Keysight 是德N4917A 光接收机极限测试解决方案
主要特性与技术指标Calibrated injection of optical modulation amplitude (OMA), extinction ratio (ER), and vertical eye closure penalty (VECP) for accurate test resultsAutomated compliance and characterization tests for 10 Gb Ethernet and 10 G Fibre ChannelAffordable solution with one reference transmitter for 1310 nm and 1550 nm single mode and one for 850 nm multimodeComplete electrical/optical offering with Keysight reference receiver for 1260 to 1640 nm, single modeReproducible results with Keysight verified filters and accessoriesData rates up to 14.2 Gb/sAutomated testing provides BER versus OMA results screen
Agilent 34570A 数字万用表
Agilent 70004A 光谱分析仪
Agilent 83440D光波转换器
Agilent 86100A 光示波器
Anritsu 69347B 信号源
Anritsu MS9740A 台式光谱分析仪
HP 8153B 光波万用表
Tektronix DPP125B 误码仪
Tektronix DSA8300 数字采样示波器