Secondary Current Injection (SCITS)/Secondary Current Injection (SCITS)/Secondary Current Injection (SCITS)
Our range of units covers applications up to 200A and includes single phase and three phase units for testing and
timing of IDMT relays, thermal overloads, MCB’s and auto-reclosers, and the 200ADM-P captures data direct to a USB
memory stick.
There are several systems available which cover from 750A through to 6000A. Available in single phase, testing
applications include testing and timing of under and over current relays, circuit breakers and CT ratio testing.
Primary Injection Systems (PCITS)
High Voltage AC Test Systems
The range of units cover from 5kVac to 100kVac. All units have a variable trip range setting and key lock operation to prevent unauthorised
use. Applications include testing of insulation systems and measurement of break down voltage of electrical plant and components.
We can offer from ±15kVdc to ±30kVdc units which all have automatic earthing for discharging capacitive loads. They are designed to
perform tests on installed cables and jointing systems.
DC Cable Test Sets
Product Range
For full technical specification of any product please visit www.trtest。。com
Over and under current relays
IDMT relays
Over and under voltage relays
Time delay relays
Differential relays
Earth fault relays
Miniature circuit breakers
Power relays
Tripping relays
Thermal relays
Voltage regulating relays
Power relays
Induction Disk Relays
Solid State Relays
Auto-switching dual supply
RS232 for printer or PC
Data logging software