所属分类: Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) and other Lipophilic Toxins 腹泻性贝毒(DSP)和其他脂溶性毒素
产品编号:CRM-AZA-Mus 加拿大NRC标准品
产品具体信息:CRM-AZA-Mus is a certified reference material (CRM) prepared from naturally contaminated mussel tissues (Mytilus edulis) containing azaspiracids. CRM-AZA-Mus is designed to assist the analyst in assessing entire analytical methods used to monitor AZA toxins in shellfish tissues. Each bottle contains ~8 g of mussel homogenate with AZAs at levels appropriate for analytical testing. The certified values for CRM-AZA-Mus are: AZA1 - 1.16 μg/g, AZA2 - 0.273 μg/g and AZA3 - 0.211 μg/g.