910064100 | Kit thumbscrews, Cary 4/5/6000, 1/pk |
9910064700 | Aperture mask kit for VASRA Acc, 1/pk |
9910075900 | Peri pump tubes for SIPS 10/20, 6/pk |
9910076100 | Tubing kit for SIPS 10/20, 1/pk |
9910081000 | Certif diffuse reflect wave no.std, 1/p |
9910081100 | Certified diffuse reflect std WL + WN |
9910083100 | Tubing kit SPS Diluter, scrw fittg, 1/pk |
9910083400 | VGA-77 tubing kit, 1/pk |
9910084300 | Cary 100,300-500, calibr clr stds, 4/pk |
9910085200 | Calibrated soln validation test kit 1/pk |
9910087000 | Drying tubes, Cetac Hg Analyzer, 2/pk |
9910087100 | Foam tip swabs for Hg Analyzer, 10/Pk |
9910092300 | Lamp adaptor kit for PE Lamps, 1/pk |
9910095700 | Linearity calibratn filter kit Cary 500 |
9910097500 | Tubing and connectors kit - axial ICP |
9910099000 | KIT FILTER SCREENS 3,10,20 |
9910099100 | Kit UV-Vis trans performance test, 1/pk |
9910101000 | Toluene/Hexane resolution test kit, UV |
9910103200 | Kit doors for thermostatted accys, 1/pk |
9910103800 | PCI interface board for PC Cary 50, 1/pk |
9910105400 | Tubing and connectors kit - radial ICP |
9910115100 | Capillary assembly for PSD-120, 5/pk |
9910115600 | Plastic beakers 10mL bulk std, PSD, 5/pk |
9910116900 | Kit adaptor 1.1mL vial 130 Carousel 5/Pk |
9910117900 | All-glass sample intro system Radial ICP |
9910120600 | Kit split ring tube retainer SPS 3,10/pk |
9910123600 | Aqueous tubing kit axial ICP, conc/cycl |
9910123700 | Aqueous tubing kit radial ICP, conc/cycl |
9910123800 | Aqueous tubing kit axial ICP, inert s/c |
9910123900 | Aqueous tubing kit radial ICP, inert s/c |
9910124000 | ICP Internal Std kit no. 1 blk/blk tubes |
9910124100 | ICP Internal Std Kit No. 2 Org/wht Tubes |
9910124200 | Tubing kit axial ICP low volatile+glass |
9910124300 | Tubing kit radial ICP low volatile+glass |
9910124400 | Tubing kit axial ICP low volatile+inert |
9910124500 | Tubing kit radial ICP low volatile+inert |
9910124600 | Tubing kit axial ICP aromatics+conc/cycl |
9910124700 | Tubing kit radial ICP aromatic+conc/cycl |
9910124800 | Tubing kit axial ICP aromatics+inert s/c |
9910124900 | Tubing kit radial ICP aromatic+inert s/c |
9910125000 | Tubing kit axial ICP, ketone + conc/cycl |
9910125100 | Tubing kit radial ICP ketone + conc/cycl |
9910125300 | Tubing kit radial ICP ketone + inert s/c |
9910125400 | Tubing kit axial ICP, volatile+cool s/c |
9910125500 | Tubing kit radial ICP, volatile+cool s/c |
99616701 | Two Stage Pressure Regulator for Argon |
99616702 | AIR REGULATOR, 8-1-h-590 |
99616800 | Acetylene regulator 81LA-510 |
99636001 | Sampling bag,gas,Tedlar,150mmx150mm,1/p |
99636003 | Sampling bag, Tedlar, 4 L, 1/pk |
99636102 | 1 L GAS SAMPLING BAG-PTFE |
99687600 | Nitrous Oxide Reg ,8H-326 w6284-326 |
99689301 | Gas Sampling Bag, 1 L |
99689302 | Gas sampl bag,5 liter,200mmx690mm,1/pk |
99712501 | Cutter,Terry tool,1/pk |
A4050 | Nut-finger-tight 10-32 0.06-IN PEEK NAT |
A4051 | Fingertight Peek 1 Piece Ftng 10/Pk |
ACR | Refill, Hydrocarbon Trap, 1pt |
AL11071 | Tubing,stl,1/16in x 0.030in,100 ft,1/pk |
AL20063 | Tubing,PTFE,1/8inx0.063in,10 ft,1/pk |
AL3000 | Tubing,SS,1.59mmODx0.76mmID,50 ft,1/pk |
AL3002 | Tubing,SS,1.59mm x 0.51mm |
AL3003 | SS Tubing 50ft 1.59 mm od 1.02 mm id |
AL30142 | Tubing,SS,1.59mmOD x 0.18mmID,50 ft,1/p |
AL3132 | Tubing,TFE,1/16inX0.038in,50ft coil |
AL3169 | Tube cutter,plier type,1/pk |
AL35671 | Tubing,PTFE,1/8in.x0.063in.,50 ft,1/p |
AL35709 | Tubing,PEEK,1/16 inX0.020 in, 50 ft,1/p |
AL35720 | Tubg,PEEK,1/16 in.x0.005in., 10 ft, 1/p |
AL35721 | Tubg,PEEK,1/16in x 0.005in x 50 ft,1/pk |
AL35724 | Tubing,PEEK,1/16in.x0.030in.,10ft L,1/p |
AL35725 | Tubing,1/16 in.ODx0.030in.ID,50 ft,1/pk |
AL35729 | Tubg,PEEK,1/16 in.ODx0.010 ID,10 ft,1/p |
AS4100250 | Cartridge, mixer, 250ul, 1/pk |
BACR | Refill, Big Hydrocarbon Trap, 1500cc |
BHT-2 | Trap, Big Hydrocarbon, 1/8in |
BHT-4 | Big Hydrocarbon Trap, 1/4in fittings |
BMSR-1 | Refill, Big H2O Trap, 1500cc |
BMT-2 | Trap, Big H2O, 1/8in |
BMT-4 | Trap, Big H2O, 1/4in |
BOT-2 | Trap, Big O2, 1/8in |
BOT-4 | Trap, Big O2, 1/4in |
BSR450 | 111 O-Ring Viton 90 (1) |
C-102SSC | Tenax/S carb Sulphur tubes, pack of 10 |
C-AT010C | Air Toxics (TO-17) SS Tubes; Pack of 10 |
C-BIO10 | Bio-VOC Breath Samplers, Pack of 10 |
C-BTX100NG | CRS BTX standards, 100ng, 10/pk |
C-CF020 | TD Tube Storage Caps, Long Term |
C-CHKME10 | Material Emission Std, 100ng, 10/PK |
C-CPLOK | Cap-LOK Tool for Long Term Storage Caps |
C-DF010 | Diffusive Sampling Caps, Pack of 10 |
C-FP020 | PTFE ferrules for TD Storage Caps, 20/pk |
C-G1CM10 | Glass Tubes with 1 cm Tenax, Pack of 10 |
C-GAT010C | Glass Air Toxics (TO-17); Pack of 10 |
C-GT010 | Empty Glass TD Tubes, Pack of 10 |
C-HY010C | General Purpose Hydrophobic Tubes, SS |
CP0004 | Test Mix 4 |
CP0031 | Test Mix 31 |
CP10048 | Cap,aluminum for 1 mL vials,11mm,1000/pk |
CP12052 | Cap Plastic 1/8, 100/pk |
CP12220 | Sample bag,Tedlar (PVF),1 liter,10/pk |
CP12221 | Sample bag,PVF TEDLAR,3 liter,10/pk |
CP12222 | Sample bag,Tedlar (PVF),5 liter,10/pk |
CP12224 | Sample bag,Tedlar,septa port,10 L,10/pk |
CP13011 | Recorder pens set of 5, 1/pk |
CP14988 | 1079 LVI liner 5/pk |
CP17969 | Gas Clean Filter CO2 |
CP17970 | Gas Clean Filter Oxygen |
CP17971 | Gas Clean Filter Moisture |
CP17971P | Process Gas Clean Filter Moisture |
CP17972 | Gas Clean Filter Hydrocarbon |
CP17973 | Gas Clean Filter Carrier Gas |
CP17974 | Gas Clean Filter Kit for Carrier Gas |
CP17975 | Gas Clean Filter Kit for Carrier Gas |
CP17976 | Gas Clean Carrier Gas filter kit (1/8in) |
CP17977 | Gas Clean Carrier Gas filter kit (1/4in) |
CP17978 | Gas Clean Carrier Gas filter install.kit |
CP17981 | Gas Clean Filter Starter Kit for TCD/ECD |
CP17982 | CO2 Filter Kit with 1/4 in Connections |
CP17983 | CO2 Filter Kit with 1/8 in Connections |
CP17984 | High Flow Connecting Unit (1/4 in) |
CP17985 | High Flow Connecting Unit (1/8 in) |
CP17988 | Gas Clean Carrier Gas Kit for 7890 |
CP17989 | Gas Clean Filter Sulfur |
CP17990 | Gas Clean Filter SCD Kit |
CP17995 | Intuvo Gas Clean Filter Kit |
CP22474 | Valco Plug SS 1/32 |
CP299103 | Test mixture, Piona, 1/pk |
CP299107 | Test mix Piona quantitative,1/pk |
CP4003 | Tbg,ss,1/16 in X 0.25 mm,ss 316 1 m,1/p |
CP4004 | Tubing,SS,pre-test,1/16in. x 50 mm,1./p |
CP4005 | Tubing,SS,1/16in.ODx0.50mmID,1 m,1/pk |
CP4006 | Tubing,SS,pre-test,1/16in x 0.75mm,1/pk |
CP4007 | Tubing,SS 316,1/16in x 0.75mm,1 m L,1/p |
CP4008 | Tubing,SS,pre-tsd,1/16in.ODx1.0mmID,1/p |
CP4009 | Tubing, SS,1/16in. ODx1.0mmID,1 m L,1/p |
CP4010 | Tubing,SS,pretest,1/8 in,2.1mm lth,1/pk |
CP4013 | Tbg,ss 1/4 in X 4.4 mm,316 1 m lngth |
CP4014 | Tubing,SS,1/16 in.ODx0.15mmID,1m L,1/pk |
CP4024 | Tubing,SS,1/8in.ODx2.1mmID,5m L,1/pk |
CP4025 | Tubing,SS,1/8 in. x 2.1 mm,10 m L,1/pk |
CP4026 | Tubing,SS 316,1/8 inx2.1mmx25 m L,1/pk |
CP4032 | Tubing,SS reg,1/4in.x4.4mm,25 m,1/pk |
CP4044 | Tubing,SS,1/16 in.ODx 0.25mmID,10m,1/pk |
CP4049 | Tubing,SS 316,1/16in x 50mm,5m,1/pk |
CP4056 | Tubing,SS,1/16 in.x 0.75mm,10m lgth,1/p |
CP4060 | Tubing,SS,pre-tst,1/16 inx1.0mmx25m,1/p |
CP4061 | Tubing,SS,1/16 in. OD x 1mm ID,5 M,1/p |
CP4062 | Tubing, SS, 1/16in.ODx1.0mmID,10 m, 1/p |
CP4065 | Tubg,SS,ptr/tst,1/16in x 0.15mm,10m/pk |
CP4105 | Tubing,PTFE,1/4in.ODx3.2mmID |
CP4250 | Tubing,copper,pretsd,1/8in.x2.1mm,1/pk |
CP4260 | CU tubing pret 1/4X4.3 mm, 1/pk |
CP4733 | Ferrules, repl,grpht, 0.25mmID, 10/pk |
CP4734 | Ferrules,repl,graph,col 0.53mmID,10/pk |
CP4781 | Ferrules,grpht/vspl, col 0.32mmID, 1/pk |
CP4782 | Ferrule,0.32mmID,0.25mmID 1/pk |
CP4783 | Ferrules,connect,0.25mmODx0.25mmID,1/pk |
CP4784 | Ferrule,grph/vspl,cap,0.53mmx0.53mm,1/p |
CP4785 | Ferrules,0.53mmID+0.32mmID connct,1/pk |
CP4786 | Ferrules,0.53mm ID; 0.25mm ID,1/pk |
CP4788 | Quick Seal Connector. 0.32 mm PLOT 10/pk |
CP4789 | Quick Seal Connector 0.53 mm PLOT 10/pk |
CP4796 | HIGH TEMP. COL. CONN. 0.8MM |
CP736520 | 4-position Connecting Unit 1/8 in |
CP736530 | Gas Clean Filter FID Kit 1/8 in |
CP738406 | 2-position Connecting Unit 1/4 in |
CP738407 | 2-position Connecting Unit 1/8 in |
CP738408 | Gas Clean Filter Kit for TCD |
CP738499 | Ferrule,LOWOX vspl,1/32in.x0,75mm,1/pk |
CP739297 | Gas-clean filter tube,1/pk |
CP739540 | Cable Assy PCB2-PCB3 SAMPLER |
CP740292 | Ethernet cross Cable yellow 2.8mtr |
CP740293 | Ethernet cross Cable yellow 10mtr |
CP741648 | 1/16 inch Male Connector, SST |
CP743056 | Duo Bed Pencil Filter |
CP743057 | Single Bed Pencil Filter |
CP743180 | Tubes conical PP, 30 ml, rack 24 PK 250 |
CP743182 | Tubes Conical PP, 50 ml, Rack 21, 25/pk |
CP7952 | Filter in-line dust 1/8 in |
CP7978 | Filter Connecting Unit -no baseplate |
CP7980 | 1-position Connecting Unit 1/4 in |
CP7980P4 | Process Connecting Unit 1/4 in |
CP7980P6 | Process Connecting Unit 6 mm |
CP7981 | Wall Mounting Bracket, Gas Clean |
CP7983 | Viton o-rings for connecting unit |
CP7986 | Male Connector, 1/4 in with dust filter |
CP7986SS | SS Male Connector 1/4 in w/ dust filter |
CP7986SS6 | SS Male Connector 6 mm w/ dust filter |
CP7987 | Flush Head for Connecting Unit |
CP7988 | 1-position Connecting Unit 1/8 in |
CP7988P3 | Process Connecting Unit 3 mm |
CP7988P8 | Process Connecting Unit 1/8 in |
CP7989 | 4-position Connecting Unit 1/4 in |
CP7995 | Gas Clean Filter FID Kit 1/4 in |
CP8098 | End Straighener ID 0.25-0.50 |
CP8099 | Tube Cutter for UltiMetal Capillary |
CP82117 | Male Connector, 1/8 in with dust filter |
CP82117SS | SS Male Connector 1/8 in w/ dust filter |
CP82117SS3 | SS Male Connector 3 mm w/ dust filter |
CP84011 | Tubing 1/8in X 2.1mm SS |
CP8451 | Wrench Open End 1/4 + 5/16 |
CP88505 | AIR ACTUATOR A-36S |
CP89103 | Interface cable for EMT/EMH,1/pk |
CP913777 | Sample tubing MiraMist, 0.018in id 10/p |
CP914757 | Fitting, ext Luer lock,10-32 thrd,1/pk |
CP915117 | Stainless steel phase filter 10um |
CP915372 | Ultra High Performance MicroFerrule |
CP915588 | Rotor Seal 6Port 2-Pos C2/C3-Valve |
CP915647 | Tray assembley with 10 standard position |
CP956093 | Frit, Valco, 1/4in. OD x 1mmID, 10/pk |
CP959268 | 11mm AC,ch;Sil w/PTFE r,45 A,1.3,100pk |
CP959924 | Gazfit fitting for ICP torch, 8mm, 2/pk |
C-PL010 | Liner, PTFE, Direct Desorption, 10/pk |
CPLHM202561 | Syringe,701 N (26S/80/17),10ul,1/pk |
CPLSP5125 | Transducer assy + O-ring, Ultrasonic Neb |
CR2111XX | Ferrules, graph, blank, 1/16in OD 10/pk |
CR211200 | Ferrules,grpht,strght,1/8 in. OD,10/pk |
CR2121XX | Ferrules,vspl,blank,1/16in.OD,10/pk |
CR213164 | Ferrules, 1/16in. OD x 0.425mmID, 10/pk |
CR213165 | Ferrule, short, 1/16in. x 0.5mm, 10/pk |
CR2131XX | Ferls,40pctgrph/60pctvspl,1/16 in.,10/pk |
CR213200 | Ferls,40pct grph/60pct vspl,1/8in,10/pk |
CR214406 | Ferrules,PTFE rd,1/4 in-6mmOD,10/pk |
DY50328800 | 5-101 BUNA-N O-Ring, N6 |
DY50390600 | ARCHON 80 oz BOTTLE w/o cap |
DY50502500 | Ferrule 0.050 ID Vespel VG1 |
DY50572600 | ARCHON 1UL VALCO Rotor LOOP |
DY50573990 | Water Probe, S/N above 995, Repl Kit |
DY50574190 | Sparge Probe, S/N 995-13160, Repl Kit |
DY50575090 | KIT, INSTALL, ARCHONand VELOCITY and 38 |
DY70001990 | Archon I.S. pickup/waste lines |
DY70007691 | Soil Probe, SV S/N above 13160, Repl Kit |
DY70007791 | Sparge Probe, S/N above 13160, Repl Kit |
DY70008101 | FLANGELESS NUTS and FER. 8/PKG |
G1103-60001 | Tungsten Lamp assembly, G131, 8453 |
G1314-60100 | D2 Lamp L6903 with Box |
G1314-60101 | Deuterium lamp w. RFID for VWD |
G1316-67005 | Valve kit 2pos/6port 400Bar |
G1316-67006 | Valve kit micro 2pos/6port 400Bar |
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