SRM 2257 PBDE Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane2,2,4 -三甲基戊烷中多溴联苯醚同系物 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2258 BDE 209 in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2,2,4 -三甲基戊烷中BDE 209 5 x 1.2 mL
SRM 2259 PCB Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2,2,4 -三甲基戊烷中PCB同系物 5 ampoules x 1.2mL
SRM 2260a Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Toluene甲苯中芳烃 5 x 1.2mL
美国NIST标准品 SRM 2261 Chlorinated Pesticides in Hexane正己烷中的有机氯农药 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2262 Chlorinated Biphenyl Cogeners in Isooctane异辛烷中氯代联苯同系物 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2264 Nitrated Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Methylene Chloride I二氯甲烷I中硝基芳烃 I 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2265 Nitrated Polycyclic Hyrocarbons in Methylene Chloride II二氯甲烷II中硝基多环芳烃 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2266 Hopanes and Steranes in, 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane2,2,4-三甲基戊烷中藿烷和甾烷 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2267 Deuterated Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate乙酸乙酯中氘代左旋葡聚糖 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2268 Carbon-13 Labeled Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate乙酸乙酯中碳-13标记的葡聚糖 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2269 Perdeuterated PAH-I Solution in Hexane/Toluene己烷溶液/甲苯中氘代PAH-I 5x1.2mL
SRM 2270 Perdeuterated PAH-II Solution in Hexane/Toluene己烷溶液/甲苯中氘代PAH-II 5x1.2mL
SRM 2273 Chlorinated Pesticides (DDTs) and Metabolites in Isooctane异辛烷中有机氯农药(DDTs)和代谢物 5x1.2mL
SRM 2274 PCB Congener Solution-II in Isooctane异辛烷中PCB同类溶液II 5x1.2mL
SRM 2275 Chlorinated Pesticide Solution-II in Isooctane异辛烷中氯化农药溶液II 5x1.2mL