RCB 201 汽车电源故障模拟器
HighlightsApproved by Ford acc. to EMC-CS-2009.1 requirementsPulses CI 220: A1, A2-1, A2-2, C-1 and C-2Pulse CI 260: FPulses RI 130: A2-1, A2-2 using a coupling test fixtureFixed repetition times and pseudo-random timingApplicationRCB 200N1 - Generation of relay switching transientsAs per FORD EMC-CS-2009.1 a part of the test pulses is not generated using a transient pulse generator similar to the ones defined as per ISO 7637 but being based on a circuitry including a Potter & Brumfield 12VAC relay and specifically defined components such as inductors, capacitors, resistors and switches with the aim of simulating "real-world transients". The EM TEST RCB 200N1 transient generator meets the requirements set out by the FORD EMC-CS-2009.1 standard document. It is built using the components outlined in Figure F-1 to generate pulses such as CI 220 A1, A2-1, A2-2, C-1 and C-2, CI 260 F and RI 130 A2-1 and A2-2 for which the RCB 200N1 is built into a metal housing. For RI 130 testing the RCB 200N1 offers BNC-type coaxial outputs to connect the specified test fixture needed for this particular test.
标准Ford EMC-CS-2009.1EMC-CS-2010JLR V1.1 (2011-01)BenefitsMicro-processor controlled RCB 200N1 ensures easy operationRCB 200N1 operation放大While including 8 different pulses and three different modes to sequence these pulses the operation is as easy it can be. A micro-controller sets the switches based on the selected ID (CI 220, CI 260 and RI 130), pulse (CI 220: A1, A2-1, A2-2, C-1 and C-2, CI 260: F or RI 130: A2-1 and A2-2) and mode (M1, M2 and M3) of application. LEDs are indicating the selected pulse and test mode as well as the status of the relays (SW0 to SW4) as requested by the standard.The test modes Mode 2 and Mode 3 are defined based on a pseudo-random timing sequence for the application of the pulses. this automatically done by the built-in micro-controller. Tests can be run in sequences or endlessly. The Potter&Brumfield relay is required to be replaced after using it for approx. 100hours testing due to degradation of the performance. A built-in counter is active in the background counting the operation time of the relay. The EOL LED indicates the current EOL status.To meet the requirements for RI 130 testing the RCB 200N1 is built into a metal box with the relay inside still easily accessible for replacement.To trigger the pulses the unit has means to connect an external trigger source while it will automatically be triggered internally when no external trigger source is connected.
Design of the RCB 200N1RCB 200N1 - strictly designed as per EMC-CS-2009.1Transient Generator EMC-CS-2009.1放大Ford strictly specifies the circuitry and components to be used for a compliant transient generator. The design of EM TESTs RCB 200N1 strictly respects these requirements.
Agilent 83497A 光电时钟恢复模块
Agilent 8157A 光衰减仪
Agilent 81637B 快速功率计
Agilent 34570A 数字万用表
Agilent 44476A 微波复用器模块
Agilent 70004A 光谱分析仪
Agilent 81000FI 光纤连接器
Agilent 81002FF 积分球
Agilent 81521B 光功率计探头
Agilent 81524A 光功率探头
Agilent 8152 大功率光学探头
Agilent 81533A 接口模块
Agilent 81533B 接口模块
Agilent 81536A 光功率计传感插件
Agilent 81560A 可变光衰减器
Agilent 81567A 可变光衰减器模块
Agilent 8156A 光衰减器
Agilent 81578A可变光衰减器模块
Agilent 81610A回损测试模块
Agilent 81619A 光功率模块
Agilent 81624A 光学探头
Agilent 8162 光功率探头
Agilent 81633A 分布式反馈(DFB)激光器
Agilent 8163 双光功率传感器
Agilent 8163A光功率计主机
Agilent 8163B 光功率计
Agilent 8164A 光波测量系统主机
Agilent 81650A 单法布里-珀罗激光源
Agilent 81651A 光源模块
Agilent 81654A 法布里-珀罗激光源
Agilent 81662A 分布式反馈(DFB)激光器
Agilent 8168E 可调谐激光源
Agilent 83440D光波转换器
Agilent 83480A 数字通信分析仪
Agilent 83483A 双通道电模块
Agilent 83486A 光电模块
Agilent 83487A 光电模块
Agilent 83492A 多模时钟模块
Agilent 83493A 单模时钟恢复模块
Agilent 83494A 单模时钟恢复模块
Agilent 8349 时钟恢复模块
Agilent 83496A 光电时钟恢复模块
Agilent 86100A 光示波器
Agilent 86100C 宽带示波器主机
Agilent 86103A 光电模块
Agilent 86103B 光电模块
Agilent 8610 光电模块
Agilent 86105B 光电模块
Agilent 86106B 光电模块
Agilent 86107A 精密时基参考模块
Agilent 86120B 多波长计
Agilent 86120C 多波长计
Agilent 86142B 高性能光谱分析仪
Agilent 86146b 光谱分析仪
Agilent N7740 多端口光功率计
Ando AQ2140光功率计
Ando AQ2730光功率计模块
Ando AQ2742 光功率传感器
Ando AQ2743 光功率传感器
Ando AQ4211LD组件
Ando AQ4215 光功率计
Andu AQ-4137 光源
Andu AQ-4142 光源
Anritsu 69347B 信号源
Anritsu MN9610B光衰减器
Anritsu ms9710c 光谱分析仪
Anritsu MS9740A 台式光谱分析仪
CVI Melles Griot 05-LHP-211-1 激光器
Ericsson FSU-975 光纤熔接机
Exfo IQS-3150 可变衰减器
EXFO WA-1650 光波长计
HP 8153A 光功率计
HP 8153B 光波万用表
HP 81551MM 点光源模块
HP 83540A 插件信号源
HP 8595E 频谱分析仪
IFR GPS-101定位系统模拟器
Jdsu HA9 光衰减器
JDSU OLP-55 光功率计
Keithley 7001半导体开关系统
Keithley 2001A 数字多用表
Keithley 2400 数字源表
Keithley 2400-C 数字源表
Keithley 2500 数字源表
Keithley 2502 数字源表
KEITHLEY 6221 电流源表
Keysight 11708A 衰减器垫
Keysight 3458A 数字多用表
Keysight 34903A GP开关模块
Keysight 81570A 可变光衰减器模块
Keysight 81618A 接口模块
Keysight 81623B 锗光功率探头
Keysight 81630B 大功率光传感器
Keysight 81634B 低偏振相关光功率传感器
Keysight 81636B 光功率传感器
Keysight 8164B 光波测量系统主机
Keysight 82357B GPIB 卡
Keysight 86100D 宽带宽示波器主机
Keysight 86105C 光电采样模块
Keysight 86105D 光电模块
Keysight E3631A 三路输出电源
Keysight J7231B 抖动通信性能分析仪
Keysight N5181A 射频模拟信号发生器
Keysight N5980A 比特误码率测试仪
Keysight N7744A 多端口光功率计
Keysight N7748A 高性能光功率计
Newport 818-IG高性能光电二极管传感器
Newport 918-IG 高性能光电二极管传感器
Newport 918-ir 高性能光电二极管传感器
NI PXI-1031 板卡
Photom EP-712 光功率计
Picometrix PT-12B 光电转换芯片
R&S FSP3 频谱分析仪
R&S NRPZ51 射频功率计
R&S NRPZ55 射频功率计
R&S NRP-Z55 射频功率计
Tektronix DPP125B 误码仪
Tektronix 80C02 光采样模块
Tektronix 80E04 双通道时域反射计
Tektronix DSA8200 采样示波器
Tektronix DSA8300 数字采样示波器
YOKOGAWA AQ2200-421 单槽型光开关
YOKOGAWA AQ2201 帧控制器主机
光示波器/眼图仪—Agilent 86100A, Agilent 86100B, Agilent 86100C, Agilent 86100D,Agilent 8610, Agilent 86105B, Agilent 86116C, Agilent 86105D, Agilent 86103A, Agilent 86106B, Agilent 86103B, Agilent 83493A, Agilent 83496A, Agilent 86118A, Agilent 54754A,Tektronix DSA 8300,Tektronix DSA 8200,Tektronix 80C08,Tektronix 80C15,Tektronix 80C07, Tektronix 82A04,Tektronix 80E04,Anritsu MP2100B光谱分析:Agilent 86142B, Agilent 86146B,Agilent 86140B,Anritsu MS9740A,Anritsu MS 9710C,Anritsu MS9710B,Yokogawa 6317B,Yokogawa:6370D波长计:Agilent 86122A,Agilent 86120B,Agilent 86120C,EXFO WA1600,EXFO WA1650,EXFO WA1100光衰减器:Agilent 8156A,Agilent 8157A,Agilent 81570A,Agilent 81571A,Agilent 81576A,Agilent 81577A,Agilent 81567A,JDSU HA-9光万用表:Agilent 8164A,Agilent 8164B,Agilent 8163A,Agilent 8163B,Agilent 8153A,Agilent 8166B,Agilent N7744A,Agilent N774,Agilent N7748A,Agilent 81632B,Agilent 81633A,Agilent 81634A,Agilent 81634B,Agilent 8163,Agilent 81636B,Agilent 86137B,Agilent 81623A,Agilent 81623B,Agilent 81624A,Agilent 81624B,Agilent 8162,Agilent 81625B,Agilent 81626B,Agilent 81628B,Agilent N7752A误码仪:Agilent N5980A,Agilent N4901A,Agilent N4903A,Agilent N4906A光开关:Agilent 81595B,Agilent 86062C,JDSU SB optical switch可调光源:Agilent 81640A,Agilent 81642A,Agilent 81680A,Agilent 81682A,Agilent 81600B网络分析仪:Agilent E5071C,Agilent 8722ES,Agilent 8720ES,Agilent E5061B,Agilent E5062A,R&S ZNB射频信号源:Agilent E4438C,Agilent 8257D,Agilent N5181A,Agilent N5182A,Aglent N5182B,Agient N5183A,Agilent 8257D,Agilent 8267D频谱分析仪:Agilent E4440A,Agilent N9010A,Agilent N9020A,Agilent N9030AWifi/蓝牙测试仪:Anritsu 8852B,LitePoint IQxel 80,,LitePoint IQXEL 160,,LitePoint 2011,,LitePoint IQ flex,Agilent N4010A